Chapter nine

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The Steel Wing was easily avoided. Yuyu curled her claw. " Go back into your cell!" Hurricane shouted. She was up now. " Oh great it's the bug. And I think she wants to be squished." Bucky groaned, hitting his face with his wing.

Hurricane flew over to Bucky, and started to bug him. Bucky screeched as he tries to swat at the little bug. Hurricane giggled as she dodges every time he swats at her.

Gar popped out. Of course he was up by now as well. He used Lick on Bucky, slowly licking him. The Ghost-And-Poison type seemed to enjoy sticking his tongue in random places and on random places.

Bucky screeches with disgust clearly written on his metallic features. Bucky tries to hit Gar, but Gar disappears. " Coward!" Bucky snarls, trying to take them all on at once.

He was about to attack Hurricane once more. Suddenly, an arrow whizzed past Yuyu and struck the metal bird in his wing. He plummeted to the ground. The arrow struck through his wing.

He screeches and flutters his metal wings around like that would do something. Nothing. " That should stop the brute for now." Eule told them. " Why am I always the one getting my wings ripped?!" Bucky wailed as he frustratedly flaps his metal wings, trying to take flight.

" You sir are going to jail and are going to be there for a very long time, even if it is juvie." Eule stated as he casually walks over to the metal bird. " No I won't! I won't go back. You can't make me, grass bitch!" Bucky screeched.

Eule pulls out pokecuffs. " Don't struggle, kid. You'll only make this worse for yourself. Trust me, you don't want to end up being as bad as Tudi." Eule told him. " What about Barney, Abeja, Druddigon, and Stella? Aren't you going to arrest them too?" Yuyu questions, glimpsing over to see that the Druddigon was already gone.

He had abandoned his team mates. What a jerk. Then again he wasn't any good guy either. " We've got this one handled, kid. You just stand back and let the Starter Squad handle this." Pip, the Primarina, rumbled.

" Kid? You're the one who's younger than me." Yuyu stated. " I just look young, Pika copycat." Pip stared, pulling up his hood so that no one looked under it. " And beautiful." Parker, the Dewott, snickered. " I'll shove your scallops up your ass!" Pip shouts.

" I'd like to see that." Gar whispers to Yuyu who just giggles and that caught Peter's attention who glared at is friend. He mouthed something to his friend who looked ghastly after whatever Peter mouthed to him.

" Hey it's not my fault you look like a girl." Parker commented, waving off his threat like they were old buddies or something. " I do not look like a lady! Stop saying that!" Pip shouts, flipper slapping Parker.

Parker yelped before hitting him back. " Ladies, please. I know you love each other, but please not here." Spout, the Blastoise groaned, facepawing. " Oh shut up!" Parker shouts, his face now red. " What is going on?" Yuyu asked with pure innocence.

Pip glanced at Yuyu. His face suddenly sweat dropped. " Oh nothing." He told her, patting her head. " Well, we better get these guys over to the Starter Squad." Spout commented, placing cuffs on Abeja's feelers. " You're going to take them all? Don't they escape easily? Wouldn't it be better if we take one?" Gar asked, cockily.

He placed an invisible hand that he didn't have on Barney. " Can't we decide this later?" Parker groaned as he face palms. The Ghost Squad all exchanges glances. " Give us one." Mwamini states. " Your 'last one' escaped." Pip told them snarkily.

" So did yours." Peter stayed, indicating to Barney. " Oh shut up! It's just the idiotic ones that get out!" Parker snarled. Gar snickered. " So all of them?" He asked, finding that entertaining and funny. " Not all of them escape!!! Geez, you insult the Starter Squad like we can't even catch a Pokémon without them getting away." Pip groans.

" Because it's obvious you can't. You're just starters. Not even you are powerful enough to capture these villains." Peter dishonored as he shook his head. " We capture villains almost every day. You only have one. You're all weak and pathetic if you think Ghosts can ever live up to the greatness of the Starter Squad!" Parker yelled.

An arrow narrowly missed Parker's face. "Enough!" He cawed. All of the Pokémon turned to the older Pokémon. " All this fighting won't help us capture villains. We need take these villains and put them behind bars before anything else. We will let your Ghost Squad reclaim Bucky, but you must allow us to have Abeja and Barney." Eule said, turning to Mwamini.

Her mouth opened as if she was about to protest. She clamped her mouth shut when Eule continued. " Look," Eule began before she could say anything. " You're still new. You don't have many recruits, so leave the majority of the villains to us." Eule told her, giving her a winged hug before retracting and taking out another set of pokecuffs.

" But...wouldn't you just say that to make yourself look good in front of the presses when they've seen you captured Barney and Abeja?" Gar asks him, with suspicion in his gaze. Eule sighed as he turned back to the suspicious ghost type. " I don't care about the press. They twist things up and chew on the truth." Eule told him and spun around and took off into the sky to fly away, leading his Starter Squad friends away from the sight.

He also left them to grab onto the outlaws and Stella. Yuyu was glad she was arrested as well, but she wished she was going in their jail cell instead. Spout placed her claws on Stella and put cuffs on her. She woke up. She growled and struggled.

