Chapter 13

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Hafsa's POV.
"Stop laughing girl." I heard Sonia but I didn't as it was hard to stop my laughter.

"You should have seen him. His face fully red,eyes watered and his coughs. I was hardly controlling my laughs there but its his punishment." I said laying back on the bed and pulled my duvet on me.

"Why you did this? And what punishment?" She asked and I could senses curiosity in her voice to know.

"Because he didn't talk to me properly even after our engagement. For avoiding me,I did this. He has to bear this pain dear." I said and laughed a little.

"Poor Khizar his throat would be hurting." Said Sonia and I nodded.

"He deserve that. Didn't bother to look at me once. Such a stupid fellow. I'm concerned for myself. How will I survive with him." I said thinking as the car appeared to my eyes in which Waseem was seated.

"Girl don't worry. You'll handle him I know. By the way I forgot to tell you." Sonia said and I fixed my all hearing power on her.

"What?" I asked while sitting up.

"There's going to be a function in the collage as a big businessman arranged a cultural show in the collage. You were absent today so I thought to tell you." She said and I nodded.

"And we've to be there in collage uniform." She informed me more and I nodded.

"Okay but why this cultural function all of sudden?" I asked finding it strange.

"Don't know. It will be reveal tomorrow. Now take care and sleep." She said and nodding I cut the call and lay back.

"I should sleep." Saying I placed my mobile aside and my eyes fall on the ring I was wearing of Khizar's name.

"Leave me for now." Saying,I took off the ring and placed it on table feeling relieved.

"Such a burden to carry." Mumbling I closed my eyes and fall in to sleep.

Khizar's POV.
"Khizar." As I was about to go out,I heard someone calling me.

Turning,I saw Hafsa coming. Stopping in front of me,she smiled and I smiled back.

"Can you drop me to collage?" She asked and I gave a nod.

"Sure." I said and walked out with my bike keys while she spread her shawl around her.

I started the bike and she sat behind me and I rode the bike toward her collage.

"Are you going to check your internship list?" She asked and I gave a nod.

"Its going to reveal today I think. If not then it will be tomorrow."I replied while turning bike to left side.

"Hm then when you'll go London after the list will be reveal?" She asked again and I was thinking why she was asking so much questions today's.

"Within a month." I replied and stopped the bike in front of her collage.

"Okay best of luck for your internship. Allah Hafiz." She said and smiled and went in the collage while I rode my bike toward my university.

"Where were you Khizar? This list is revealed." Said Harib as I reached university and parked my bike.

"Really? Did you check?" I asked while getting off my bike.

"No I was waiting for you. Hurry." Holding my arm,he said and I ran with him toward the notice board.

My heart was besting in fear. I was scared and excited too. My heart was praying to get the scholarship for this internship.

"Ya Allah help." Saying,I moved closer to the notice board and as my eyes fall on the list,a huge smile appeared on my lips as the first name was mine written on the list.

"Ya Allah shukar(thank God)." I said closing my eyes and turned to see Harib who was standing with a happy smile.

"Congratulations." Hugging me,he said and I smiled happily.

"Thank you. I'm so happy." I said while moving back.

"Me too. Finally my friend got what he wished for. Go and become a successful doctor." He said making me smile.

"Khala would be so happy. Hafsa was asking for my internship today and see I got it. She would be happy too." I said going ahead to attend our class with a happy smile on my face.

"Someone's prayers fulfilled your wish." I heard Harib and turned to him who was mumbling to himself.

"Who?" I asked stopping on my place.

"The one who would be more happy than anyone." He said looking deeply in my eyes.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked as my heart beat with some unknown feelings.

"You really don't know who I'm talking about?"  He said again and I shook my head as no.

"You really don't know that who's around you showering his love,his care on you. Loving you unconditionally,praying for you with every second. Taking care of you." He said and I saw his face expressions deeply serious and I couldn't find any sign of joke.

"You're scaring me now. Who're you talking about Harib?" Tensed,I asked as now I wanted to know what he was saying,who he was addressing.

"The one who loves you and care for you more than anyone that is..." He paused again making my heart to stop for that second

"Is?" I asked and waited for him to spill the name.

"Me. Its me Khizar. Its me who loves you more." He said and chuckled with the words and I punched his face harder for making me tense,for blabbering all this.

"Ahhh...that hurts." He whined in pain and I walked toward class avoiding him.

"I love you so much and you're hitting me." He said and I looked at his over dramatic face.

"Shut up." I said and went in the class but somewhere my heart was disappointed.

Some hopes were built to know about the person he was talking about. Didn't know why I felt that he was hiding something. He didn't tell me truth. I know there was something I couldn't see. I was just not understanding that what was that which was coming out again and again from Harib's mouth in different words.

"What I'm missing?" I thought while taking seat in the class.

Hafsa's POV.

