Chapter 21.

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6 months later.

Third person's POV.
"So how's life going?" Asked Saaim looking at waseem who was looking worried.

"I thought my love and attention would change her heart. And she'll get her lesson by all this but she can't change. Her greed can't end Sir." Said waseem and looked up at Saaim who was listening him carefully.

"In fact I thought with the news of becoming mother, she might change but no. People of Hafsa category can't change. They just want their own benefits." He said and saaim looked at Harib who was listening him.

"Just relax. It was your own decision. You wanted to teach her a lesson and now she's living there in that house since last 6 months. Yet she didn't change. I know she won't but maybe after baby's birth she might be change." Said Harib and waseem ran fingers in his hair.

"She won't sir. She was just going to abort our child yesterday. Its Allah blessing that i reached there and stopped her from doing so.  But it really scared me. I don't want my baby to die before birth." Said waseem and now it was making Harib and Saaim tense too.

They nevet thought that Hafsa would do that. Harib's mind start working again as he didn't want that baby to suffer because of his mother.

"Okay listen." Harib started and both of them looked at him and as he completed a smile was there on waseem's lips.

"Thank you sir. That will definitely work." Saying, he stood up and walked out of the cabin.

"Not bad Mr Harib. Good going. By the way when you're getting married." Asked Saaim looking at Harib who laughed and took a seat in frony of him.

"Poor me. No girl take interest in me." Harib stated  which made Saaim laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll find a suitable girl for you." Saying Saaim got up from his seat and looked out from the glass wall where his staff was working but his eyes were fixed on that one who was busy in typing on something on the Pc in front of her.

"You don't have to do that. My mom is searching a girl for me. She's more impatient for daughter in law." Saying harib got up.

"I'll be going now. Allah Hafiz." Saying Harib walked out while Saaim's eyes never moved from.that girl who was so busy in her work that she was not noticing anything around her not even those two eyes which were just fixed on her.


Waseem was looking at her who was coming from the washroom.after vomiting and was cleaning her face with towel looking so pale these days.

"Hafsa." Calling her he moved closer to her and took seat next to her on the bed.

"Don't talk to me. This happens only because of you.  You've betrayed me and now this new problem. What was my fault that i wanted a good life. I had some dreams. I wanted to live a luxurious life and that's all but you've made my life hell. For the last six months, I'm living in this hell and your this child is making me sick." Saying Hafsa start crying and Waseem sighed.

"I'm sorry.  Sorry if i hurt you but what i did was only to teach you a lesson. But i think you still don't  learn anything.  And about our child it was my love for you. I wanted to live a beautiful life with you. I'm sorry for every hurt." Waseem said and walked to her who was still crying.

"I'm sorry. I won't hurt you any more. Get ready. We've to go from here." Saying waseem got up and walked out of the room while hafsa smiled wickedly looking at the door where he just disappeared.

"You don't know waseem what I'm going to do with you." Saying she smiled and planned something and looked at her belly hatefully.

Taking the mobile she start texting someone with a happy smile on her lips.

"I will live the life i dreamt waseem.  You just wait." Challenging waseem she got relax as she placed the mobile aside and leaned back on bed with a relaxing smile on her lips.

Haya's POV.
My eyes were on the landline phone waiting for his call. But i thought he frogot his promise of calling me. Only for once he called in all the period but i like a stupid girl was waiting for his call everyday. 

Why didn't he call?

I asked myself as i looked at the clock to see the time. It was 10 of the night but he didn't call and my eyes started to fill up with tears.

Why I'm crying?

Its me who loves him not he.

I scolded myself and somewhere defended him but still my heart was getting crazy to hear his voice.

"Haya its quite late beta." I looked up on Ami's voice.

"You should sleep now. You've school tomorrow morning." Ami said and i gave a nod.

"I'm going ami. You sleep. Just these few copies I've to check." Saying, I started to check the copies but truly my heart was stuck on the phone and i just wanted it to ring.

"Okay But Sleep soon okay." Ami said and went to her room and i closed all the copies and leaned back on the chair while a tear left my eye.

Time kept passing and i just kept seated there waiting for his call but i thought he forgot me.

"Khizar." A whisper escaped from my lips with a tear.

Khizar's POV.
I stopped as my heart beat increased.  Turning back, I tried to find her who I thought called me.

"What happened khizar?" Fahad's voice brought me out of the trance i was going in.

"Nothing just.." I couldn't describe what i felt at that moment and fall my steps with him ahead.

