Chapter six

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The battle started out with Abeja using Silver Wind. Gar tried to not get blown away by the attack while Peter slammed into a tree. Eule held on with little to no struggle. " Grrrr." Abeja growled. " I hate that bug doesn't affect as much as it should. Fuck you!"

" You done with your little temper, bug eyes?" Eule asked, a purple blob forming in his paws. It formed a circle. Shadow Ball.

He fired it at the bee-fly. Abeja easily moved out of the way. Barney screeched as it hit her instead. " Fuck you! You should have stopped it instead of letting me take the hit!" Barney barked, a Moon blast forming at her mouth.

She fired it at Abeja. Abeja went flying at the sudden attack from her supposed team mate. Eule swiftly ran at Abeja. " Hello?! Am I even a part of this battle, bitches?" Barney asked.

She got her wish of being a part of the battle, but not in a good way. Yuyu ran at her and used Wood Hammer while Gar followed her lead and used Lick. Barney screeched at both. He voice louder at the Lick.

" Disgusting." Barney said, shivering. " What can I say except your welcome." Gar hummed. He floated out of the way as Yuyu used Play Rough. Barney screeched.

Eule brought his left talon back, it glimmering with black/purple light. Eule released the Shadow claw and Abeja was trying to stop it with her feelers. Her feelers got claw marks on them. She yelped a bit before shoving Eule away.

She growled. " I am a queen. Get away from me, you freaks." She ordered. Gar took that as a sign to get in her face and stick out his tongue. " Heck no!" Gar exclaimed. Licking her body with ease. She screamed. " You're an ugly assed freak that's basically a ball of gas!" Abeja tried to insult.

She used Silver Wind. Gar got blown back against a tree. " I've been avoid the pathetic, weak, and idiotic starter squad this long. I won't let some ghosts who deserve to die take that away from me! You're all meddling kids!" Abeja screeched as Barney pounced on Hurricane who had almost forgot about the battle going on by now.

Gar snarled. Hurricane might have been an annoying bee-fly, but Gar wouldn't stand for Barney murdering her. His eyes seemed to glow. Sludge came out of his body. It hit Barney dead on. " Way to go, Gar!" Peter cheered.

Gar only smiled sillily before Barney Growled. She seemed to take massive damage from the attack. It was super effective. " Why you little bastard!" Barney snarled, as she struggled to get up, breaths coming out ragged. Her teeth were gritted as well.

Eule took that as an opportunity to take an arrow. He grabbed a bow that appeared out of nowhere due to his ghost powers. He put the arrow in the notch. It was different than a regular bow and arrow. It's tip glowed purple. And the area surrounding the Decidueye was purple.

Eule pulled back the arrow, and focused on Abeja. He fired it at her. She tried to run away, but the arrow was set on her. It penetrated her skin. She screeched a little.

" You're outnumbered." Gar teased as he felt venom coming out of his body. It slammed into Abeja. She screamed in pain. It didn't seem like the attack did anything. Except Abeja seemed to close her eyes in pain. Multiple balls of purple surrounded her body. Purple electricity seemed like were surrounding her body too.

" Wh-Why y-y-you l-l-Little." She stuttered in pain. " Toxic." Eule said. " You sure are saying something. Heh. Gar is a poison type." Peter commented.

" No. It's a move called Toxic. It poisons the opponent. And now Abeja is poisoned. Just come with us and you won't die from the poison." Eule explained.

Abeja opened an eye. She growled. " Never!" She exclaimed in pain, trying to ignore the pain as she used Silver Wind. Barney managed to get up and tried to use Dazzling Gleam.

" I...won'!" The Sylveon cried out as her body emitted a powerful flash that almost blinded half the Pokémon there. Yuyu, Peter, and Eule all closed their eyes.

Hurricane ignored the flash, not really that effected by it since she was a Fairy Type herself. Gar was confused. He wasn't as affected as even Hurricane. The only explanation he could find was that he was somehow super effective against Fairy types.

He never knew he was this powerful. Usually he's the one getting beat up by Psychic types and the occasional Ground types. Those ground types like to stay in the ground. Pun intended. Gar thought as he floated closer, ignoring the bright light of the Sylveon.

More purple sludge came out of his body in the same Venoshock as before. Barney gets hit and yowls in pain. " I hate poison types!" She yelled, leaping at Gar with claws outstretched. She was getting ready to slash him in half.

Gar knew she wouldn't be able to kill him anyways since he was already dead. He decided to mess with the outlaw a bit, and disappeared.

A surprised look over come the stuck up Sylveon. Her paws grasped empty air. " Boo!" Gar shouted, behind Abeja. Abeja for a moment dropped down to the ground in fright.

Gar has his tongue out. " Why you," Abeja states, trying to grab him with her feelers. He disappeared before she could get a grasp on him. He reappeared next to Hurricane. " Why are you doing this mother? I thought you like Ghosts." Hurricane stated, seemingly confused.

Gar could understand her confusion. She must have faked liking ghosts for a long time to where even her Ribombee and Cutiefly people didn't even know she was a villain or hated Ghosts.

Then again practically every Pokémon hates ghosts and think they're ugly as shit. Yada yada. Jerks. Gar thought. He moved out of the way as a Moonblast came his way.

" As if you don't know. Ghosts are the worst!" Abeja yelled. " Didn't you hear? Your mother is an outlaw. No time for stupid questions. Now is the time to act!" Eule exclaims, using Leaf Blade on Barney.

Barney easily dodged. " You're all fat and pathetic." She stated. Yuyu got mad. " But it's not us who got fat on the Pokepuffs all these years. You're slower than a Slowpoke." Yuyu states, using Hammer Arm.

That one managed to hit Barney. She stumbled around. " Weakling." Barney states, shaking her head. " It is time." Barney Growled, suddenly turning to Abeja.

