Chapter 22.

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3 years later.

Third person's POV.
"Hurry up everyone." Harib said looking at Rehan and Suraiya begum who were waiting for Haya.

"Just wait for 5 minutes bhai. Haya api is coming." Going out in the porch said Rehan, looking at Harib who was going inside the car.

"I'm sorry I got late but khizar just called." Coming out in the dark green Anarkali frock, she said and was wearing earrings in her ears.

"Its okay now. Hurry up. Saaim will get offended." Said Harib and all went in the car which was just bought by them.

Three years passed and most of the things changed.  Khizar did his internship and soon start doing his house job there in London but last year, he was appointed in one of the best hospital of London. With his savings and now with the new salary package, he was sending money home and with the help of Saaim and Harib they sold their old home and bought a new home in a good residential area. Their tough days of life were now ending and as khizar promised, he bought this new house for his family. For his khala and Rehan and for his Haya who she was dying to meet him but still he was not getting leave as it was his new job and still he wanted to spend some more time there.

"Saaim will kill me." Harib said as he stopped the car and all stepped out of the car.

"Relax bhai. We'll handle him." Saying, Rehan fall his steps with Harib and Haya followed them with her mother.

It was the reception of Saaim and they all were late.  As they entered the hall, their eyes fall on the bride and groom who were looking so beautiful and were receiving the wishes. 

"Congratulations." All of them said in union but Saaim looked at them offended which made all of them laughed.

"Sorry we are late bhai." Saying, Haya moved ahead and hugged his wife.

"Congrats." Said Haya but Saaim didn't say anything.

"We are saying sorry na bhai." Said Haya and Saaim looked at her.

"Khizar is not here and you all are also late on my vallima. That's not good." Saaim complained which made all of them smiled. 

"Forgive us son. And May Allah bless you with lots of happiness." Said Suraiya begum while giving him a box of gift.

"Thank you Aunty and only because of you, I'm forgiving them all." Said Saaim and Harib went to hug him.

"Congrats buddy." Hugging him tightly, said Harib.

"Thank you and now its your turn." Said Saaim as he moved back and looked at Harib's face.

"I wish but Dr. Aleezay is not saying yes." Harib said and all laughed and he too joined them.

"Look Dr. Aleezay is coming." Said Rehan and Harib turned immediately but there was no one and all laughed again looking at his face.

"Shut up you idiot. Making fun of your elder brother." Taking Rehan in his hold, said Harib.

"Congrats sir." All turned on the voice and looked at waseem who was coming, holding his son in his arms.

"Waseem what a surprise." Said Saaim and hugged him while Suraiya begum looked behind him to find her daughter but she was nowhere.

"You came alone where is bhabhi?" Asked Harib as he took his son from him and start playing with him while Haya went from there as she received khizar's call.

"She's here." Saying, Waseem turned and all eyes moved back to see the girl.

Expecting Hafsa, Suraiya begum turned to see her daughter after so long but there was not Hafsa coming. She was some other girl.

"Meet sajal my wife." Introduced waseem as that girl stopped in front of them.

All looked at waseem and then at the girl shocked. But soon recovered from the shock. Suraiya begum had many questions but she didn't want to ask it  right now. She walked to meet Saaim's mother but Rehan kept Standing there.

Sajal left from there after taking the baby boy from waseem's arms while Saaim, Harib and Rehan turned to him with many questions in their eyes.

"Where is Hafsa?" Asked Harib still in shocked.

"Where you left all of sudden? Asked Saaim as he was still not believing what he was looking at.

"We are not together now." Said waseem looked defeated.

"What you mean? Where is my sister?" Asked Rehan

"She took divorce from me after the birth of our son because she found someone else who could fulfilled her dreams." Said Waseem and all were shocked on this news.

"Hafsa is such a..." Harib controlled himself and looked at waseem who smiled looking at his son and wife who were talking to Suraiya begum.

"Forget all this and congratulations sir once again." Said waseem and soon all started to talk about other matters.

Haya's POV.
Closing the door of my room, i took a sigh with a smile and walked to the bed. Khizar's thought was always there on my mind and his messages and calls were increasing my love for him with every second because I could feel his love and care in his every word. Freeing my feet from my sandals, I took off my dupatta and walked to bed.  As i fell on bed, I received his call.

"Assalam-u-Alikum." I said as I received the call.

"You reached home?" He asked and I smiled on his care.

"Yes I'm." Replying, I closed my eyes.

"How you were looking?" On his question, my lips stretched into a smile.

"As usual." I replied still with closed eyes.

"You always look beautiful in your usual look." He said making me smile.

