Chapter eight

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Phantom lead the two other ghosts into the village. He then leads them into an abandoned house. He stopped and spun around to look the other two ghosts in their eyes. It was quiet for a minute.

" You ask who those criminals were." Phantom stated. " Mhm." Yuyu responded with a swift nod of her ragged head. It was a mystery how she could even nod it if her true self was unknown.

" Criminals? So they're bad guys? Who are they though? They seemed tough. But we are tougher than those showboats." Peter bragged. Phantom nodded with a smirk. " Tougher, eh? I seem to recall you not being able to take them down until I beat them with my powerful moves." Phantom commented.

" Yeah, give us some credit. We're a part of the Ghost Squad." Peter commented. Phantom looked surprised. " Now that I didn't know. There's an actual squad for ghosts?" He asked. " And if this world is lucky, we will get more than just that." Yuyu stated. " There's plenty of hatred for Dark types, Psychic types, Poison Types, and Bug types. Psychic types are actually the least hated out of all four of us types, but they're there because they're creepy to some Pokémon." Peter stated, counting some weird fire near his rags.

" Yeah. There is plenty of hate out there, and not enough love. Back on topic. So those monsters are a group of criminals that kill, steal, and more. They usually consist of more, but I don't see the water starter." He commented.

" Oh. Are they dangerous?" Yuyu asked, sorry in her voice. " Extremely. We were lucky to live. Very few Pokémon have lived past getting attacked by those brutes and their pet cloud." Phantom stated.

" And how do you know this?" Peter asked, very suspicious of this stranger. Yuyu didn't catch on to his suspicion though. Phantom looked at him curiously. " Because I've battled them before. They're very cunning, at least two. The others just follow. I swear they either have a crush on the Darkrai or Sandslash, or have just really sad backstories." Phantom explained.

" You've battle them before?!" Yuyu asked with her claw on her mouth. Peter had an annoyed glance on his face for a second before changing it back to normal.

" Of course. They're more annoying than threatening to me, though. I don't fight them usually like I did there. Usually if they attack me I just defend myself. But you two were fellow ghost types and you were in trouble, so I had to step in. No one deserves to die, especially not a ghost type. If anything it's those ruthless starter squad members that need to go away." Phantom expressed angrily.

Yuyu didn't agree with that. " Thinking like that won't make you any better than those haters." She said. " Maybe not, but it sure makes me feel better. The only ghosts that aren't shunned are the legendaries and starters. And shinies. Fuck those overrated abnormalities." Phantom stated.

Yuyu giggles at that while Peter only rolled his eyes, seemingly hating this ghost type. " Anyways, you heading back now?" Phantom asked. " Yeah! I forgot! We were so caught up with this talk that we forgot!" Yuyu exclaimed. " Forgot What now?" Peter asked her as he blinked in confusion.

" Barney and Abeja! They're attacking our friends! They might be dead by now! We have to go!" She exclaimed as she grabbed her Shuppet friend by the rag and dragged him after her.

" Hurry! We've got no time to play!" She told him. " Barney and Abeja? Who's Abeja? I know of Barney because she set Ghost Village destruction. But who's this Abeja?" Phantom asked, his jewel eyes flashing curiosity.

" She's the mother of Hurricane our new friend, but we found out she wasn't what she seems and our friends might die because of these two. Abeja is the queen of this one hive of Cutiefly and Ribombee." Peter explained.

" Oh. Is she dangerous?" Phantom asked. " So far as we know now, yes she is." Yuyu commented. " Then I guess you need to get back." Phantom stated. " Yeah. That would be great. It was amazing meeting you, but we should get back to Gar and the others." Peter commented.

" Bye, bye!" Peter squealed with an overexcited expression. " If that's that, then let me come. I want to join this Ghost Squad of yours. I thirst for fighting for justice. Ghosts need justice and this is the way to do it." Phantom stated with his hands on his hips.

Peter gritted his teeth. " Great! We need to find a way up the cliff, though. And I don't know how to float up there. Well I do, but I never had to before. And I can never do it right without someone's head catching on fire." Yuyu said sheepishly with an embarrassed smile.

" It's all right. I think we can find a way up. Without floating." Phantom said, rubbing his paws together. He then ran away shouting, " Follow me, Peter and Yuyu!"

" I don't like him." Peter muttered. " Why not?" Yuyu asked him. He shrugged. " I dunno." He said. The look in the male's eyes told Yuyu something different, but she shrugged it off. Like who you want and hate who you want. She thought with a smile.

She and Peter followed the darkish Pokémon. The purple Pokémon approached a Pokémon with wings. " Hello, can we get a ride?" He asked him. The Pokémon was a bug type also. It was a Butterfree. " Of course, Phantom. I told you I am indebted to you. Plus you can always have a ride from me, pal." He said.

He grabbed Peter with his feeler hands. He then bowed and said, " M'lady." He flattened his wings and allowed her to sit on his back. Phantom was held with his feet.

The Butterfree took off, swerving a bit because of the weight of three Pokémon on his back. He was able to take to the sky. He swiveled his head through the sky, looking through the trees as he searched for the Sylveon in question.

" Aha! There's the outlaw. And are your friends a Decidueye, a Gastly, a Mismagius, a Cutiefly, and whatever that ugly thing is. There might be more, but that's all I can see right now." Butterfree states as he finds a spot to land.

