Chapter ten

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They walked all the way back to the Ghost Squad HQ. This cycle seemed to be continuous. All the Pokémon there were shaken up, except Peter who pretended like nothing happened.

Bucky was placed in the same jail cell. " I hate this place," he whined. Hurricane came closer to him and punched him rapidly with two feelers.

" Shut up! You're going to go to jail for a long time. Better get used to it, buster." Hurricane informed him. As the jail cell was closing by Gar's powers, Mwamini collapsed in a chair.

" Are you okay?" Gar wonders as he, Yuyu, and Peter exchanged glances. They knew something was wrong with their leader. Could that experience have shaken her up worse than they thought?

" No, not really." Mwamini breathed out as she tilted her seat. It was understandable. She was kidnapped by a villain, and then they had to fight their way out of it. " I was hoping that this job wouldn't get me kidnapped like that." She remarked.

" I'm sure Paarthurnax got kidnapped and pulled against his will many time as well. Don't give up, Mwamini. Sometimes bad things happen. We just have to try harder to be accepted by the public." Yuyu tried to encourage.

Mwamini smiled, " I appreciate the support dear, but it's going to take more than trying hard to get accepted by the Pokémon of this world. They seem to think that all ghosts are villains."

" If only they could realize that Ghost's powers aren't a curse, but a blessing." Hurricane sadly replied. " There's Nothing we can do. They won't ever let us capture the bad guys like the Starter Squad. To think I wanted to make a Ghost Squad." Mwamini commented.

" It's probably best if I shut down this whole operation. You five should go back to where you came from, or just...go somewhere else. The Ghost Squad is finished." Mwamini informed them.

" What?!" All five exclaimed. " Let me get this straight," began Phantom, his gem eyes sparkling with rage and disappointment. He must have wanted to join. Now he never will be able to, Yuyu thought in horror. Mwamini was planning on closing down this Squad. The only squad where she wouldn't be rejected as a ghost, but praised for being one.

Mwamini is giving up? Just like that? " You started a Squad and then cancelled it just because you were kidnapped? Bad things happen, man! Just because we're shunned now doesn't mean we can't change things." Phantom continued.

Mwamini only stared at him before pointing to the door. " Out." She told them. Is this-is it really happening?! I thought we could truly change the world!

All five Pokémon glanced at the door in sadness. " So we really can't do anything about this, can we? She's made up her mind." Gar glumly stated. " I really think she shouldn't give up because of my bitch mom and the dino-lution. But...she's really dead set on this." Hurricane commented.

" What about Bucky?" Yuyu wonders. " We will let the real squad handle this sort of situation. He will stay here till they come to get him." Mwamini informs them.

Bucky all this time was just watching this unfold. He seemed to be frowning. Why is he disappointed? There's going to be one less squad for him to deal with.

Yuyu couldn't help but wonder what was going inside the villain's head. It seemed strange that he wasn't soaring in his victory. Yuyu couldn't help but feel as if this Pokémon was a little stranger than she thought he was.

He tipped his head at her. " You five better leave. Sorry for wasting your time, and getting your hopes up." Mwamini told them. That was when Phantom beckoned for the others to follow him. The door was closed behind them.

" So are we going to just let that happen? No more Ghost Squad?!" Peter exclaimed, eyes panicking. " No!" Yuyu shouted. " There must be a Ghost Squad! We must continue the dream that Mwamini started. I won't let this dream go ruined!"

" I hear you, but how are we going to run a whole squad by ourselves? We need a leader." Peter wonders. " I could be the leader," Phantom suggested. " Or I could. I'm way more fun than you losers." Gar remarked. He got a rock thrown at him for that.

It was Hurricane who threw that rock at him. " That's stupid! Do you guys seriously need a leader?" She growled. She picked up another rock. Gar flinched as she tossed it at him.

" Maybe Yuyu could be our leader." Peter remarks. " Maybe Yuyu can be our leader." Gar mocked. " Shut up man! You and I both know you would make a lousy leader." Peter tells him.

Gar took a hit at Peter. The two usually best friends started to fight. How are we going to be a squad if those two even start fighting?! They're best friends! Oh I wish Mwamini didn't give up. There must be some way for us to be a squad.

That was when Yuyu got an idea. " What if we join an existing squad." She suggests. " What Squad would let us join them?" Phantom wonders. Yuyu smirks. " Oh no. You can't possibly be thinking them. Shit you are thinking about them. They're our competition, Yuyu!" Gar exclaimed dramatically.

" And they're the only ones who can help us out with this." Yuyu informs them glumly. " Oh I hate this already." Gar groans. " It's better than you two idiots fighting. We need a strong leader, not a fighting squad. I think I know exactly who will be your leader." Hurricane states with a smirk.

" We are not going there," Gar exclaimed. " Too bad. We have to." Yuyu told him as she dashed off, hoping that she was thinking of who Hurricane was thinking of too: Eule.

That or they would have to see if they could join the squad. She ran through the streets of Poketown, ignoring the comments of the hateful Pokémon around her.

No time to waste! She pushed past disgust-faced Pokémon as she searched for the one place...the one Pokémon who could possibly help them.

She hopped along, unable to feel the soft grass and hard rock that was underneath her. She straightened herself. She looked around. It's around here somewhere. This place is big! Yuyu reflected as her eyes glinted, spotting a Pokémon with black tipped ears.