"But you are looking more beautiful in this dark green frock than as usual." His words made me surprised.

"How'd you know?" I asked with a small smile on my lips.

"Because I saw you.  Rehan sent your picture to me." His reply made me surprise.

"Really?" I asked and turned the lights off while turning the night bulb on and again closed my eyes.

"Really." He said and i kept silence this time.

"Haya." He called me which always tingled my heart.

"Hmmm." Holdibg my beating heart which was getting crazy for him, I only could say that.

"Just come." On his words, my eyes snapped open up.

"Huh?.. come? Where?" I asked still not understanding.

"Come to me. I want to see you." I got up on his words.

"Khizar." I called him as i was still not believing on what he was saying.

"I've send your tickets and visa. Just come to me." His words really surprised me and made my heart to run more faster.

"Haya." His voice came while i was still in shock.

"Khizar how i mean this..." i was not understanding how to react.

I was happy and nervous both at the same time.

"Just two days Haya and then you'll be here." Another shock which just tingle my heart more as it was going to see him after 2 days.

"Just relax okay.  Harib will come tomorrow to tell you everything.  Now just start your packing to come to me." Saying, he cut the call while I was still seated in the same position.

I was still not believing that i was going to meet him. Happily getting off of my bed, I did my packing and then after changing, I lost myself in the dreams of my khizar.

After 2 days.
Khizar's POV.

Looking around, my eyes were finding her who had started to beat in my heart and in all these years, I had waitied for her desperately. To see her in front of me, I was more impatient in that case. Maybe more than her.

The flight had landed and still she was not coming. It had been an hour that I was looking around to find her but i couldn't see her. Finding her, my eyes were roaming here to there going one person to other. And then with my eyes, I felt my breaths stopped when I saw her coming to me taking little steps. As her eyes fell on me and she stopped like me and we both kept looking at each other without blinking.  In my favourite colour blue, she was looking so beautiful that I couldn't blink my eyes for few seconds. In three years, she had changed. She had become more beautiful.  With a smile, I waved to her as i took myself out of the trance.

Both of our steps moved ahead moving to each other. I just wanted to reach her as soon as i could and as I reached near her, I caged her in my arms without thinking. Closing my eyes, I just kept feeling her in my arms who was weeping silently hugging me back.

"I really, really, really missed you." Hugging her tightly, I whispered closed to her ear.

"I really missed you." Feeling her closed to my heart, I repeated the words.

"Me too." I heard her slow voice and felt her fingers caressing my back.

Time kept passing and we were lost in each other. The beat of our hearts was creating a new rhythm.

"Khizar." Her voice came.

"Hmm." I replied still holding her in my arms.

"Everyone is looking." Her voice came again and I smiled but didn't leave her.

"Let them." I replied as i was not in mood of leaving her now.

"Khizar please." I moved back on her request.

Looking at her, I couldn't stop my smile to appeared on my lips. Her pink cheeks with lower eyes were tingling my heart.

"Welcome." Saying, I held her hand and smiling shyly, she looked up at me.

"Thank you." She said.

Taking her luggage, I walked out with her still holding her hand. Placing the luggage in the car, I turned to her who was looking at the car.

"Is this yours?" She asked and i gave a nod with a smile.

"I just bought it because you were coming." Replying I held her hand and took her to the right side of the car.

Opening the door of the car, i made her sit inside. Closing the door, I  walked to other side. The way back to home was filled with silence but this silence was having its own meanings. Her presence next to me was tingling  my heart. All these years, how i spent without her and now when she was here, I was hardly stopping my eyes to go on her. I was amazed on myself that how i was getting crazy for this girl who was once so far from my notice and love and now had become the only girl who was roaming all the time in my heart and mind.

"Come." As we reached the home, I said stepping out of the car.

Taking her luggage out of the car, I walked up at the building. Turning, I looked at her who was following me. Stopping, I held her hand and walked with her to my flat. These flats were allotted from the hospital I was working in. Stopping in front of my flat, I unlocked the door and stepped in with her.

"Welcome home." Locking the door behind me, I turned to her who was looking at the flat.

"Its beautiful." Her voice came but eyes still roamed around checking the flat which was small but beautiful.

"Thank you." I said and walked ahead with her in the small hall.

"You take seat. I bring coffee for you." I said turned but stopped as she called.

"Khizar. Can i make tea for you?" Her question made me smile and I turned to her.

"I'm dying to have that tea." Replying, I found a beautiful smile which touched her lips.

"Kitchen?" Standing up, she asked .

"There." Pointing toward the direction, I said and followed to the kitchen.