" Let me go you overrated shrew!" Stella howled as she attempted to use Moonblast. Nothing. Spout chuckled. " Sorry, you can't use Pokémon moves in those cuffs. Plus you mrs. deranged fairy type, are going to juvie for what you've done to these nice ghosts." Spout told her.

Stella laughed. " Nice?! They need to jump off a cliff and go to the Distortion World! Ghosts are evil. And you need to realize that, fatty." Stella insulted. " You have the right to remain silent." Spout told her, shoving her coward with a paw. Stella grumbled in anger.

She then turns to Yuyu. " You will pay for this you slut!" She howled as she put her paw to her eyes and put them back towards Yuyu. Yuyu shivers. She just threatened to come after her. Spout shoved her forward and she turned back to face forward.

Yuyu gulped. " Should I be worried about that?" She asks them with her claw over her ragged mouth. Yuyu didn't like the sound of Stella's threat. She was worried. Far more worried than she knew she should have been. What if by paying for this...What if Stella was going to hurt her friends. She couldn't imagine what she'd do without her new friends and leader.

A tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality. " Hmm?" She asks, turning around to see it was Gar who had tapped her. " Stella was just trying to mess with your brain. Of course you would be worried about what she tells you, but she doesn't know what she's saying. She's messing with us, man. We won't let her hurt you." Gar told her.

" Stella is going to juvie for a long time and so will Bucky. Let's just focus on getting this delinquent into the cell back at HQ and worry about empty threats later. Getting threats is a part of being a member of any squad. You don't know how many threats against Eule I've seen this now deceased Houndoom give him. It was all pretty nasty." Mwamini stated as she placed cuffs onto the now complaining Bucky.

" Oh come on. Can't we talk?! But not to you. You are an ugly witch who should have gone to the distortion world and not returned as a ghost. Yeesh." Bucky commented shivering. " You just talked. Now shut your pie-hole! And don't try to talk your way out this, buttface." Hurricane snarled in his face as she smacked him on his metal face.

" But I don't want to go with you. I'm afraid that ball of gas will fart on me." Bucky whined. Gar seemed to be preparing his invisible hands that he doesn't have still. " You want me to fart on you? Sure thing!" He cheerfully said as he floated above Bucky.

He then lowered himself onto the now horrified Bucky. " No, no, no, no, no!" Bucky spiraled as Peter snorted at his stupidity. A sound came from near the end of Gar. Peter fell to the ground, sounding like he was choking on something. Probably the air now that Gar let one rip.

" Enjoy!" Gar told him, licking his face before ,satisfied, floating over to Mwamini and smirking. " He's all yours leader." Gar commented. If looks could kill, Gar would already be dead by now.
" Did you have to fart so smelly?" She questions as she puts up the lower half of her body up to her nose.

After Bucky was done dying because of the noxious fumes, he continued on from where he was before. " And that puppet looks dirty. Well, the one who's purple. The other one looks fine." Bucky commented. " Just start walking you bitch, before I decide to decapitate you." Hurricane threatens.

" Fine!" Bucky groaned as they all started to walk back. " But don't expect me to like you, witch who really needs to be burned at the stake." That earned him a Shadow Ball in the face. He screamed in fake pain.

He set her free. She is the key. He thought. The key to owning the world. Set the psychotic Sylveon free and he can rid himself of the cruelness of this world.

He can't destroy them on his own. He needs her to do his bidding for him. He laughed evilly. He wouldn't set the other females free. He didn't need them. They were worthless to him.

He approached a cell in the juvie center. The young Sylveon seemed as if she was crying. She had her paws up to her face. She seemed as if she didn't hear him. He suspiciously came closer to her. Suddenly, her body slammed against the cell. " Who are you?" She growled, grabbing a hold of the male's body.

He didn't even flinch or attempt to move away from her. He needed her. He breathed in her scent as if he couldn't wait to use her. He couldn't wait. This was his chance. Ghost types get all the blame, and I can take over this discriminatory place. He thought as a wavey hand pressed against the cell.

" And what do you want?!" She growled at him. He had to set her free. Tudi wouldn't be able to get him what he wanted, he realized. He realized he met branch out and set this...female free even though she was pretty ugly.

The shadowed Pokémon smiled at her.
" I am the one who will set you free." He told her. " I am your savior." He assured her. She tipped her head at him. " And I want," He began. " I want this world to be more destroyed!" He yelled, punching the wall.

That got the attention of someone. " What was that?" Someone asked. Oh shit! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He thought as he mentally hit himself on the head.

" Why should I help you?" Stella asked, with clear disgust for this evil Pokémon on his face. He indeed was also one of the few types that was hated. But he didn't mind. Screw those overrated fools. He pondered. He thought over it for a while.

" It comes with revenge on Yuyu." He told her. She smiled insanely. " Deal!" Stella said as she shook his paw. " Now Who are you?" She asked. " The name? It's Skliros. The one who will destroy this world." The Darkrai introduced.

Authors note: So...Skliros is a part of this plot. What do they plan on doing? What revenge does Stella speak of? How did Tudi fail Skliros? What part of Skliros's plan involves Stella? What was up with the arguments between the starter squad and Ghost Squad? I really hope you've enjoyed this. This will be the last one for a while. 😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 Do you think you know what will happen? I love to hear your thoughts.

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