Chapter 14

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Khizar's POV.

"She can't." Khala said as I asked her to let Hafsa go to her friend at this time.

"Buy in going with her. It's he test." I said defending her and khala looked at me.

"Not more than two hours." Said khala and I nodded with a smile.

"Done and thank you." Kissing her hand i said and turned to see Hafsa who was waiting to know.

I gave a nod and she smiled while running yo her room.

"Be careful. The monsoon rains are going yo start. And see the air going on." Khala said hurriedly and I smiled.

Her this care was my life. Her love and care all i had.

"I'll take care." I said and walked to my room to take bike keys.

Taking my jacket out i wore it and went to the table to take my bike keys.

"Hm..Ginger tea." I startled on the voice and turned where Haya was standing with that cup of tea in he hand.

"Now?" I said looking at her.

"Hm...Ami send this for you as you're going out." She said while looking down.

"Thank you. Place it here." I said tmpoinyinh toward table.

"And!?" As i was about to turn her voice stopped me.

"Take the muffler to cover your neck and nose. Ami said this." She said hurriedly and I smiled on my khala's love.

"I'll take care of that." I said and she walked out of the room.

"When you'll be back?" As i turned to take my muffler out from wardrobe i heard her again.

"Huh!" Turning to her i said and saw her fingers tangled with each other.

"A..ami was asking to tell her when you'll be back?" She said and I nodded.

"In half an hour." I said and she gave a nod while going out.

"Love you khala." With a smile, i covered my neck with muffler and walked out of the room.


Stopping my bike in front of Sonia's home,i turned my head a littleto see her who was seated behind me. Getting off she stood in front of her and I saw her face in the nimbus of her black Shawl.

"Call me when you get free." I said looking at her and she gave s nod on my words.

"Allah Hafiz." I said and turned my bike.

"Don't take too much time." I said and rode the bike back to home.

Third person's POV.

After 5 minutes both came out and looked at the empty road. Taking a sigh of relieve she turned to Sonia who was now grinning like an idiot. Wriggling her eyebrows she made Hafsa smile and both turned on the car'svoice. A BMW stopped just in front of them. They blinked their eyes as the headlights were making difficult to see properly.

The door opened and Hafsa eyes lowered down for a second as she saw hum coming toward her. Her heart jumped with happiness. In three piece back suit she was moving toward her beautifully.

"You ready?" Waseemasked stopping in front if her and she looked up at him.

Giving a nod she didn't use her tongue and again looked down.

"Not yet." Saying he turned while he looked at him with confusion.

"Get in." He ordered while going to his car.

Turning to Sonia she looked once and Sonia pushed her toward car. Holding her shawl she walked slowly and opened the door to get. Taking seat she turned to see him who didn't everything but started the car. 

Hafsa's POV.

I was looking at the road while feeling the silence. I didn't know where he was taking me at this time and why he was silent. After calling me he was all quite. I mean I was not the one called him but it was him and it was his duty to talk to me. To accompany me as I was his guest.

" party started?" I asked turning to as now i was getting more if this silence.

"Not yet." Shortened the answer he again sealed his lips in the silence.

I turned to see the passing views. Almost after the drive if 15 minutes he stopped the car with a jolt and I turned to see him.

"Come out." He said and stepped out if his BMW while I followed him. I was not understanding his attitude. His behaviour.

"Come." He said turning to me.

I looked up at the big shinning board.

"Why here?" I asked but instead if answering me he held my hand and pulled me with jim.

"But waseem why parlour?" I asked still dragged with him.

"She's the girl. Make her ready in 15 minutes." He said to the beautician and then she gave s a nod while taking me inside.

"Ma'am hurry change." The beautician said while placing three beautiful frocks of red,yellow and dark blue in front if me.

"Choose any one you like." She added while pointing toward the dresses.

" one." I said hesitantly.

I was not understanding what he doing. Why he brought me here and now this make over and all? In thoughts i went to change and as I came the beautician sraet doing my hair while the other one started to give attention to my hands. I looked at this saloon which was out if range. I never dreamed to be here. To be in this cisrky and one if the biggest saloon of the city but now I was seated there taking the attention if the workers there. One was busy with my hair while other my feet to do the pedicure and my hands were getting better with manicure. I was feeling it all a dream. Doing my hair she started to do my makeup and my nails started to deck with nailpaint to make my hands more beautiful. Putting the fragile jewellery on me they added more to my beauty. Pinning my dupatta the beautician give final touch to my lips and moved back while I looked at myself in mirror.