My eyes were blinking unbelievably looking at the man standing in front of me. In his dashing look,in luxurious attire and attitude, he was looking so different.

"How are you Hafsa?" He asked with a smiled but I couldn't say anything.

I just couldn't. I was speechless. Waseem was standing in front of me and he was the one who arranged this cultural function. I was still not believing it.

"Waseem?" I said in disbelieve.

"Yes its me. I heard you're engaged. Congrats." He said with a smile and I just gave a nod.

"Sir please come." Our teacher came and said to him while I can see how these girls were going crazy for him.

"Talk to you later." Saying,he left,while I keep standing like a dumb as I was still in disbelieve that how that poor fellow become this tycoon.

"Why are you standing like a dumb woman? He was talking to you and you were quite. Idiot." Slapping my shoulder,Sonia brought me out of shock.

"He's really Waseem!?" I said turning to Sonia.

"He's. you idiot. Why didn't you talk to him?" She said looking at me and I walked blankly to the lawn in shock.

"Where are you lost now?" She said taking seat next t to me and I turned to her.

"I'm not understanding that how? How he achieved all this?" I said still shocked.

"That doesn't matter. I think he's still crazy for you." Sonia said and I turned my head toward the hallway where I could see him standing with principal.

"There's no use of that now." I said sadly as I knew I did the big mistake.

"Girl just don't think too much. The game is still in our hands. Let's see what step he takes." Sonia said and I nodded planning my life on my mind.

Khizar's POV.
Getting in the house,I looked around to find anyone but there was no one. I looked out of the house where the clouds were spread on the sky telling the arrival of rain. I entered the house again and looked around to find Khala as I wanted to tell her this news first.

"Khala." I called as I moved in.

"Khala." I called again as I entered the kitchen and saw Haya seated there.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." As she saw me,she said immediately.

"Walikumusalm. Where is khala?" I asked her who was now looking down.

"She went to the neighborhood. She'll be back soon." Her polite reply came and I nodded.

"Okay." Saying,I turned to go.

"Khizar." On her call,I turned to her who stood up.

"Is the list revealed?" She asked looking at me and I could see the same hope and excitement in her eyes which I felt in mine.

"Yes." I replied and she took a step toward me.

"So?" She asked and I could see the curiosity in her to know the result.

"You got the scholarship right?" She asked and I couldn't take my eyes off from her eyes which were filled with hope. The hope for my happiness and success.

"Hm..I got it." I simply said and a smile formed on her face.

"I knew it." She said while looking down.

"How?" I asked turning to her fully.

"That...that Ami prays for you all the time so that's why. By the way congratulations." She said and I nodded accepting her wishes.

"Thank you." I said and I turned to go.

"Khizar." Again, she called and I turned to her.

"Should I bring tea for you?" She asked and I gave a nod.

Smiling,I walked up to my room and as I stepped in, I found a beautiful watch and a beautiful pen was placed there on bed.

"Who placed it here?" I asked while going closer to bed and took that things in my hand.

It was so beautiful watch and golden colour pen which was so light yet so beautiful and fragile.

"Tea." Turning, I saw Haya coning in with the cup of tea.

"Who placed all these things?" I asked her

"That...that things...I..I..." She stuttered and I looked at her nervousness who's hands start trembling.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she slides her tongue on her dry lips and looked up at me.

"Who brought these things?" I asked her again who was looking nervous.

"I brought them." She said and I looked at her on her answer amazed.

"No I mean I placed it here." She said again but still I didn't get her.

"Ami brought this. Because Harib bhai informed her about your internship so she bought these gifts for you but I placed it here as she said." She said hurriedly and I nodded with a smile

"Khala is best. Knows me best." I said while placing those things in my drawer.

"But please don't tell Ami that I've told you about the gift that she brought them for you." She said while placing the cup of tea on the table

"She would be angry." She said and I nodded.

"I don't say anything." I said and she turned to go while I opened the watch case and took out the watch and wore it hurriedly as it was so beautiful perfectly fit on my wrist.

"Love you khala." With love,I said and went to change.


"Congratulations son." On dinner, khala said and I smiled with happiness.

"Thank you Khala. Thank you for your prayers." Holding her hands, I Kissed them and start having my dinner.

"So when you're going?" Khala asked filling the glass with water for me.

"Just 15 days then I'll fly to London." I said happily

"I'm happy son but I'll miss you." Khala said getting sad.

"I'll miss you too. You're my mother and no child can live without his mother. Let me become a successful doctor then I'll take you with me." I said and she smiled happily with a nod.

"Did you apply for passport?" Rehan asked.

"I did. After three days I've to collect it." I said and start eating Salad.

"Haya why aren't you eating anything?" I turned to Haya on khala's voice but she was lost.

Her eyes on me and mind I didn't where but she was lost in her thoughts.

"Haya." Again khala called her but she didn't move.