Gar didn't like that. It seems they had a backup plan. Abeja whistled, while Barney yelled something. Out of the trees came a Druddigon. Eule seemed to do a double take.

Both Fairy types seemed to smirk. Then a sound of paws racing echoed through the forest. " I'm here mother. I've also brought someone else. I knew you couldn't do it. Not without me at least. Who's the ugly dragon?" Stella commented, before turning her attention to the Druddigon.

" Ugh. You're so pink. It kills me." Druddigon states as he puts a claw over his eyes. The Druddigon looked down at Mwamini. He chuckled. " Seems like she's getting what she deserves the ugly freak." He stated.

He then looked at the other ghosts. " Oh shit there's more ugly ghosts that need to be tamed." Druddigon states as if none of them were there. He cracks his knuckles. " I need my brass knuckles." He comments.

Then his eyes locked with Eules. " Oh hey it's little ghost boy. Been a while, huh?" Druddigon asked, a dark tone in his voice.

" You. You're the bitch who attacked Mwamini for nothing." Eule Growled, a Shadow Ball at ready. Druddigon chuckled. " You're the little brat who faced up to me when no one else did. I'm going to enjoy this." Druddigon Growled.

" Oh contraire." Eule states. " Once you lose again you're gonna go crying to your wife that you lost to a ghost once again just like you did ten years ago."

Gar was confused. Almost everyone was except Abeja, Druddigon obviously, and Barney. Heck when Stella is confused you know not many people know of this apparent event.

" What the almighty Arceus you talking about?" Gar asked. Eule looked back them. He gritted his beak. " This Druddigon is the same one from years ago that beat up Mwamini. For just being a ghost." The Decidueye tried to explain.

" What?" Gar questioned. " I'll tell you later. Just know for now this dragon type is our enemy." Eule told him. Gar looked up into the Druddigon's eyes. " Man that creepy Sylveon was right. You are so ugly. You make Peter better looking than you." Gar commented.

" Hey!" Both Peter and Druddigon stated at the same time. " You will regret that, Gassy!" Druddigon exclaimed in a growl. " How original." Gar sarcastically said. " Not like I've heard that bad nickname before. If you want to insult me at least do it right." Gar states.

That angered the Druddigon. He swiped his claw at Gar. He dodged it by disappearing. And with that, Stella ran into the battle alongside Barney and Abeja.

" Just stay still you annoying brat!" Druddigon states as he tries to attack Gar and Peter. Peter just shook his butt after he disappeared. Not that he had one.

" Be more mature you annoying worthless ghost!" The Druddigon Growled as he tried to hit Peter. " Be more awesome, you stupid Dragon." Peter flashed back. " Because your logic for hurting others is stupid. Kind of like your face." Peter burned.

Druddigon got even more mad. Yuyu prepared a Wood Hammer attack. She smacked Druddigon with it on the back of his head. That was about when Mwamini woke up. Still covered in ghost blood.

Somehow ghost witches get more attacks by knifes than something that appears to be nothing. That's what Gar was. Big ball of who knows what. Only Arceus that's for sure.

Barney smirked when she saw Mwamini wake up. " What's going on?" Mwamini asked, when she saw the battle that was taking place.

" Watch as everything you love gets destroyed, Little Mimikyu." Barney Growled, addressing Yuyu. " What does Yuyu have anything to do with you kidnapping Mwamini?" Peter asked with anger.

Barney got really mad. " Because it's annoying ugly sluts like Yuyu who ruin Pokémon's lives with their ugly masks." Barney Growled, jealousy spitting off of her.

Gar realized something. She's jealous of someone. But how? I don't think the Pokémon is here. Gar swiveled his body to look around.

" What are you talking about?" Gar asked. " Ooh! I spy a backstory!" Peter exclaimed with too much enthusiasm. " It's her kind that ruined my life." Barney states. " But what does Yuyu have to do with this?" Peter asked, being annoying as usual.

" Because it was a slutty Mimikyu that broke my heart. Now all ghosts and Mimikyu deserve to die! Now which of you should I kill first?" Barney asked.

" Druddigon?" Peter suggests. " No you idiot which of you should I destroy first? And don't say anyone else on my side you ugly ghosts." The Sylveon asked.

Stella just looked up as if she was expecting someone. Then a Jigglypuff showed up. " Oh my god they're so ugly!" The Jigglypuff states. " Oh boy! The most annoying Pokémon ever!" Gar exclaimed.

" As if I didn't see that one coming." Yuyu sarcastically said. " Your Pokemon posse is so predictable. Even the Druddigon was foreseen." Peter insulted. " Yeah. Not to mention you haven't defeated us yet and you think you can easily destroyed us." Yuyu states.

" You're so annoying! Brats! All of you! Die!!!" The Druddigon yelled with some anger that could really need to be solved with anger management classes.

Gar disappeared as Druddigon used Dragon Tail. It missed him, but he wish it had hit him instead. The tail slammed on both Yuyu and Peter Who were sent off a cliff with Yuyu blocking Peter from just floating up.

" No!!!" Gar yelled as he looked down into the abyss. " Hah! Selfish brats. For what they deserve. Guess now it's only time to destroy the annoying nuisance that we call a gas ball and that ghost owl. Oh and the witch too. We can burn her." Druddigon said, angering them all. " Two down. Three to go. And one bug to crush." Barney said, laughing evilly. It had seemed that Yuyu and Peter fell to their deaths.

Authors note: sorry if you waited for like forever. Well here it is. I wonder what will happen next. Are Yuyu and Peter still alive or are they truly dead? Tell me what you thought of this in the comments. 🤗🤩😋😋😋😋😜😝😋😛😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😀 oh and thank you for reading.

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