Forgetting to blink i just keep looking at my new look. This was me. Really? I was thinking and then a sudden smile appeared to my face and I almost laughed with happiness.

"So you like this if you're rich." I said looking at the mirror and giggled with happiness. 

"Wow!" With happiness i just keep admitting my ownsekf.

"Ma'am sir is waiting." The beautician said and I turned with a huge smile and walked out aftercm slipping my feet in the stilettos.

Going out i found him standing there waiting for me. Running to him i stopped with so much happiness and smile in front if him as I felt my breaths out if control.

"What you did to me? God is this me?" Circling around i said with giggles and stopped again in front of him.

"You're looking beautiful." On his compliments I laughed with happiness.

"Thank you." I said and again circled while holding my frock.

"Let's go. My family would be waiting." He said and I nodded and walked with him toward the car.

Khizar's POV.

I stopped the bike in front of my home and before I could knock the door opened and saw Haya standing.

"You came!" She said as she saw me.

"Yes." Said awkwardly i took a step ahead.

"You okay?" She asked following me.

"I'm fine Haya." Stopping on my feet i said and smiled a little looking at her concern.

"You okay?" I asked looking at her who froze on her place and eyes go wide.

"Haya!?" I called her again.

"You took my name?!" She said and I startled as I realized what I did.

"Hmm...sorry. I'll be going." Saying i turned but again I felt her following me.

"Khizar." Her call stopped me and I turned to her.

"Thank you." She said and I liked at her confused.

Now why she was saying thank you?!

I thought and waited for her to say something else.

"For what?" I asked when I didn't get answer.

"Just thank you." She said and looked up for once with a small smile on her lips but I felt wetness in her eyes.

"Ami is waiting for you." She said and walked away from me.

I keep standing there. Trying to understand what happened to her. Was she crying? But I didn't say anything. I thought and turned. I saw Rehan standing there with serious expression in his face.

"Now what happened to you?" I asked going to him.

"You don't know why Api thanked you?" He asked and I shook my head as no.

"Bhai can I ask something?" He asked and I gave a nod.

"Can you see? Can you feel?" I looked at him shocked on the sane questions which Harib asked me many times.

Now why he was asking?

What he meant? What they meant?

"What happened to you all of sudden that you start asking question like Harib. Of course I can see and feel. You all think I'm dumb." I said frustrated as I was not understanding their questions.

"Never mind." Saying he walked away from there while I keep standing there like stupid.

"What they think of me? An idiot!" Saying i walked to see khala who must be in her room

Third person's POV.

Her mouth opened as she saw the bungalow in front of her. Turning to waseem she looked at him in disbelieve.

"Is this your home?" She asked him with shock and he gave a nod with a smile.

"Come." Saying he took steps ahead and she followed him.

Little scared and excited she entered in the bungalow with him. As she looked up she saw a lot of people there.

"Come. There's my family." Saying he arched toward a lady and Hafsa followed him.

Her eyes were roaming in the bungalow to see its interiorfurniture curtains and everything which was used to make this hall beautiful. 

"Ami." He called his mother and Hafsa stood right behind him.

"I want you to meet one of my friend. Hafsa." Moving aside he said and his mother smiled as she saw Hafsa in front of her.

"Assalam-o-Alikum aunty." She greeted her with her best smile.

"Walikumusalm. I must say your friend is so beautiful." His mother said which made Hafsa happy.

"Thank you Aunty." She replied with a smile.

"Bhai don't tell us that she's our bhabhi?" Said one if the girl standing behind his mother.

"I wish." He whispered slleky but Hafsa heard and her heart smiled on his wish.

"She's just my friend. I invited her on this part." Waseem said hurriedly.

"Oh welcome. Please be comfortable. And you're the first female guest he's bringing home." Said his mother and she smiled with happiness while her mind start planning something else.


The car was filled with silence. She turned her head to look at him who was looking damn serious and she was thinking how to talk to him. Somewhere she was cursing herself for losing him. For losing such a rich man.

"Waseem." Finally she broke the silence as she was arranging words in her mind to trao him again

"Will you ever forgive me?" She said playing again.

And he stopped the car and turned to see her.

"I know I hurt you a lot. I broke your heart. Said bad things to you but you're still so kind to me. I'm do sorry and so thank you." She said and started her acting if being innocent feeling guilty and crying.

"I know I can't fix anything but just forgive me for my all bad deeds." She said flowing tears in front if him while he was silent.

"Say something at least." She said but he didn't say anything and start the car and start driving again.

"What your fiance do?" All of sudden he asked while turning to right.