Pikachu are considered Starter, right? Is this one a part of the Squad? She ponders as she immediately starts to follow the Pikachu.

It was a male. He had a flat tail. He seemed to be looking for someone or something. She approached him with haste, not heeding the fact that the Pikachu bristled when he notice her.

He swiftly straightened up. He was notably faster than any other Pokémon she had witnessed. He glared at her, as though she was going to bite. She put on her best friendly smile. She lifted her shadow claw out of her cloth.

" Hi." She said when within several feet of the speedy Pikachu. She held out her claw as if to say hello. The Pikachu backed half his body away, half angered and half afraid.

" Get away from me! I know what you're going to do! You're gonna kill me that Mimikyu did to this one Pikachu." He snarled at her, not backing down. For a Pikachu that wanted her to go away he seemed to want to move closer to her.

It was odd. " I don't understand what you are saying." She responded, politeness in her words. " Don't act stupid, ugly. I know what happens to all Pikachu whenever they trust your kind." The Pikachu snarled, his paws curled up in anger. His tail sparked with electricity.

" Yuyu! Look out!" The female Mimikyu didn't need the warning to dodge the Electro Ball. She barely dodged the swift attack. It seemed as if the Pikachu was mocking her with his swift work. It was just barely slower than her.

" You can't defeat me." The Pikachu bragged. When did I ever say anything about that? You just attacked me out of the blue.

Yuyu jumped out of the way of another one of the swift attacks; they were getting double the swiftness they usually do. The Pikachu's face had pure glee. It looked sinister. Yuyu regarded him with an glum expression.

" Being faster than you bozos is fun! If only it was this easy to get every Mimikyu out of hiding. The rest are scared." Bragged the Pikachu as he swiftly used Iron Tail.

I-it's not fair! He's faster than me and stronger! What do I do?! Yuyu wonders in a panicked expression. The Pikachu noticed the panic in her gaze. He seemed to attack even faster seeing her in a panic.

She tried to calm herself, which was next to impossible with a hateful Pikachu jabbing at her stomach every chance he got, and her eyes gleamed.

The Pikachu seemed almost more confident now that she was about to defend herself. Her claw glowed purple. She scored her claw down his side. He screeched loudly in pain.

Anger flashed in his eyes. " Stop refusing to die!" He growled loudly, using Thunderbolt. The attack was zigging towards her. She flinched when the attack almost hit her.

For a moment she thought it would. Suddenly the air around her changed. The air was strong. It stirred against the Thunderbolt, and sent it directly back at the Pikachu who yelped as he skittered to avoid the attack that was sent back at him.

The attack hit the wall of a nearby building. A giggle could be heard. " Not so high and mighty now. Got scared by a Fairy Wind." Snickered Hurricane as she formed another attack.

The Pikachu seemed surprised at the help. The Pikachu shook the shocked look off of his face as anger replaced it. " You will regret helping this Mimikyu! It doesn't matter anyways. You're both doomed." The Pikachu cackled, a storm cloud above their heads now.

He fired the Thunder. There was no time to dodge or put up another wind. The attack hit them both. Yuyu cried out as her body was shocked from the attack.

Hurricane screeched with the pain. The Pikachu suddenly smirked evilly, pushing on the Thunder even more. " That's how I like my victims." He growled.

Where are Peter and Gar? Are they still fighting?! Can't they put aside their difference and get it under their thick skulls that we're in trouble? Yuyu wondered as she gritted her teeth under the great attack.

Yuyu didn't know how much longer she could handle this attack, and Hurricane was fading more than she was. She was practically on the ground now. She was barely conscious.

She wasn't even fighting it. There must be something that could be done about this malicious behavior....Yuyu realized that the world did in fact need more than one squad.

If she wasn't convinced before she would be convinced now. Yuyu felt herself slack. No! You can't die this easily! She willed herself. She wasn't lasting as long as she wished.

They were going to die here-a swift, and harsh kick to the Pikachu's back sent him into a nearby rock. The Pikachu yelped. He scrambled to his feet.

A seething Eule was glaring at him. Yuyu was disappointed. So Gar and Peter are still mad at each other? Figures. But the female was glad someone was there to help.

" You! Stay out of Poketown You brute! Stop attacking one of the members of the Ghost Squad and the princess, you fiend!" Eule roars as he smacked the Pikachu's face.

" Wh-What?! Eule. Oh hi, old friend." The Pikachu said, confusing Yuyu. " You've been banded from Poketown, Turbo. Super speed your way out of here. You've got two merciful seconds before I beat you limb from limb and serve you to the Servipers!"

That was when the-so-called Turbo ran out of there almost as fast as the speed of sound. Eule turned back to the two females. " Where are your friends? Are you hurt? Is Mwamini okay?" He queered them.

Authors note: Things are starting to fall apart in this chapter. Where were Gar and Peter? Where was Phantom? Why was it only Hurricane who rescued her? Will things keep falling apart? Why is Eule in that last part worried for Mwamini? Turbo does not belong to me. He belongs to Pikagirl1527. Tell me your thoughts. Hope you enjoyed. I love hearing from my readers.☺️😉😉😍😍😍😍😍😆😆😆😆😆😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😄😝😝😝😜😜😜😜😛😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

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