Chapter 11

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I set my alarm clock to 12 midnight 

Beeb.........Beeb...........Beeb  ," I hear as I wake , I look over at the clock at my nightstand . 12:00 it read .

I put on my shoes and start running back to the broom closet . Twisted the knob and yanked the door open surprised to find two kids ,  I don't know. same age as me. 

'Who are you?? ,' I asked surprised. 

The boy opens his mouth to reply but Newt beat him to it.

'That's Thomas and Teresa ,' He says .

'Wow, i don't come for one day and you guys replace me?,' I ask jokingly.

' Aww you jealous Beth?,' Ask's Minho  

' You wish ,' I reply, laughing .

' Hi , im Beth ,' I tell Thomas and Teresa , who were still standing by the door . 

' Hey,' They say back awkwardly.

'Why didnt you come last night?,' Asks Alby.

'I was sleeping ,' I say . 

I've decided not to tell them about Einar and Derek just  yet.

' Okay,' Says Minho , shrugging  his shoulders.

'Where are we gonna go today? ,'I ask

' Lets just stay here today  ,' says Newt .

Minho walks to a bag on the ground leaning against  the wall . He opens the zip and takes out a pack of chips .

'Where did you get that??,' I laugh .

'There's a  vending machine down the hall ,' Says Alby smirking .

' Noted ,' I  nodded.

' So you guys got your own room too? ,' i ask Thomas and Teresa 

'Yea we do ,' replies Thomas .

I nod . I didn't know what to say . Why haven't they let  me , Derek and Einar meet them yet? 

' Have you guys met other kids yet?,' I ask them.

' Nope we just met each other a few days ago,'  Teresa replies.

'Hmm okayy,' i reply and sit down on the ground in the middle of newt and Alby. 

We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing at each others jokes . I actually grew close to Thomas and Teresa.

.......................................................Time skip to a few months ............................................................

Its been a few months since me , Derek and Einar met . We have been meeting up in the same training room . 

'C'mon Einar , run faster! ,' Yells Derek  

We were running laps around the training room . 

'Yeah! run faster,' I mimic Derek . From all the training that  we have done . Its clear that Einar is more  brains than brawn.

'I'm trying!!,' He yells back .

Me and Derek already reached the end of the line . Einar reaches last and falls on the ground.

' Im dying!,' He says.

'Stop over reacting ,' I laugh , offering him my hand . 

'So what are we gonna do today? ,' Asks Derek .

' How about sword fighting ? ,' I ask , taking a sword and pretending to stab him . 

' Not today ,' I hear a voice behind me .

' Chancellor Anderson! What are you doing here? ,'  i ask. For this past few months we got to know a little bit more about Chancellor Anderson and to my surprise , he is not such a weird  guy  .

' I have excellent news! ,' He says cheerfully .

' Well what is it?? ,' Asks Einar. 

' Three of you are going to be working on a project , no more classes or test!,' Says Anderson .

' Yess! ,' Cheers.

' What kind of project ,' I ask.

' Okay , so we have 4 kids working on 2 maze's .  Thomas and Teresa working on Maze A and Aris and Racheal working on maze B . You three are going to monitoring them . Make sure we finish it in time ,' He explains .

' Why us though?,' Asks Einar ,' Why didnt Thomas or Racheal get the job? .'

He looks at Einar ,' Your smarter ,' He looks at Derek ,' Your stronger ,' He looks at me ,' I believe that you'll do the right thing .'

'Together you three are the perfect team .'He continues ,' So are you in?.'

'Sounds fun , I'm in ,' Says Derek.

' I'm in too,' smiles Einar .

'Well if your both in then im in too! ,' I say.

' I knew the 3 of you would do the right thing ,' Says Anderson.

' So when do we start? ,' Asks Einar .

' Tomorrow , rest up and meet back here ,' He says ,' Now go take a shower , you smell '.

' Okay ,' I laugh ,' Bye guys .

' Bye ,' says Derek.

'See you tomorrow ,' Says Einar. 

A/N: Hey guyss. So sorry for not updating for 3 monthsss 😥😥 . Im not gonna give reasons on why i didnt update , i'll just be giving excuses , and a good author does not do that . Im very sorry. Hope yall enjoyed this chapter . More coming soon . Hopefully the next one is longerr .

As always dont forget to star , comment and follow . I loveeee reading your comments . 

Pm if yall need to talk or your just bored lol .

Thank you for being the best readers everrr . 

Have a great dayyy . 

Love yall.

Byeee 💙💜❤❤❤

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