Chapter 11

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Third person's POV.

"Rehan where is Haya? Call her." Said Suraiya begum while arranging things on the table.

"First Go and see is Khizar ready for the ceremony. Guests start coming." She said sending Rehan to see Khizar while she moved to see Hafsa who was getting ready for the engagement.

"Mashallah my Hafsa is looking so beautiful." Said Suraiya begum looking at her who was wearing bangles.

"Aunty you don't worry. She's all ready for the ceremony. Is Khizar bhai ready?" Asked Sonia making Hafsa's dupatta pinned on her shoulder.

"I sent Rehan to see him. Harib is also with him." Said Suraiya Begum and kissed Hafsa's forehead with love and left from there.

The house was fully decked with flowers. Guests start coming and Suraiya Begum start receiving them. It was a big day for her when her son like son Khizar and daughter were getting engaged. She looked around to search Haya who was not there.

"Ami bhai is ready. He's coming in few minutes." Said Rehan and went to welcome the guest while Suraiya Begum prayed for the happiness of her children.

Khizar's POV.

"You think I've done some mistake?" I asked while going toward the mirror as somewhere I was feeling the same restlessness which never leaved me since I decided to marry Hafsa.

"Don't think too much. Its your engagement today." Said Harib but I was not satisfied.

"You choose this way. Let it happen but what I think is. All happen for a reason. Maybe your this engagement and marriage will take you to the one who actually loves you." I startled on his words and turned to him.

"What you mean by the one? Isn't Hafsa who loves me?" I asked looking at him.

"Do you love her?" I startled more on his question.

"Harib don't confuse me now when I've decided this." I said turning again to mirror.

"Its so simple yet you're making it too difficult to understand. You don't have believe that what you're doing is right or wrong,you don't understand whether you love Hafsa or not and most of it. You're still not satisfied with her words that she loves you." He was saying and I was thinking the same.

"I don't know about me but yes she loves me." I said while combing my hair and then turned toward him.

"I'm happy that I'm going to have a companion who loves me more than anything." I said and smiled.

"I wish you all the happiness and the love you deserve and she deserve only your love." He said while hugging me.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"Promise me one thing Khizar." He asked while moving back and I nodded.

"You won't take too much time to reach her, to recognize her who have an ocean of love for you. Who is crazy for you. Who can die for you in reality." He said and I keep looking at him for once that who was he talking about.

"Hafsa right!? Of course I will love her one day." I said and he sighed

"You'll know the meaning of love soon." Mumbling, he looked at me with a smile.

"Let's go. Everyone would be waiting." He said and I nodded while taking steps with him.

We went out of my room but I stopped and eyes went to the side wall of my room where I always got those broken piece of bangles. But today that place was empty. I sighed I didn't why and walked down where everyone was waiting.

"Mashallah my son is looking so handsome today." As khala saw me,she said and I smiled and went to her.

Hugging her, I tried to feel calm and her smile brought happiness to my heart.

"You happy?" I asked and she nodded.

"Very. I'm so happy. Bless you. Now hurry up. Let's begin the ceremony." Khala said and I nodded.

"Sonia bring Hafsa." Khala said and I took seat with Harib while I could see our friends and colleagues there with a wishing smile on their faces.

Hafsa came and she was made sit next to me. I looked at Harib who stood up and smiled. I smiled back and looked at Hafsa who was looking beautiful but I looked away. I didn't know why.

"Beta exchange the rings now." Khala said while giving us rings.
I held it and turned to Hafsa who was waiting for me to give her that ring.

I brought my hand in front of her where she placed her hand. Holding her hand in mind,I was going to slid the ring in her finger but stopped.

"What happened Khizar?" Khala asked but my eyes roamed around among the guest to find someone.

She was not there. I keep looking around. She was a family member then how could I continue with the ceremony without her.

"Haya." I called her while finding her.

"Where is Haya?" I asked looking at Khala.

"She's coming. You continue beta." Khala said but I shook my head and leave Hafsa's hand.

"She's our family. How can I do the ceremony without her. Rehan go and call her." I said and turned to Rehan who ran on my words toward Haya's room.

I was waiting for her. I put the ring again in the ring case and keep waiting for her. My heart beat increased all of sudden I didn't know why.

"Strange." Placing my hand on my heart,I said while caressing it a little to feel calm.

On next second, my heart beat increased more and I turned. My eyes went on her who was coming with a smile. I smiled too and felt my heart beat calmed now.

"Where were you Haya? Khizar was waiting for you." Khala asked her.

She came forward and stood a few steps far from us. I looked at her who was looking sad but then she smiled. I felt her eyes red. Giving me a nod,she smiled more and I took the ring and turned toward Hafsa who was waiting for me.

"Beta Exchange the rings now." Khala said and I slid the ring in her finger and she did the same making me wear that ring she was holding.

All guests applauded for us and I smiled looking at them. Soon all guests start wishing us and we were smilingly receiving them. I saw Haya coming toward us.

"Congratulations." She said looking at both of us with a smile but I felt she was not feeling good.

"Aapi. See the ring." Hafsa said moving closer to her.

"Mashallah my sister is looking so beautiful." Haya said and hugged Hafsa.

I was happy that both sisters love each other. And were happy with each other. Hafsa moved toward her friends to show them her ring while Haya moved closer to me.

"Congratulations." Wishing me,she smiled but I felt her eyes sad.

"Kahan thi aap?(where were you?)" I asked looking at her.

"I was just...getting ready." She replied and I nodded.

She turned to go as my friends came to wish me but I was still not satisfied that she was okay.

"Haya." I called her making her stop on her place.

She turned on my voice and I saw her eyes more red.

"You okay?" I asked with concern.

