Chapter 28: History

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After they awoke, they readied their everything.
They were to leave as soon as possible, first thing.
The girl then revealed to Seth, something.
It was the history of the girl from the mountain hut.

"You may know about it, but you don't know all.
You see, the reason behind the Magical Clan's downfall,
Was Liam. He put up against us an iron wall."
Said the girl from the mountain hut.

"Years ago, when my mother was the Enchantress Grand,
She had visitors from the other side of the land.
The men from the Eastern Empire had caused our unity to disband."
Said the girl from the mountain hut.

"They first came to us as traders to trade.
They asked us for magic stones in exchange for silks and jade.
But we neither let our guard down nor get played."
Said the girl from the mountain hut.

"They soon found our Magical Source Stone.
It was the reason behind the magic we hone.
Liam, their leader, swore not to return alone."
Said the girl from the mountain hut.

"He wanted to harvest our magic at all cost.
His greed had caused the line to be crossed.
A war was caused, was fought, was lost."
Said the girl from the mountain hut.

"Even after all these years, he would not rest.
It seems, that Time has put me to the test.
I must take a decision, for the worst or best."
Said the girl from the mountain hut.

"Seth, this will be a long and difficult journey.
This is just the beginning, only.
So, are you willing to accompany me?"
Asked the girl from the mountain hut. 

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