Chapter 13: Song

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With food and herbs in a small sack,
Seth walked all the way back,
From the town's little grocery shack
To the girl from the mountain hut.

He heard a voice, so sweet, so pure
Enough to cast a spell, and allure
Him to follow the voice, and for sure,
It was the girl from the mountain hut.

She spread the white sheets out to dry.
She also sang along, singing low and high.
Neither the animals, nor even the bird's cry
Disturbed the girl from the mountain hut.

She was singing that song from before.
A little bird's story, a passed down lore,
Like the bird, she wanted to be caged no more-
Sang the girl from the mountain hut.

"You had caught me on a fateful day.
Far from my home, you took me away.
You forced into a place, where I was a stray."
Sang the girl from the mountain hut.

"My blue skies were covered in steel grey.
The cage and chains you gave, was to keep me at bay,
So that I should never think of flying away."
Sang the girl from the mountain hut.

"So I sang for freedom, sang for the day,
I get my home back, and there I'll stay.
I'll live as me, not as your prey."
Sang the girl from the mountain hut.

Choking with emotion, she stopped her tune.
Seth had also arrived at the hut quite soon.
He quietly placed the food near the stray bowls and spoons.
He was ready to leave the girl from the mountain hut.

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