Chapter five

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" Get up! I swear you don't have any ears." A familiar voice exclaimed, waking Yuyu. Eule. He was trying to shake Gar up. It wasn't working. " Morning, Eule. Why are you here?" Yuyu asked him.

The Decidueye glances over at her with piercing eyes. " Where's Mwamini?" He asked with worry. " Huh. She didn't return." Yuyu commented blearily. " What?! Where'd she go? And why's there a bug type in the Ghost Squad headquarters?" Eule demanded.

" She's here because she's joining the squad and Mwamini went to go tell Abeja that her daughter, Hurricane, this Cutiefly here, is going to join this squad." Yuyu told him.

With those words, Eule got a panicked look in his eyes. " You dumbasses!" He exclaimed in a huge burst. He extended his wings. " What? Why'd you call us dumbasses? You're the dumbass. You didn't even do anything so far as I can tell." Peter commented, insulted. He had just woke up.

Eule flapped his wings a few times. " Abeja is an outlaw! You don't know about her yet because you're not connect to the PK Police like the Starter Squad is." Eule explained himself.

" What?" All three asked in shook. Hurricane was still curled up fast asleep. " So it's likely that if Mwamini went to tell her that her daughter is going to join her squad she will attack her and try to kill her." Eule commented. " That's horrible. What have we done?!" Yuyu asked in a panicking voice.

" That doesn't explain why Abeja didn't just attack us from the start." Gar commented. " You mean you were alone with an outlaw?" He asked, horrified.

" No. There were other Rirombee and Cutiefly." Peter explained to him. " You Idiot! That's her cover. She's an outlaw. She might be a queen, but that is to cover up the fact that she is indeed an outlaw. Mwamini is in trouble." Eule commented.

With that the ghost starter dashed off to go find Mwamini. Yuyu looked at her friends. " We should help him. Who knows if Mwamini is okay." Yuyu states, walking after the hurried starter.

" H-hey! What about me? You can't just leave me here!" Bucky asked, voice rising. " We can and we will. You can have breakfast later." Gar dismisses. " What about your creepy friend? Can't you take her with you? She creeps me out." Bucky asked indicating to Hurricane.

" No. She creeps me out too." Gar dismisses as he shuts the door. " This isn't her fight." Yuyu states as she closed the door. Peter floated along Gar as Gar tried to converse with him. All he could think about was, what if it had been Yuyu instead?

He glances over at the Mimikyu who didn't seem to notice his glance as she braved a look of confidence and encouragement. The three walked through the forest without a word.

They couldn't believe they had been such fools to believe such a thing that this bug-and-fairy type would help them.

But how could I haven't seen that it was her. I've seen her before. I have battled her before...before that happened. Peter thought. I should have told them. He thought gloomily.

Gar chirped as they got there. " Shush." Yuyu told him. " Sorry." Gar sheepishly responded with a somehow noticeable shrug. Peter floated up to the beehive. " Hey!" He yelled inside. " No one's home." A voice growled inside. " You just spoken so you are in there." Gar said. " That was a horrible joke by the way." Gar added, tongue lolled out.

A Rirombee opened the hive and glared at them. " Her majesty the queen won't be seeing you brats today." The Rirombee commented, slamming the door. Peter glared at the door. " Give us back our leader you annoying bee! Fatty!" Gar insults.

The Rirombee opened the door. " I told you she won't see you now get lost putrid ghosts," He said, slamming the door. He also mumbled about a rude starter trying to come in.

" What do we do now? We aren't let in." Gar asked. " We'll just have to invite ourselves in." Yuyu states, using Hammer Arm on the door, breaking it plus part of the hive. A scream could be heard.

" Where is Abeja?" Yuyu demanded, pinning the weird Rirombee down. " Her..her majesty...." he began, coughing, trying to breath. " She's with..." He tried, then gasped loudly.

" She is with that Sylveon pal of hers. Now can go?" He asked. " No! Show us where she went." Yuyu growled, pushing him up against the hive.

" I don't know! Miss Abeja only trusts me with so little. Please don't crush me!" Begged the Rirombee. Yuyu released her grip. " Let's go, guys. We're done here." Yuyu states.

The two ghosts exchange glances and follow Yuyu. The Rirombee sighs in relief. " Ghosts really do deserve their own squad, huh?" He asked himself. That was the last thing Peter heard before they started walking again.

" This is harder than I thought." Peter voices out. Yuyu nods with an agreement. " I guess the best villains pretend to be good guys." She states, before turning her head slowly to them. " Like you." She stated.

" Only difference is the dinner here is never second best." Gar joked. " What's that suppose to mean?" Peter asked him. His gaze returned to Yuyu who was gazing a sunrise that had finally decided to come through.

" Wow!" She states. " Yuyu?" Peter asked. " One minute." She breaths out. Peter stares at the sunrise. Why is that anything to be looking at? It's just the sun. It's always been there. He thought before Gar stuck out his tongue and said, " We're wasting time here. Mwamini is in trouble! Let's a go!" Then he turns around.

" How do you like my impression of that Minun...or was it Eevee? Oh well. How do you like my impression of Mario?" He asked.

Peter just glanced at him. " Let's just go before something bad happens." He stated as he began to float away. " What's his problem? It's like he's seen the ghost of Luigi."

Hurricane opened her eyes. " Why good morning ugly. Can I please go guts?" Bucky asked creepily. Hurricane looked up at him. " Oh shit it's actually responding." Bucky cursed as he flew to the back of his cell.

