Chapter 12

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 I wake early the next day . I'm exited to start the project . Millions of questions flood my head . 

What are Thomas and Teresa gonna say when they see me? 

Are they gonna tell the boys? 

What are the boys gonna say? 


My train of thoughts got cut by the sound of knocking on my door . I open the door and see Miss Angel. She has a tray of food in her hands.

'Good Morning!,' She says .

'Morning!,' I reply with enthusiasm.

' Here , eat up,' She says , handing me the tray .

'Thank You,' I say , I eat the food and wash my mouth .

'Im ready!,' I tell her .

'Okay , lets go,' She leads me to a room . The room had a big table .The table was surrounded with people . Most of them i know . I look over to Einar and Derek, there was an empty space in between them . Einar gestures me to sit there. I walk over an take my seat .

'Ahh glad you can make it Beth ,' Says Anderson . I smile and nod .

I look around the table and Thomas and Teresa . They look at me confused , I  mouth "Tell You later " at them. They nod and pretend not to have seen anything . 

' Okay , since everyone is here , I'll just start the meeting ,' Says Anderson ,' Okay so , the  project i was telling you about ,' He gestures at the boys and me ,' Its an experiment , to start the experiment we need equipment's and the environment, That's what Aris , Racheal , Teresa and Thomas have been working on this last few months ,' 

'Last few months? ,'I think to my self . I raise my eyebrows at Thomas and Teresa .

' Tell you later ,' Mouths Thomas, at me. I nod . 'What was that?', Asks Derek . ' I dont know ,' I lie.

'They have been working on building a maze ,' He continues ,' The reason to why i called this meeting is to speed up the proses of building it . You three are just going to be monitoring and making sure we finish building the Maze . Any  questions? He asks .

' Why do we need a gigantic maze? ,' I ask sarcastically.

' To cure everyone , to make a solution to this curse .' He says . I nod.

' Any more Questions? ,' He asks everyone . Everyone shakes their head's.

'Good ,' He smiles , ' Why dont you kids take a brake today and get to know each other,' He says .

' That sounds fun ,' Says Einar .

'Yea ,' says Teresa.

Anderson gets up and walks out the door with all the other adults trailing behind him.

We sit in the awkward quietness for a few minutes , until i couldnt handle it . I nudge Einar with my foot . 

' What ,' He whispers.

' Say something ,' Whisper back .

' Like what ,' He asks .

' I dont know ,' I reply .

' Soooo ,' He starts , a little too loudly ,' What do you guys like to do in your free time? ,' He asks. 

'That's seriously the only question you could think of? ,' Asks Derek Sarcastically .

' You give it a try then if ur so good at it ,' He reply's back .

' Have you guys met anyone other then us yet ,' He asks .

Thomas and Teresa looks at me ,' No not yet ,' she reply's . 

' How about You guys ,' She directs he question to Aries and Racheal .

' Nope, just you guys ,' Smile's Racheal .

 We talked and got to know each other more throughout the day , Aries was the only one who didnt talk much . 

While the others were talking , Me, Thomas and Teresa went to the side to have a chat .

'Sooo , does Minho and the others know about Einar and Derek? ,' Asks Thomas .

' No , they dont ,' I reply. 

' Maybe we should keep all these a secret until we know more?,' Suggests Teresa .

' I second that ,' Says Thomas .

' Yea okay,' I reply .

We get back to the others before anyone notices we were gone . Well maybe not everyone .

'What were you guys talking about ,' Asks Einar quietly .

' We were just getting to know each other  ,' I lie .

Lying . A talent im getting really good at. 

' Well its getting late guys , We are gonna go to bed ,' Saya Racheal.

'Yea us too,' says Derek .

' See you guys tomorrow ,' Says Teresa .

We say our ' Good Nights ' and go to bed . 

~ Heyyyyyyyyyyy guyssss . Thats all for todayy , Hope yall loved this chapter!! 

Like always , dont forget to Comment , Star and Follow . I loveee reading Your comments! 

If you need to talk or just need a friend , Im always here <3

Byee for nowwww.

Love yall <3333 .~

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