But still my heart was getting restless. I was sure she called me.  I knew she was missing me and i too was missing her. These new feelings were so strange for me and i was getting amazed on my own thoughts and  feelings. Since 6 months,   i was stopping myself from calling her but now i thought it won't help unless i hear her voice.

"You go ahead. I've a work." Saying to Fahad, I walked out of the hospital and took a deep breath standing at the entrance.

Looking at the clock which turned to 8 of the night i took my mobile out.

"She's awake." Mumblibg to myself, I dialed the number and waited to be picked.

"Assalam-u-Alikum." On the second bell the call was received and i felt my heart beat increased as i heard the voice.

"Walikumusalm." I replied tried to control the abnormal beat of my heart.

"Haya." I called her as i felt her silence.

And then a hiccup i heard. Knowing she must be crying i waited for few seconds to speak.

"Haya don't cry." I said feeling her around me.

"Khizar." I could hear her whisper she made, taking my name and it brought a smile on my lips when she took my name.

"Yes your khizar. Now stop crying." I said and was amazed on my own words.

I said your khizar!

"Say something." I said as I wanted to hear her voice but she was crying with hiccups and i could hear it.

"Haya why are you crying?" I asked again but she didn't replied and kept crying.

""Did i make you cry?" I asked again as i wanted her to speak but she was just crying which was hurting me i didn't know why.

"I'm sorry. Sorry for making you wait." Apologizing, i thought now she will say something. Maybe now i could hear her voice i was dying to hear but she didn't and i only was hearing her sobbing voice.

"If you didn't say anything I'm going to disconnect the call." Threatened, I was about to cut the call when i heard her.

"Khizar please." Her plead was visible in her words.

"I...I..was waiting." Her words brought a smile on my lips and i walked to nearby park made in the hospital.

"I know." I said as i took a seat on the bench.

"Why didn't you..." She left the words incomplete and i could understand the meaning of her incomplete words.

"Because your voice pulled me back." I replied giving the answer of the question she was not asking.

"I'm sorry i made you cry and wait for me." Sighing i said but she was all silent.

"Haya." When she didn't say anything i called her who was still sobbing on other side.

"You didn't forgive me yet?" I asked again hoping she sill say something now.

"Its not like that." Her slow and polite voice appeared making my lips to smile.

"You know I'm smiling these days." I knew my words would had shocked her.

"And you're the reason." I accepted but there was all silence on other side.

"Now its quite late for you wake up this late. You've to go to school tomorrow morning so sleep now." I said when i didn't find any answer from other side.

"Khizar." As i was about to disconnect the call i heard her voice.

"Hmmm." Waited for her next words, I tried to control the abnormal beat of my heart which was tingling me since i heard her.

"When you'll call now?" Her question brought a smile again on my lips and i closed my eyes with a happy feeling.

"I told you you're pulling me back. Back to you. But i want to come after achieving the success. But.." I stopped and i knew she wanted to know more and i was ready to say.

"But you're not leaving me alone. Your thought is pulling me back to you." I stopped again.

"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. You don't need to call. I understand." I laughed on her words.

Third person's POV.
Haya's eyes widened when she heard his laughter. She always wished to see him smiling but now he was laughing and she was the reason of his smiles and laughs.

"You've said right. You're disturbing me badly. So badly that I wish i could fly to reach you. But I don't have wings." Smiling on his own words he said what was going on on his heart.

"Haya." He called her again who was still under the influence of his words which increased her heart beat.

"You can never be the reason of my disturbance and worries but of my smiles now." His words brought a smile on her lips while tears filled up again her eyes.

Her dream to hear his loveful voice for her was coming true. She could feel his care and love for her in these words which was tingling her heart.

"Sorry." She only could say.

"Now sleep dear wife." He said feeling so good calling her his wife and on other side her cheeks turned pink on his words.

"You'll call na?" She asked again and he smiled on her craziness.

"I will. How can this heart stay in rest without talking to you. Now sleep or you'll get late tomorrow morning." He said and this time she nodded with a shy smile on her lips.

Boty stayed silent on both side waiting for other to disconnect the call but both were not doing. Listening each other's breaths, they were feeling connected and didnt want to break that moment.

"Haya." After five minutes, he called her again.

"G." Her replied came.

"Sleep now." Saying, he disconnected the call as he knew she wouldn't cut the call.

Going to the gallery of his mobile, he opened the picture of their nikah which Harib sent him, his eyes were capturing her who was looking so beautiful in blue.

"You're making me feel different girl. Such feelings which i never experienced. I start feeling for you. This heart starts beating for you Haya." Looking at her beautiful and shy face he said and went inside with her thoughts still on his mind.