I found her eyes going red and watery. She was having tears in her eyes. I couldn't understand at first that what to do.

"Haya." This time,I called her and saw her coming to her senses.

Looking away immediately, she took the glass of water and drank it.

"You okay?" I asked and saw her nodding her head.

"Why are you dumb api!" I heard Hafsa who again started to have dinner.

"I'm sorry. You all have your dinner." Saying,she got up and walked to her room and I shrugged my shoulders and again start eating.

Hafsa's POV.
"Hafsa Akram." I startled on the call for my name.

Turning I saw a teacher was waiting for me. I went to her who was waiting for me.

"You've a guest." She said and I looked at her shocked,amazed and surprisingly.

"Guest?" I asked and she nodded while turning again and walked.

With many thoughts,I followed her who was taking me to that guest.

"Go." Stopping in front of the room,she said and nodding I entered the room

My feet stuck on the ground as I saw Waseem seated there on the sofa chair. As he looked at me,he stood up with a smile but I was still shocked that I couldn't smile.

Why he came here?

Did he come to meet me?

Many thoughts came in my mind but I tried to be normal in front of him.

"Assalam-o-Alikum. How are you?" He said with so much excitement.

"Walikumusalm. I'm fine." Saying,I moved ahead and sat in front of him and he took seat too.

"So why your here?" I asked and looked at him who was looking so handsome in brown three pieces suit.

"I just wanted to meet you." He said directly.

"Why?" I asked but he didn't say anything and keep looking at me for few second.

"I know its wrong but still my heart wanted to see you so I came. By the way how's your fiance?" He asked leaning back on the chair.

"He's...He's fine." I replied looking down.

"He must be a rich man like you wanted." He said and I just could gave a fake smile.

"But he's a lucky guy who's going to marry you." He said again startling me again as there was something in his voice which was so familiar.

His love for me was still there. I could feel it. His politeness, gentleness and care was still like that I knew,I got always from him.

"Anyway there's a party in my house today so I thought to invite you." He said and as I tried to say something, he stopped me by showing his hand.

"Don't say that you can't come. I know I don't have any right on you but still I want you to come. I just want to introduce you with my family for once." He said and I start thinking what to do.

"I'm not allowed to go out at night so I'm sorry Waseem." I said looking up at him.

"Just this last favor. Maybe after that we won't meet again." He said looking at me so sincerely that I just got agree.

"Okay." I said which made him smile.

"This is my number. Call me when you got ready." Passing his business card he said which I held it.

"See you at night." He said and I gave a nod with so many thoughts on mind.

I keep walking out of the room,corridors toward the lawn as my mind was still entangled with Waseem. I was wondering how he become this successful. And then he didn't hate me but still I was feeling my love in his eyes.

"Did Waseem came to meet you?" Sonia asked as she reached me and I gave a nod.

"What did he say?" She asked looking so excited but I was still thinking.

"He invited me for the party he throw at his home." I said looking at Sonia.

"Really? That's great. Then why are you looking so tense?" She asked and I thought to talk about what was going on,on my mind.

"I'm thinking Sonia that how with the blink of eye,waseem got all this. The fellow who didn't had money to eat food is not financing many companies and arranging functions in collages. And more of it,his behaviour toward me. I didn't find any hate for me. That's weird." I said what was going on my mind.

"Shut up stupid. How he got all this,this is not our concern but he still remember you. He still have feelings for you. That's more important and its good that he doesn't hate you because it can lead you back to his heart,to his life." She said and I gave a nod on her words.

"What about this?" Pointing toward the ring,I was wearing I said and with a blink of an eye,Sonia took off the ring and looked at me making me smile.

"This is not a big deal you know that." She said pointing toward the ring and I nodded.

"True. This doesn't matter anymore." Throwing the ring in my bag,I said and we both laughed.

"Let's see what we've to do next." I said and she gave a nod.

We walked to our next class with many plans in our mind.

Khizar's POV.
"Khizar." I looked up from my book,I saw Hafsa standing.

"Can I sit?" She asked and I gave a nod who took place in front of me and I saw her fingers tangled with each other.

"Any problem?" I asked looking at her who was looking so tensed.

"We have a grand test of all subjects. But my all notes are at Sonia's house. Now I don't have anything to study so can you ask Ami to let me go to her home for study." She said and I start thinking.

"I can go and bring your notes from Sonia's home." I gave a solution.

"No I mean she doesn't have notes that's why she took mine. We both will do study together. And when it'll be done,I'll call you so you can pick me back to home." She said making me think.

"Okay let me talk to khala." I said and closed my book.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

How was the update??

I know you waited a lot and I'm sorry for making you wait. I've wrote a long chapter but half of it deleted I don't know how. I'm so tired to write it again so I'm just posting it as it remainedI hope you all will read it and enjoy.

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Till update, Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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