Chapter 2

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Bella's P.O.V


That's what I'm feeling right now.


I was walking down the hallway to my locker.When I reach my locker,I saw Daniel and Catherine kissing in front of my locker.They were like eating each others face out.I just stood there not knowing what to do."Ehem,ehem..."I heard a voice came from behind me making me to look behind and making the couple to stop making out

"This is school.There's so many people here so please respect other people"a young boy said.His hair is blonde and his eyes are blue.The couple started to grab their things and walked away.

"Thanks.."I said to the boy."Nah,its ok.They should respect other people though.By the way,my name's Henry"the boy who named Henry said smiling."My name is Bella.Nice to meet you"I said grinning while putting my things in the locker."So,Bella,I think I've seen you in one my class before.I assumed you were in the same grade like me"Henry said trying to remember."Yes,I've seen you before too"I said grinning.

"It's really nice to meet you Henry,but I have to go or I'll be late for my first period"I said looking at my wrist watch."Ok,then see you later!"I started to walk to my first period that is PE.

I walk to the class and I saw a teacher is talking to the students.I quickly go to the other student and listen to what teacher is saying."So class for today,we're going to play a game called dodgeball.I'm pretty sure that all of you know how to play it,right?"The teacher said holding a ball.I nodded my head cause I know how to play the game but I don't know if I'm good at it."The game is really simple.You just have to avoid from getting hit by the ball.You guys are going to be put into two group.Now,I want you guys to get into your group.Just choose whoever or what group you want"I started to look around not knowing which group to go.I look to my left then I saw Daniel and all the popular kids."Hey!Bella!"a voice call from behind me.I turned to my back and saw Henry.He was in the class too.I didn't notice him just now.Henry started to come near me."Hey,surprised to see me?"Henry said winking at me making me grinned.

"HEY BOTH OF YOU!THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR FLIRTING!NOW GO TO YOUR GROUP!"the teacher said.Me and Henry went to the group where there are just normal kids that is not popular.

"SO LETS STARTED THE GAME SHALL WE?!"the teacher said the blow his whistle giving the signal to started the game.

~Halfway to the game~

On my group,there's just me,Henry and two other girls that I don't know what their name is.On the other group,there's,Daniel,and three other boys.Catherine was also in the game just now but she gets hit with the ball so she lost.Daniel started to grab the ball and throw it at the girls.The ball hit both of the girls making them lost.It's just me and Henry now on our team.I took the ball and throw it at some of the boys on the other group.One of the boys get hit by the ball so he lost.So it's three vs two now.One of the boys pick up the ball and throw it at me but luckily I grab it and throw it back at him.I'm pretty good at this game.

Daniel suddenly took the ball and throw it at me.I was not ready for it so I thought the ball will hit me but I didn't feel anything hit me.To my suprised,the ball actually hit Henry.Henry was in front of me protecting me from the ball so he get hit by the ball."Why did you do that?"I whisper at Henry."Well,I actually think that you shouldn't lost the game.You are pretty good at it and even better than me.So,if you lost then I think I'm gonna lost too.Now,get up and go win this game.I know you can do it"Henry said walking away from the court leaving me and the two boys.

'Now it's up to me...'I said to myself while holding the ball.My team were shouting at me saying that I can win this.

I breath out and started to look at the boys.I stretched my arm and throw the ball as hard as I can to Daniel.To my suprised,the ball hit both of the boys making them lost.'They lost..They lost..I win..We win..'I thought then I was attacked by a group hug by my group.I was laughing happily.I couldn't believe it that I win.I started to hug Henry."I know you can do it!You hit the boys pretty hard!"Henry said laughing.I was smiling like an idiot.

"Hey Bella!"A familiar voice called me."That was a pretty good game.You were really good!You hit me pretty hard too "He said laughing making me laugh too."Thank you!You're really good too!"I said.

"OK EVERYONE!That's a pretty good game!You guys are really good!It doesn't matter who win or who lost.All the matter is that you guys enjoy yourself playing it!So that's all from me today.I hope to see you guys again soon!"The teacher said packing his things and started to walk away.I packed my things and walk to my locker with Henry."Thank you for believing in me.You're such a great friend!"I said to Henry while putting my things in the locker."No problem!"Henry said standing straight and saluting me making me laugh."Ok then,I shall get going now.I wanna go to the toilet and change my clothes.You shall change your clothes too.You smells disgusting!"I said making a disgusting face."You smells more disgusting than me!"He said making a disgusting face.I just laughed at him."I shall get going now,see you later!"I said walking away to the girls changing room."See you later!"he said walking away.

I change my clothes and started to pack my things.Suddenly,someone push me making me fell."Ouch!"I said standing up."That's your punishment for getting near Daniel!If I see you near him again,I'll do something even worse!"Catherine shouted at me angrily.Luckily there no one in the room right now.Catherine started to walk out of the room."That little bitch"I said to myself.I packed my things and walk out of the room to my next class that is Bio.

Hey guys!it's me again!First of all,I wanna say sorry cause i forgot to publish this chapter last Monday.I was really busy since there's gonna be an exam next week.I'm really sorry.Secondly,I wanna say thank you to all who read this story.I appreciate it very much.I am also sorry if I make some mistake in this story cause sometimes I didn't check it.So that's all from me now cause I have to do something else.If you like this story give it a big star and comment what you think of it.I love you guys!Bye!✌✌

~Nothing's impossible~

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