Chapter 13

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of violent knocking . 

'Im coming ,' I yell as the sound gets unbearable. 

I open the door to see an angry looking Miss Angel. 

'Oh hey ,' I say.

'Hey??,' She practically shouts ,' Why aren't you ready yet?? We are late .'

'Late? late for what?', I ask .

' Were you even in that meeting yesterday?  You have to go help build the maze remember ,' She tells me .

' At 7 in the morning? ,' I ask .

'Just get ready ,' She says getting annoyed . 

'Okey,' I reply . 

I come out about 10 minutes later . Miss Angel started leading the way to what seems to be a secret ground floor . As soon as we step out of the elevator I was greeted by both Darek and Einar . They both looked very sleepy .

'Hey,' I say as I walk up to them . 

Darek  waves sleepily . Einar smiles . 

We were standing on what seemed to be a clear lobby . The walls were made out of glass . It overlooked what seemed to be the maze they were building . It was beautiful . So many people working on it . 

'Whoa,' I sigh . I was so amazed . 

'Oh good , your all here ,' Says Chancellor Anderson  

'This is amazing ,' says Einar .

Darek nod's still in awe .

'Im glad you like it , i have dedicated  my whole life to this ,' He says , smiling proud of himself .' And that is one of the reasons why this is so important to me . I actually  believe that this is going to solve our flare problem . I need you to believe it too . We cant do it if we dont believe in what we do . '

'I believe in it ,' Says Darek

'I believe,' Says Einar 

'I believe too ,'I say . And i really do , I think the world has already gone to hell and we're gonna help bring it back . We are gonna restore humanity . Yes people were ass holes before the flare but at least they didnt go around eating people . Well most of them anyway .

'Okey then , lets get started ,' Says Chancellor Anderson

He walks back to the glass door he came from , it slides open and he steps on a lift leading down to where all the people were working .

And so did we , We monitored, we gave comments (Aris didnt really enjoy that) . Day in and day out we were underground , building and testing the maze out .  And at the end of the day I went to bed , happy and proud . I didnt set an alarm to go see the boys . I wondered if Thomas and Teresa would go . I wonder what they would talk about . I missed them . But I set my mind on W.I.C.K.E.D  . 


' We really shouldn't be doing this ,' I smile against his mouth . Adrenalin coursing through me .

' Say the word love , I'll stop,' His hands sliding to my waist . 

We keep kissing . He smirks .

The last couple of months have been great . Days spent building the maze . Nights spent with Einar .   

We are both hiding in the random stairwell no one uses . My back pressed to the wall . 

Einar takes a step back and says ' Maybe we should get some sleep . Big day tomorrow .' 

'Your right ,' The first batch of kids are gonna go into the maze tomorrow . 

I wonder who its gonna be .  Chancellor Anderson decided he wants  it to be a secret . 

Me and Einar walk back to our rooms , hand it hand 

A/N : Yup  , Im not dead yet lmao. 

How are yall?? Thank you if your still reading . Love u . 

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