He flaps his wings and descends. Peter could practically hear Barney cursing. Abeja and Barney exchanged glances. " Grr." Barney growled. " There's too many of them." Abeja told her.

Barney snapped her, snarled. " I know that, idiot! I'm not stupid!" Her teeth were showing. She turned around. Her head turned back, though. " This isn't over." She snarled.

The two began to run away. " Don't let them escape!" A Primarina barked. " Who's that?!" Peter asked, as they all ran after the running away duo.

" That there is a coworker of mine named Pip with his water team. They're here to apprehend these fairy types." Eule explained as they made the mad dash after the villains.

Not even the fastest Pokémon could catch up to the duo. " We won't be able to catch them! They're too fast!" Yuyu panted. " Idea!" Gar exclaimed with wider eyes than normal.

He vanished. Then appeared in front of the duo. So did Mwamini and Peter. Phantom decided Now was the best time to use Power Gem. It hit the two on the back.

Abeja fainted with impact. Barney growled. " It's the end of the line." A Dewott stated, pass on two pairs of handcuffs. " I will never surrender." Barney snarled, and used Dazzling Gleam. All the Pokémon closed their eyes due to the rays of the attack.

Barney attempted to use that as a distraction and get away. Yuyu could hear her grab her partner and attempt to run. Yuyu heard a yelp from the Sylveon moments later. The light cleared up. Yuyu blinked black dots out of her eyes.

Barney was on her side, writhing in extreme pain. It was as if she was hit with a large metal creature. In fact she had. Yuyu got up from her position on the ground.

Bucky had escaped!! He's not going to get away! Not on Yuyu's watch! She yelled a war cry and used Play Rough on Bucky. Bucky just floated above her in amusement. She used Hammer Arm, and that move slapped Bucky's face. " Hey!" He whined as he rubbed his metal face.

He gazed at her with his scary red eyes. " You're welcome, you little brat." He commented, indicating with his wing to the now unmoving monster that was Barney.

Yuyu looked at the Sylveon. She glared at Bucky. " I won't let you get away. You're still under arrest." She stated. He just looked at her, eyes half lidded. " Am I? Am I really?" He asked her, flying closer to her slowly.

She backed up. " Y-Yes. You are under arrest. Nothing's gonna change that." She told him. She looked behind her. All the other Pokémon seemed to be out for the count or just half blind like the Dewott, walking around and bumping into a tree and apologizing.

" It's just us two awake right now. I can easily defeat you, pikacat." He stated, flying closer. Yuyu stood her ground. " Stop right there, criminal!" She shouted, smacking him with Wood Hammer.

He didn't really seem that mad when she hit him with that move. He just shook it off. He seemed to be in pain for a bit before just flying even more closer to her. Was it just her, or was he taking his sweet time destroying her?

" So why don't you? You've got nothing to lose. We're all easy to destroy now. Go ahead!" Yuyu shouts at him. Bucky jerked backwards. He looked taken aback.

" Do pokemon really think I'm like that?" Bucky asked. " You threw someone into a volcano." She stated. " He was dick. A huge dick. Shiny, but he deserved it. I was saving someone's life. Just because I'm a bad boy doesn't mean I'll throw everyone in a volcano. At least no one's given me a reason to now." He said.

Yuyu looked shocked. Bucky laughed. " I guess I'm not as evil as Tudi, after all. But hey, we do share the fact that we killed someone who deserved to die." Bucky stated.

Yuyu growled. " How could you say that?!" She yelled, angrily. " No one deserves to die you bitch!" She yelled. Bucky chuckled. " You have every reason to agree with me. Look at the Pokémon around you. Don't you even want those Sylveon to die? They deserve it. After all they do kill ghosts." Bucky told her.

Yuyu looked at her enemies. The outlaws around her, then back at Bucky. " Maybe to you. But everyone deserves forgiveness. I guess you never learned that, metallic wings." She commented.

" Look here. I can give you a nickname, but you can't. That's a stupid name. Nobody would ever use that name, like not at all. Not for anything." Bucky stated.

" Meh. It works." She said. " Bye Hey, Pikacat!" He screeched And was about to take to the skies. " You can't leave! You're my prisoner!" She yelled. " I can and I- Ow!" Bucky exclaimed, right as he was smacked down with Wood Hammer.

" I've treated you like a gentleman recently and this is how you pay me back?" He asked her. " No, this is how." Peter said from behind as a Shadow Ball smacked him into a tree.

" Oh great. The floating rag is here." Bucky exaggerates. " You're going back to jail, buster." Peter told him. " No I'm not." Bucky stated. " Yes you will. And I don't appreciate you sexually harassing my friend." He stated.

" Wha? Sexual harassment? That's funny right there." Bucky stated, glaring now. " What are we talking about now?" Yuyu asked innocently. " Oh dear Arceus." Peter groaned in embarrassment.

" You're screwed." Bucky laughed. " Sh-shut up!" Peter exclaimed. He fired another Shadow Ball. Bucky dodged. " Ugh. Looks like I need to handle this the rough way." Bucky states, glaring at Peter before using Steel Wing.

Authors note: Hmm...I wonder where metallic wings came from?😏 And what's up with Peter being angry at Phantom? Does he just not like him, or is it something more,hmm?😏😏😏😏😏😏😏 I hope you've enjoyed. And sorry for the late post. Like late post after ten.

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