On other side Haya was still shocked on his words.  After few seconds she smiled with happiness and walked back to her room after placing that receiver back.


After a week.

"Haya go and check who's there on the door?" Said Suraiya begum while cutting the vegetables.

Nodding Haya placed the bundle of papers aside and walked to the door. As she opened the door there was a boy standing in the uniform of courier service.

"Ma'am there's a parsal for the name of Mrs Haya khizar Salman." Said the courier service boy.

"I'm Mrs khizar." She replied and took the parsal which that not passed to her and then she signed the papers.

Closing the door she walked back in the compund still looking at the box she was holding. Turning she read the address which was of UK.  Her heart beat increased and taking seat she hurridly opened that box. Her eyes widened when she saw the thing.

"Mobile." Before she could say something Rehan who just came looked at the box she was holding, said.

"Api who send this mobile?" Asked Rehan as he took the box from her and start looking at it while her eyes fell on the letter which fell down.

"Khizar." Her slow voice came with happiness and she took that letter and hide it from.all.

"Great. Its for me right." Teasing Haya, said Rehan while Haya took it back from him.

"Shut up." Saying, she walked to her room with a smile while Suraiya begum and Rehan laughed on her reaction.


Hafsa entered behind waseem in the luxurious flat and her eyes widened. She was still looking around with wide eyes while waseem was looking at her with a smile.

"Welcome home." He said and she looked at him.

"Home?" She asked and he nodded.

"This is my home. Our home." He said placing her luggage and went inside the kitchen to bring juice for her.

"Is this a new game you're playing?" She asked as she took seat on one of the couch and took the glass from him.

"I'm ending every game. Because i want to live with you fully. I want a happy life with you and our child. I want to forget all the old things and want to take a new start with you. I hope you will cooperate and understand." He said looking at her who just laughed on his words and placed that glass on the table.

"Are you kidding me? You really think that i will choose a life with you. Let me get free from this problem and then I'll leave from your trap. I'm not going to live with you. " she said angrily.

"I'm going to fulfil all your dreams but don't say like that.  I want us to be together." He said once again hoping she will understand.

"Okay but let me thing about all this. We're not going to live in the same room until your child comes." She said looking at him who sighed and gave a nod.

"Fine." He accepted her every condition and then showed her room and walked back to his room defeated.

Laying on the bed he closed his eyes thinking about Hafsa and his child.

"I hope now she'll understand and accept me and our child." He mumbled himself, consoling himself.

"Just few months more Mr and then I'm going out of this hell. You can't trap me anymore." Hafsa on other side thought and lay back while took her mobile out and start chatting with the person on other side.

Haya's POV.
Closing the door behind me i looked at the letter and box i was holding. With beating heart i walked to the bed and slowly opened the letter to read.


I tried to not think about you until i return but as i said that day you're pulling me back to you. Not a single second is there when i don't miss you. I don't know what magic you've done on me that now I want to stay in contact with you in every second. So this my is  first gift for my wife who is waiting for me. You can talk to me whenever you want and I'm always with you through this mobile. I hope you're smiling now and i want you to smile forever because tears doesn't suits you. Now hurry up and open that box and talk to me. I'm desperately waiting.

Your Khizar.

Blinking my eyes i was reading again and again those words which were only written for me. Each and every word was tingling my heart and making me smile happily with tears in my eyes. I opened the box and looked at the mobile.  Before i could turned it on, Rehan took it from my hand and i looked up at him.

"It needs a sim to use." Saying, he srarted to insert the sim and then gave back to me.

Kissing my forehead, he walked out and i smiled on his love while with beating heart i turned the mobile on. As it turned on his smiling face appeared to my eyes making me smile.

Looking at the number written on the letter i dialed it with beating heart and closed my eyes with anticipation to hear his voice.

"Haya." My eyes snapped open as he took my name.

"You knew it was me?" I asked as i smiled looking at his letter while i was lost in his thoughts.

"My heart knew." His answer brought again a huge smile on my lips.

"Just take care of yourself." He said.

"You too." I said and he cut the call while I lay back with a happy smile and let a satisfied sigh out and closed my eyes.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all???

How's life going? I know you all missed me very much and thank you for that. And sorry for making you wait so long. 

Coming to the chapter how was it? Tell me fast. The closeness of Haya and khizar are going to increase while hafsa will soon learn her lesson.  But really want your comments on the chapter.  Please avoid all the spelling and grammer errors.

Thank you.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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