With a smile, she nodded assuring me but I was not satisfied. She walked away from there while I turned to Harib who was again busy with talking to some girls who were our neighbours.

"You started again!" I whispered going closer to him who turned to me and smiled.

"I'm going to tell your Ami about your love affairs." I said threatening him while taking a step toward his mother who was talking to Khala.

"Dude you want me to die bachelor." He started again and I shook my head while going to the chairs.

He followed me and sat next to me. I looked at Hafsa who was smiling with her friends. I smiled looking at her who was looking so happy.

"You're engaged now but you don't want to see me with someone." He said and I turned to him.

"I want to see you with a girl who love you with her heart." I said looking at him who smiled.

"I know but I want to see you with the girl who loves you unconditionally,can do anything for you,can die for you and can kill someone for you. Can love for you and can hate for you. A girl who has her love in her silence." He said but I didn't get him.

I keep looking at him for few seconds and then he laughed but I got worried who he was talking about.

"And there's no such girl in the world." He said and laughed.

"Such a useless you are." I said pushing him back.

"Hey cheer up. See your Hafsa is so happy." He said and I nodded while looking at her finger where that ring was shinning.

"I hope everyone stay happy." I said looking away from her face.

"And you?" He asked and I looked at him.

"I'm happy that I'm being loved by a girl who can die for me." I said and he nodded.

"Come let's eat something. I'm hungry." I said while getting up.

"Okay." Harib replied and we both walked toward kitchen as I wanted to eat alone,far from the crowd of guests.

"Who's going to serve us?" Asked Harib while taking seat next to me on ground

"Anyone hungry?" We looked up and saw Haya standing.

"Harib bhai feeling hungry?" Taking seat in front of us, she asked.

"Here." Placing plates in front of us,she served us with hot chapatti and Chicken Qurma and Salad.

"Khizar here is your water. Don't use salt too much." Taking the salt away, she said as she knew that I will add more salt in the gravy.

"Enjoy bhai." Saying to Harib,she tried to smile but I felt sadness across her face.

"Bless you. May Allah bless you with,your heart wants." Harib said and she left from there and I turned to him.

"Why is she looking sad or I'm only feeling it?" I asked to him or myself I didn't know.

"She's okay. Don't stress yourself." He said and I nodded and start having my dinner.

Hafsa's POV.

"See." Showing my finger to Sonia, I smiled more looking at that gold ring shinning in my finger.

"It's so beautiful." Sonai said and I nodded with a smile.

"Congrats once again. Finally you got your Khizar." Said Sonia said and I laughed on her words.

"My Khizar!? Really!? Or I'm her shadow girl?!" I said and Sonia laughed with me.

"I can see your future girl. I know you'll get what you wanted always. A luxury life with Khizar. Tell me when he's going to London!?" She asked and I walked toward benches to sit.

"I know how to take things. I don't about his going but one day I'll go with him." I said while sitting down.

"Did my engagement news heard Waseem?" I asked and looked at Sonia.

"I don't know. Since you broke his heart, I haven't seen him around. Its been two months that he disappeared." She said and I nodded in agreement.

"True. Poor fellow. But he didn't had anything for me. I just need my life perfect." I said stretching my arms with a joy.

"I hope he didn't commit suicide." I laughed on Sonia's words.

"I told you and I'm telling you again, people like Waseem don't do such thing who don't have guts to say something neither they have ability to prove themselves better. And about this Waseem, I know him well. Such a coward how can he suicide." I said and laughed while taking my bag to go to home.

"Let's go. I'm getting late." I said and marched toward collage gate.

"Is your Khizar going to come to pick you up?" Sonia asked and I sighed.

"Not now but he'll soon." I said while stepping out of the collage.

We both start walking toward the bus stand. I was looking around and was trying hard to save myself from these rays of suns which were effect my complexion. We stopped at the bus stand and I took my water bottle out to take a sip of water.

"Why it is so hot?" Making a fan of my notebook, I said and drank water.

"Why this bus is not coming?" Frustrated with sunstroke, I said but didn't get an answer from Sonia.

I turned to see her who was looking somewhere and was shocked on her place.

"What happened?" I asked while shaking her.

" he Waseem?" She said and my head turned immediately on her words.

"Where?" I asked while looking around to find him as I also wanted to see his worst condition in my love.

"There." I looked at the direction and my eyes widened too.

On the other side of road,there was a bakery and a man who was looking just like Waseem was coming out fully dress in three piece suit. Holding a bag in his hand,beautiful black goggles on his eyes,he walked stylishly toward a car. It was a land cruise. My jaw dropped on his changed personality.

"Its not him." I said shaking my head here and there and whoever he was, got in the car and car start moving. Taking the turn,his car came to the road in front us and it passed away from my eyes.

"It was not him. It was not Waseem." I said turning to Sonia who was still shocked.

"He was Waseem." She said turning to me.

"He wasn't. How can that poor be in that Land cruise." I said while looking back at the bus coming toward us.

"Come on." Dragging her with me,I get in the bus and pushed Waseem's thought out of my mind.

"But was really that Waseem?" I thought somewhere and keep looking outside the bus.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you??

After a long time I gave you an update but its not that long I know. But I'm so busy these days. I couldn't get time to write more. I hope you all will enjoy this short chapter.

Need Haya's POV? I know. It will be soon. Currently I'm busy with my wedding's shopping and all so, it's very difficult for me to write but still I'll try to give you a quick update of the girl I never loved.

Waseem's entry? What will be the effect if changed Waseem on Hafsa? Let's see what happen next!?

Do comment and vote. Love you all for your love and support and wishes. That means a lot.

Take care of your smiles and the one who are important to you, who are the reason of your smile.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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