" Some nerve you have." She grumbled as she sleepily gets up. She stops as soon as she sees no one is here. " Hey! Where'd they all go?" She asked.

" Probably to ditch you with me because you're such an ugly bee. Whoever the fuck had you must surely regret it." Bucky insult. Hurricane opened her mouth and made a high pitched noise.

The blast sent the bad Pokémon against the wall and unconscious. " Hmph. Serves you right. Rude." She huffed. She flies over to the cage. " Now where are my friends." Hurricane asked as she flies and opens the door with a feeler hand.

The sun was brightly shining on her face. She put up a feeler. " Now Where's they go?" She asked herself out loud as she floated above the trees as much as could.

" Why'd they go out anyways?" She asked herself out loud as she landed on the ground. She was tired of flying. Flying hurts her wings. She continued her search on land.

She sighed. " Why would they leave me out of this?" She asked. Laughter filed the air with its putrid sound. " Who's there?" Hurricane asked on high alert now.

A white-and-pink shape walked towards her menacingly and slowly. " Barney? I thought we caught you!" Hurricane exclaimed in panic. " No dinky prison can keep me contained. Idiot." Barney states.

" B-But the Starter Squad-" She began, heart finding its way to the throat. " Ah the Starter Squad. That dumb place couldn't even bother to get good enough cells. I broke through, and now I'm going to kill you." Barney growled.

Fear pulsed through Hurricane as Barney leaped at her. She flied away from the crazy Sylveon. This only makes the villain chuckle. " You cannot escape me. I'm on a mission to help kill you. And kill you I shall. Along with that Mimikyu friend of yours. Gross. She's very ugly." Barney insulted with a spat.

" Now hold on." Hurricane began, getting a little angry that Barney was insulting her new friends. Probably her only friends at this point. " Yuyu isn't ugly. And I won't let you kill either of us." She bravely states, standing her ground.

" As long as you're still here you are." Barney states. Out of the shadows her mother appeared. " Mother? What are you doing here?" She asked confused. She then saw a sight that horrified her. It made her want to throw up.

Mwamini was slumped at her side. It seemed some sort of ghost blood was pouring out of her head and it looked scary. She gasped. " What are you doing to my poor friend?" She asked.

Abeja kicked Mwamini. " You mean this idiot? I'm just teaching the dumbass a lesson in sociology." Abeja laughed as she walked closer to Hurricane.

" That isn't right." She argued. " It is if they're just ugly, no good ghosts." Abeja laughed. " You said you liked ghosts!" Hurricane exclaimed in anger. Abeja laughed sinisterly. " Oops. I lied. Now enjoy being ripped apart by my friend here." Abeja said, waving a feeler before she was pinned by a Decidueye.

" Greetings Outlaw." The Decidueye growled. " Greetings dumb ol' Eule. You here to spit facts again? Or fight me like a man? Oh wait you can't because you're a woman!" Abeja joked, snorting with laughter.

" Taste dirt!" He exclaimed, kicking sand at her. That literally made her eat dirt a little. Abeja gagged a little. " What a brat! You need another lesson." She decided as she used U-Turn.

The Decidueye evaded the attack and used Brave Bird. Abeja's eyes widened with the attack. " Dumb Starter squad member. You can't get past that I've taken your friend can you? You're just as bad of a ghost as she is. You deserve pain." Abeja growled.

" But does your daughter deserve pain as well?" Eule asked, indicating to Hurricane who was watching with confusion. "  She deserves even worse pain." Abeja states. " Both Of you should just die." Barney states.

" You're gonna have to defeat us both then!" Hurricane states, taking a battle position. " Let Mwamini go, or things are gonna get ugly." Eule states, glaring at the outlaws. " Too bad things just did, for you. Sike!" Exclaimed Gar as he and Hurricane's other friends floated or ran towards the battle that seemed to be taking place.

" Oh please power outnumbers being outnumbered dumbass. Dipwad." Abeja states. " But Who's the more powerful Pokémon here? You or us?" Peter asked.

" Being evolved I can take on you four without a sweat." Abeja bragged, looking at Hurricane and her friends. " Mother?" Hurricane questioned. Barney arched her back. " Stay back!" She growled, paw stretched out over Mwamini's body. Her claws were extended.

" Or I will rip your friend to shreds!" She growled. " How are you gonna do that?" Gar asked, laying off his defensive pose. He was just stating smugly at her.

She took out a bottle that she had somehow stashed in her neck. Hurricane wrinkled her proboscis as she sees how squishy the Sylveon's neck was.

She also saw a bloody knife and thought she saw a cut on the Sylveon's neck. How is that even safe? She wondered as Barney waves it in the air proudly. " Seriously? That's how? That's so lame!" Gar whined.

" Why don't you just try to destroy us the normal way?" He asked. " This will kill your friend. Now either give the world to me, or face the consequences." Barney snarled.

" I would like to face the consequences please." Gar commented. " You Shall never have the world! Only I can have the world! Mwah hah hah!" Peter laughed.

" We Don't have time for jokes, boys." Eule said. " Yeah, Eule is right. We need focus on saving Mwamini." Yuyu states, bouncing a little. " And save her we shall. We will see who will be laughing now. You made the wrong choice in joining up with this baddy." Hurricane states. " We'll see, bitch." Abeja growled.

Authors note: Oh boy. They finally know that Abeja is a bad guy. What will happen next? Xd. 😍😍😍😍😍. Happy Halloween. Enjoy.

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