Chapter 1

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Bella's P.O.V

Kring Kring Kring..

The sound of my alarm echoing in my room waking me up."Urgh..."I said opening my eyes and switching off my annoying alarm."School.."I mumbled rolling my eyes."BELLA!!WAKE UP!!"my mum shouted from downstairs."I'M ALREADY UP!!"I said getting out of my bed.I took my shower and change my outfit."Morning mum"I said to my mum that is putting some pancakes on the plate."Morning!Are you excited for your school?!"my mum asked happily."Umm..not really"I said eating my pancakes."'s gonna be great!And maybe you can find new friend!".
"Maybe.."I mumbled.We finished our breakfast and my mum drive me to school."Ok,we're here"my mum said smiling.I hug my mum while my mum said "Have fun honey,everything's gonna be fine".

"Mmm.."I said getting out.My mum drive away and I start to walk to the school main door.

'Everything's gonna be fine' I thought.

I was busy with my thought and suddenly,I hit someone in front of me making my books fall all over the floor.

"Ouch,watch where you're going!"The person that I hit shouted at me."I'm really sorry,I didn't mean too.I'm really sorry"I said picking up all my books not looking who's the person that I hit.I look up and I saw a familiar face.


Catherine is one of the popular kid in the school.Not because she's a smart kid but cause she's a hot and beautiful girl in the school.Yes,I admit it that she's beautiful,but her attitude is not quite beautiful as her face

"Don't you have eyes to look where you're going?!"Catherine said angrily and annoyingly at me."I'm really sorry,I was thinking about something just now and I don't look in front.I'm really sorry,are you hurt?"I said sympatily but at the same time annoying with her attitude cause I don't see any scars or blood on her body.There's nothing big.

"Yes!My eyes hurt cause I see your ugly face!Now get out of my way!"She pushed me making me fall."Ouch..why she's so rude?"I stand up and pick up my things.

I walk around the hallway searching for my class.When I reach my class,I opened the door and,well its really loud in there.The boys are running around the class and laughing while the girl are busy gossiping with their friends and some of them were busy with their make up and all those stuff I don't know and I don't want to know.

I then take a seat in the back of the class cause I don't want anyone to disturb me.I pluck in my earphone and listen to some songs while reading The Fault In Our Stars book that I bought last month.I've watch the movie,and I thought its a great movie,so I bought this book.

My concentration is distracted by a loud sound of someone opening the door."Ok class,go back to your seat"a woman who wears spectacles said making everyone going back to their seats."Ok,thank you everybody.So,my name is Kara Edward.You can call me Miss Kara.I'll be teaching you Math"She said."Any question?No?Ok then.Let's start the lesson shall we?"Miss Kara said opening her maths book.


"Ok class,that's all from me today.Please finish your homework.I want your homework tomorrow.You can now go for your break"Miss Kara said leaving the class.I pick up all my things and go out for my break.

When I'm on my way,suddenly I hit someone making me and the person that I hit fall."Ouch.."I said standing up."I'm really sorry,I didn't see where I'm going just now.Are you hurt?"the person that I hit said."No,no its ok.I'm ok"I said looking up to see who the person that I hit.The person that I hit is a handsome boy.He has a dark brown eyes and brown hair.Then it hit me.The boy is Daniel.He is one of the most richest guy in this school.And he is quite popular too.Everybody in the school knows him.He is not a fuckboy or something like that,but girls like Catherine like him because of money.There's rumours that he is dating Catherine,but I don't really know and I don't want to know.

I didn't notice that I was staring at him."Hey,are you ok?"He said making me surprise."Oh..yeah yeah I'm ok"I said smiling."I'm really sorry again.I just in a rush just now so I didn't really see where I'm going"he said apologizing. "No no.It's my fault too.I didn't really looking in front"I said looking down.

He smile and then he frown."No,I'm sorry I have to go.My friend is probably waiting for me.He's gonna kill me for being late"he started to walk away."Ok then,bye!"I waved at him."Bye!Hope to see you again!!"He said running away to meet his friend.I smile to myself then walk away to buy some food for lunch before it is over.

After lunch,I have my biology class so I pick up my thing and go to the class.I sit on the back of the class again.Then the teacher come in and ask us to open our book.Suddenly,a boy come to our class making all the attention to him.The boy is Daniel.He is panting and breathing hard.He's probably running.

"I'm sorry,Mr Lee.I'm a bit lost just now"Daniel said at the teacher that is looking annoyed."Whatever,just go and sit"Mr Lee mumbled and continue writing some note on the board.

I was looking at Daniel and then I saw Daniel making his way to an empty seat next to me."Can I sits here?"Daniel ask."Yeah,I wouldn't mind"I mumbled the last part.He sits next to me and open up his book."I forget to ask you your name.What's your name?My name's Daniel"He ask making me a little surprised cause I didn't think someone like him will ask me my name.

"My name's Bella,Bella Cayden and I know who you are.You're Daniel Adams,one of the popular and the richest guy in the school.Everyone knows who you are"I said smiling making he chuckled a little."Mr. Adams,can you explain me what I said just now?"Mr Lee suddenly call Daniel making him surprised."Uh..Uh..I don't really know actually.."Daniel said looking down."Next time,please pay more attention to what I said.Now sit down"Mr Lee said making Daniel feeling relieve.I giggled at him and then pay attention at Mr Lee.


It's ended up that I have the same classes like Daniel have.I am really glad that I have a friend to talk to.I just get out of the school and suddenly I saw Catherine and Daniel holding hands and talking to each other.'Maybe the rumours are true.I shouldn't be near Daniel anymore.Catherine will be really angry"I thought.

I walk pass them and act like I don't see them and I pray that Daniel won't notice me."Hey Bella!Wait!"a voice shouted and I recognize the voice.I just turn over and looking down."Yes?"I ask."I was just wondering did you want me to sent you home?it's ok.Catherine won't mind it.Right,babe?"Daniel said still holding hands with Catherine."'s Ok.My mum said she'll pick me up but thanks for the offer"I said smiling a little."Are you sure?"he ask again."Yes,I'm really sure.Don't worry,she'll  come and fetch me"I said smiling.

"Ok then.Bye see you tomorrow!"he said walking away with his hand on Catherine's waist.Five minutes later,my mum arrive."How's school?"My mum ask while driving."it's ok"I said simply looking at the window.

Later,we arrived home.I walk upstairs and change my clothes.I do my homework then I go downstairs and watch some movie with my mum.After that,I take a shower and change my clothes.I wear a plain white shirt and sweatpants.I put my hair in messy bun then I went downstair for a dinner with my mum.I help my mum wash the dish.After finished all the work,I hug my mum goodnight and go to my bedroom.I am really tired that day.

I checked my Instagram,Twitter and all those stuff then I closed my phone and have my beauty sleep.

Hey everyone,sorry if this chapter sucks cause I'm actually really tired when I write these.I have so many idea but I just really tired to write it but don't worry,I'll do better on the next chapter.If you guys enjoy this chapter,give it a thumbs up! I'm kidding.If you guys enjoy this chapter,give it a big star and comment.I really love to see what's your opinion about this chapter.

~Nothing's impossible~

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