Chapter 8

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We are walking down a corridor where i have never been down before.

Im trying to keep calm and walk at the same pace as Miss Angel but end up skipping a few steps ahead of her. And finally.........finally, we come face to face with a door .

"Well go on ",she says with a wide smile.

 I push through the doors , to find two boys about my age sitting around a round table . It had one vacant seat . I walked over and sat on him. 

" Erm Hi", I say , waiving my hand.

" Hey, Im Einar ", says one of them extending his hand for me to shake . He had a slim body , dirty blond hair and amazing eyes . They were winter grey .

" Im Derek ", says the other one . He unlike Einar, had a big body , auburn brown hair  but slightly curly and aqua marine eyes .

" Im Beth ", I smile.

" So , me and Derek have been talking and getting to know each other," says Einar." Your turn," He smiles . 

' Well my name is Beth, im 10 and my room is just down the hall," I say . 

" Im 11 and Einar is 10 too," says Derek.

" So do you guys have your own rooms too? ", i ask.

"Yup, do you get food delivered to you?", He asks 

" Yea , but i dont get it tho, I have seen the big cafeteria! , But why  are we separated? ", I ask.

" Maybe we are special? ," suggest Einar.

" Special huh, I like the sound of that! ," I laugh. Leaning on the table.

" Yeah ," laugh's Derek 

There was a knock on the door , the door knob twist and Miss Angel walk's in. 

" Times up," says Miss Angel," you will have time to talk another time . We have to go now.

" Huh , we were timed?," I asked confused.

" Yes you were ," she says ," Now , c'mon!. 

" Okay ," I  get up ," Bye ," I tell the boys.

" Bye ,"they say together.

" Okay, what's the rush?," I ask.

" We have a very important man to see," She says .

" And who is this 'important man'," I ask , making air quotes with my finger's.

" You'll see," is all she says.

A/N: Man i haven't updated like in forever!  Well , here it is . Next part should be out soon. Hope you enjoyed this part . I just finished my exam's , should be getting my results by this week . Bye for now!!!

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