She start making tea while i was just looking at her without blinking. Amazed on myself and on this girl standing in front of me. How she was making me crazy for her with every passing second. How she was becoming my life day by day. It was not in my control. Like a magnet, she was pulling me to her day by day, second by second and i was like helplessly losing myself in front of her.

"Here." Her voice brought me out of my thoughts and I took the tea.

"Thank you." Taking the tea, I walked back to the hall with her.

"Go and freshen up. There's my room." I indicated her.

Nodding, she walked to the room while i just kept enjoying the tea. After few minutes, I walked to the room. My eyes went to her who was standing in front of the mirror removing her hijab. Leaning on the wall from my left side, i folded my arms on my chest while my eyes never moved from her.

"You've beautiful hair." Commented, i saw her turning to me.

Haya's POV.
"You've beautiful hair." I turned on his voice as i was so engrossed in watching at my reflection that i didn't noticed his presence there.

His compliment made me look down with a smile. Strange things were happening.  We were once strangers to each other even living in the same house and now even the distance of three years didn't create the atmosphere of strangers.

"Thank you.  Where will i stay?" Placing my dupatta on my right shoulder, I asked him then covered my head with it.

"Actually this flat has only one room. So you can stay here. I'll be in the hall." On his words, I couldn't say anything for few seconds.

"Okay." With a smile, I said and walked out with him.

"I've to go to hospital but I'll be back soon. You don't need to be scared. Any problem just call me. And we'll go out for dinner okay." He said taking his keys whike my eyes and heart was still tangled with his look.

In this three years, he become more handsome. On black pant, he was wearing white shirt whose cuffs were folded till his forearms while he took his black jacket to put it on.

"I'm all yours." His voice brought me out of my gazing.

"Wait for me." Winking, he walked to the door with a teasing smile on which made me shy and look down.

"Lock the door and don't open it for anyone." Instructing me, he was stepping out of the house.

"Not for you too?" I asked, tried to suppress my smile.

"Try that too but i know you can't stay away from me." Laughed on my words, he said and winking, he left from there while i locked the door and start looking at the flat which was small yet beautiful.

I arranged my things in his wardrobe next to his. Looking at our dresses, a happy smile appeared on my lips.  This was my world. The world where i lived with khizar and now this dream was coming true. I just was feeling myself on ninth cloud. All the day passed and i kept waiting for him.

"Missing me?" As i was about to go to kitchen, I received his message which brought a smile on my lips.

"When you'll come?" I asked as i entered the kitchen and start checking the refrigerator.

"Mean you're missing me?!" Again a teasing message and i smiled on his words.

"I'm." Replying, I started to make dinner for both of us.

"How can i do work now!!" His messages brought a huge smile on my lips.

"Then come soon. I'm making dinner." Texting, I start cooking his favourite meal.

"Why? I had told you that we'll go out for dinner." His reply came.

"Because tonight I wanted to make it for you." After typying, i concentrated on cooking.

Within two hours, I was free from cooking.  Going directly to room I changed into my other dress which was of green colour. Combed my hair and looked at myself. Approving myself, i walked out in the hall when the door opened. I got scared but then his face appeared.

"Assalam-u-Alikum." I greeted him.

"Walikumusalm." Answering, he walked to me.

"You freshen up.  I serve the dinner." Saying, I took a step toward kitchen but stopped as i felt my wrist caged in his hand which made my heart to skip its beats.

I turned holding my beating heart and looked up at him but just few seconds because his those intense eyes were making me shy and nervous at the same time.

"I brought something for you." His voice made me look up at him.

He took a box out of the bag and slowly opened it. My eyes widened looking at the pendant which was so beautiful.  In silver chain, a little heart was hanging.

"May I?" He asked the permission and I with a smile nod.

He ended the distance between us and as he stopped in just front of me, I felt my breath stopped. His colon touched my nostrils blocking my sense of thinking. He was overwhelming me and i was trying to hold myself and my crazy heart. Slowly, his hands moved toward my neck and locked that chain around my neck but I closed my eyes tightly as his fingers brushed against my neck creating goosebumps on my skin.

"Relax I'm not doing anything." I heard his whisper in my ear and he slowly moved back.

I opened my eyes and looked up slowly at him who was having a teasing smile on his lips with an intense gaze on me. My cheeks heated up and head again lowered down.

"I...just come." Saying, I turned and walked toward kitchen.

As I reached inside the kitchen, placing my hand on my heart, I tried to calm myself but my heart and my body were shivering just with his mere closeness. I still could feel his warm breath on the side of my neck. The thought of him doing something brought sweat on my forehead.  Gulping the saliva and closing my eyes, I took some deep breaths to calm myself. My fluttering heart, my shivering hands, my ragged breaths,  my dry lips m, my heated cheeks nothing was in my control.