"He's becoming doctor." She replied.

"Hmm..nice. But he's lucky to have you." He said and stopped the car.

"We've reached." Said Waseem and she nodded and stepped out if the car feeling disappointed.

"Thank you for everything." She said and stepped ahead to go.

Waseem keep looking at her who was taking slow steps as she was waiting for him to call her.

"Hafsa." Coming out if the car he called her who stopped on her place.
Turning to him she saw him coming to her.

Her heart beat increased and somewhere she was hoping to hear something which she wanted.

"If you're sorry for breaking my heart once then..." He stopped and so did her heart for a second.

"Then?" She asked waiting for him to say something.

"Then come back to me. Come to me because I still love you." He said and her eyes widened.

"Waseem what are you saying? I'm..." Shocked, she acted.

"Don't say it now. Think about it and then answer me." Saying he took steps back while she keep standing there as his car disappeared she laughed her heart out.

"Oh poor Waseem you're gone now." She said and walked to Sonia's home with a victory smile on her lips.

Waseem's POV.

Smiling, I turned the car to left side and stopped. He opened the door and stepped in. I looked at him and smiled and he joined me.

"How was the party?" He asked and I looked at him and then laughed.

"As we planned." I replied and stopped the car in the porch.

"Let's go. Sir is waiting." I said and he nodded and stepped out of the car.

Going in, I turned to see him who was also hiding his smile like I was.

"Your bungalow must get taken her attention doesn't it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Not only the bungalow but you know all this." I said pointing toward my clothes the cars everything and we both laughed

"Saaim Sir is there." We were informed by the servant and walked toward the study.

Knocking we entered the study and he turned to us.

"So boys how's the mission going?" Asked Saaim Sir and we both smiled

"As we planned." I replied.

"So next move?!" Saaim Sir asked and I saw him going to sir.

"Saaim let me think about that because i know what her next step would be so we should be prepared." He said and we both nodded.

"What you think how much time she'll take to give answer?" I asked.

"She'll tell us soon because she'll do it before Khizar's departure.  On Saturday evening he his flight. So On my three four days left. She'll tell you in coming two days." He said all in detailed and I nodded.

"By the way how's Khizar? I haven't seen him for long." Said Saaim Sir to him while I keep listening them.

"He's dumb. Idiot and stupid." He asked and I smiled.

"Harib he's our friend." Saaim Sir said.

Harib's POV.

"He's dumb. Idiot and stupid." I said looking at Saaim who smiled

"Harib he's our friend." Saaim said but I took a sear and picked the glass if water.

"He's stupid. There's no doubt." I said throwing my frustration out.

"Waseem you go and I'll tell you what you've to do next." Sending Waseem back to his home,Saaim said and turned to me.

"Can you now tell me why are you doing all this?" He Americans I shook my head as no.

"Can't.  I just want to save khizar from her evil mind." I said as I knew Hafsa.

"We'll save him but after that? Don't you think he'll be break down?" Saaim said and I nodded.

"It's good to get less hurt than the killing. Hafsa will kill him but I know there is someone who will never let him shatter." I said looking at him who was listening me carefully.

"I'll tell you everything in detail someday. Come drop me. My mom would be waiting." I said while getting up and he nodded.

"And Mr NRIwear some normal clothes. Don't you feel hot in them.?" I said pointing toward his three piece suit.

"Shut up." Saying he moved ahead pushing me back showing me his attitude while I smiled  walking behind him.

Saaim was our best friend since school and should I say only my friend because khizar whenever talkative. He had only me but saaaim was also there putting his keg between us to be our friend and since school days to now he was with us coming between us showing us his impotence. He belonged to a rich family where we both couldn't fit. He went abroad for study. He came back to join his father's business and learn.

And here he become an angel sent by Allah who was helping me now in saving khizar.

He was dumb. He couldn't see the evil around him because he himself is so pure and innocent but the world around him is so cunning and evil that he had to learn to live by his own but here from saving him i had to do all things. Somewhere I had to keep a promise to. A promise which I made to myself.

A/N:  Assalam-o-Alikum readers readers.

How are you all?

The chapter is updated? Hope you all liked it? How was the twist? Confuse? Will be resolved in next chapter.

Waiting for Haya's POV ?

Coming soon. Maybe in coming two chapters. Let's see. What happened next.

Okay one more thing do you think people like Hafsa can ever change? I think they can't. They can never change. So there can't be seen any positiveness in them. Once an evil always an evil would be suit on them.

Share your views with me and your favourite scene too?

Vote and share.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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