"Haya." Again a whisper close to my ear and then i felt two arms moved around me hugging me from back.

My breath stuck in my chest and eyes widely opened. His body heat was consuming me and nervousness was making my tongue to shut up.

"Why are you nervous?" He whispered closed to my ear that my ear burned with his warm breath which made my heart to run more faster.

"I'm..not." I managed to utter.

"Today my house is looking complete. Because you're here." He said while tightening his hold around me while a smile touched my lips on his confession.

"Look at me." Saying, he turned me around.

"Haya." On his call, I made my eyes to look in his deep eyes which were capturing me and i could see an ocean of love for me there

"Me, my house and my life is incomplete without you. You've made ME completed." His words were really magical but i never thought I would be important to him ever like he was for me but now his words proved that he had feelings for me.

Silent tears filled my eyes snd started to flow on my cheeks. With a smile, I gave a nod.

"Thank you." I said tried to control my tears.

"Thank you? I was expecting something else." He said coming more closer.

"What? This!" Saying, I applied the cream on his face which was placed there on the shelf.

"Haya." Surprised on my act, he looked at me.

Laughing, I ran from there and he followed me. I ran inside the room and as i enteted I saw him coming behind me. Before i could lock the door, he stepped in and closed the door.

"So!" Taking steps toward me, he said with a clear smirk on his face while I got nervous as the room was not too big for me to run.

On this his those intense eyes were making me more shy snd nervous. Taking back steps, I tried to create distance.

"Say sorry." He said coming closer to me.

"Why?" I asked and tried to escaped from the side but holding my wrist, he pushed me back making both of us fall on the bed.

"Ouch." I said as my head hit with the mattress 

"That doesn't hurt." His voice made me open my eyes and as I did, I saw him on top of me.

"Khizar." A shock whisper came out of my mouth.

"Don't call me like that." He whispered leaning closer to my face.

"Please." A slow whisper I could made which made him smile.

"So what i was saying!" Leaning more closer, he said and i could feel my heart beat in my ears, hands, even in my all body.

"Clean my face." He said brining his face close to my face turning to left side, he showed me his cheek where that cream was which i placed.

With shivering hand, I slowly wipe that cream from his cheek and he turned his face to see me. Our eyes met, breaths tangled as he was just few inches away from me.

"You've changed me." With a smile, he said and kissed my tip of nose.

My eyes couldn't see in his eyes any longer and I tried to hide the blush which crept on my cheeks with his closeness. Before he could say anything or do, his mobile start ringing while i took a breath of relieve.  Looking at me once, he moved from me. As he moved away, I got up, calmed my breaths and heart and as i was about to stepped down from bed, I was pulled back. My eyes widened when I looked at him who winked at me while receiving his call.

Bending my right arm behind my back, he pulled me completely to him that there was no distance left between us.

"Assalam-u-Alikum khala." He start talking and i knew there was Ami on other side of the call.

I tried to free myself but he had strong grip on my wrist.

With left hand, I tried to push him back but he didn't let me even he moved back on bed, laying and pulled me on top of him.

"Haya she's just here khala. And yes she's enjoying here." On the words, he gave me a teasing look while my cheeks heat up.

"Khizar please." I pleaded in a slow voice to leave me but he was not in the mood.

"Khala Haya is asking to leave her. Should I?" He asked from ami and my eyes widened on his this bravery.

"She's asking me to leave her alone in the home." He said once again on the question ami asked and I narrowed my eyes at him while giving a tiny slap on his chest but he laughed on my act.

My eyes stuck on his laughing face which was looking so adorable. I couldn't resist my heart and kept looking at him.

"Khala your daughter is galring at me that why I'm not giving her time." His words again made me narrow my eyes at him.

Hitting his chest again, I heard his laugh while with a smile, I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. He wrapped his arm around me and this time, I didn't try to free myself. I wanted to be caged always in the embrace of his love and now when he was taking me in the valley of his love i was not going to resist.  He had changed.  From that serious khizar to this naughty loving and romantic khizar.  And i was loving him more for loving me.  He kept talking to ami and Rehan while i closed my eyes feeling his heart beat.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

Surprise. I know you all must be happy to receive two updates of  TGINL.

I know you are waitibg for other srories update anf i will give you soon. I'll try to update on eid day. That's not a promise but still i will try.

Coming to chapter tell me how was it? Are you liking this tomsntic side if khizar? If yes then there's more to come.  Do comments to tell me your views and please vote.

Till updates Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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