Chapter 23.

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Third person's POV.
Her eyes opened up as she felt a warm breath on her neck. Coming out of her sleep,she turned her head to see the person. Her lips smiled shyly and slowly turned to his side to see his face which wss almost snuggled in her neck.

"Khizar." Whispering his name, she slightly tug her fingers in his already spread hair and slowly start running her fingers in them.

Last night both slept there without having their dinner as they were so busy in talking to each other and teasing the other. Haya's lips were just smiling while her mind was recalling all his naughty and teasing conversation and acts of last night.

"Good morning." As he opened his half sleepy eyes, he muttered looking at her and pulled her more closer to her.

"Good morning." She answered back snd kept feeling his hair with her fingers.

When she found him again going in sleep, she let her breath away and slowly tried to intangled his arms from her waist so that she could get up but failing her attempt, he opened his eyes and pulled her again closer to him.

"I' get up." Haya managed to say as her heart started to drum fast on his closeness.

"Why?" He asked as his left hand slowly tugged her hair strand behind her ear.

"I'm...i'm..." couldn't get any answr to say.

"You're what?" He asked while tracing her face with his forefinger which made her cheeks to heat up and her breath went uneven.

"I...that.." She was not able to say anything as his heated touched on her face was melting her.

He was looking at her shy face which was looking like a beetroot. Her nervousness was show to him as her eyes were shivering, lips were trembling and he could feel her abnormal heart beat. He was enjoying her all colours.

"Tell me you what?" He asked again as his thumb touched her lower lip and her eyes moved up to see him.

"I'm hungry." Before he could do anything, she said abruptly breaking his contact with her lips.

"I'm hungry. So leave me." She tried to push him back but he was enjoying her nervousness who was ignoring to look in his eyes.

"Khizar please." Her plead made him smile and he slowly removed his arms from her and let her go.

As she got free, she stepped down from the bed and almost ran in the washroom while he laughed fully.

Khizar's POV.
I was laugiing when i saw her almost runnung toward washroom. Her shy look was really making me crazy for her. Her pink cheeks were pulling me more to her. I didn't know what happened to me whenever i saw her.

Getting down from the bed, i went to the wardrobe and took my dress out. And at the same time, she stepped out of the washroom. Her wet face was looking so pure that i couldn't remove my eyes from her.

"I'm going to make breakfast. You get ready." Her polite voice came i was crazy for.

"Coming." Saying i walked in the washroom while she walked out of the room.

My lips were just smiling while my heart was filled with happiness. I khizar who never smiled but since three years smile was not leaving me and now her presence around me was increasing the level of my happiness. After getting ready, i walked out andwent directly in the kitchen as she was still there preparing breakfast for us both.

"Hey beautiful." Hugging her from back as i said, she jumped a little on her place because of my sudden act.

"Its me." Whispering in her ear, I kept feeling her fragile figure in my arms who was now getting nervous on my closeness.

" make breakfast please." She said in a slow voice and lowered her head.

"Will you come?" I asked and she turned her head a little to see me.

Haya's POV.
"Will you come?" He asked and i turned my head a little to see him who was so close to me making my  beat to run fast.

I couldn't see in his eyes longer as they were having so much emotions at that moment that i felt something will happen if i didn't avert my eyes.

"Where?" I asked tried to calm myself and also to break his embrace but he was like a stubborn person was tightening his embrace around me, caging me strongly in his arms.

"Why are you nervous?" He asked in a whisper and then i felt his lips on my ear making me freeze on my spot.

"Tell me." He repeated his question but i was getting more nervous on his this closeness.

His warm breath was teasing me and I was feeling shy on his every act. My little heart was not able to bear his these love attempts. His every act, every touch, every kiss was destroyiing the peace of my  heart and my heart was going out of my control. It started to tingle sweetly on his every touch and closeness.

"Khizar please." Nervously, i said and tried to get free from his arms but he didn't let me.

"You didn't tell me. Will you come?" He asked again while i placed my hands on his arm this time which were wrapped around my waist.

"You didn't tell me where you want to take me?" I asked back as I leaned back on him a little feeling good to be close to him yet trying to control my beating heart.

"There's a party of freshers. So will you join me?" He asked and i turned to him.

This time he let me turned to him and he circled his arms around my waist slowly.

"Will you come?" Tugging the hair lock behind my ear, he asked again and with a smile i gave a nod.

"When?" I asked looking at his smiling face.

"Tonight." He replied and gave a nod.

"I'll be ready." As I said, he kissed my forehead and then rested his forehead on mine.

"Thank you." With a smile he said and I lowered my eyes with a smile.


I was tangled with all the dress which were spread on the bed in front of me. 

"What to wear?!" Confused which dress to wear, I was just finding a suitable dress for myself for tonight but I was not understanding which one.

"Haya." On his voice i turned and looked at him who was standing at the entrence of the room.

"Thank God you're here. I'm so much confused what to wear." Again looking at the dresses i said and my eyes were roaming from one dress to other.

"This." Placing a box in front of he said and i turned to see him.

"For you. Get ready." Saying he walked to wadrobe and took his dress out and went to get ready.

My eyes went back to that box placed in front of me. With beating heart and a smile i took that box and opened it with curiosity.  As the box opened my eyes widened a little to see the dress. At the same time the click voice came and i turned to see him. He was standing there in three piece black suit looking so handsone that i forgot to blink.  My eyes lost their control while my heart went more crazy.  I just lost myself in gazing him whose hair were little spread on his forehead while his that light stubble around his face was making his look more sober and beautiful.

"As I've said I'm all yours." His voice broke that trance in which i was lost and turned immediately to other side hiding my face from him which i knew must be now of red colour while my heart ran a marathon as i start feeling his steps moving toward me.

"Haya." Placing his chin on my shoulder he whispered my name with love while i jumped a little on my place.

"I want to see you in this." Whispering close to my ear he made my heart more crazy on his wish.

"I'm waiting outside." My lips stretched into a smile while eyes were closed as i felt him moving back and then i heard the door's  voice.

"Calm down heart." Whispering to my heart i took a deep brearh and then look at the dress in front of me.

With a smile i went to change as it was his wish and i was not going to reject his wish. I wanted to fulfil it. I wanted to look beautiful for him. With many thoughts i started to get ready with a happy smile and a blush on my cheeks.

Khizar's POV.
I was waiting outside the room impatiently.  I wanted her to come out but i knew she was getting ready.  But truly i didn't had the thing patience in the case of Haya.  I didn't know when i become this much crazy and impatient for her. How i got so much crazy about her. I had no idea but my heart started to run fast on her name on her every thought and it never happened to me till this heart fell for her.

The door voice took my attention and i turned immediately while my eyes get impatient to see her. And then she appeared. My eyes moved from her feet to her her beautiful face. In dark blue saree which had golden embroidery was looking so beautiful on her. Her beautiful hair were beautifully tied in a sided bun while two hair locks were hanging on her face kissing her cheeks. Light touch of make was making her face glow. Her lower eyes, tangled fingers, shivering lips, nervous face everything was making her more beautiful. Walking to her i didn't even blink for once but kept looking at here who was getting nervous on my gaze. Her pink cheeks with lower eyes were taking my heart.

"You look beautiful." As i said her eyes moved up to see me and I felt my heart drowning in her those deep eyes where i could see myself every time.

"Thank you." Saying she smiled.

"Shall we?" Placing my hand in front of her i asked and with a nod she gave her frahile hand into mine and we both stepped out of the house.

At party.

Looking at her nervous face i hide my smile and held her hand which was so cold.

"Don't worry. I'm here." Saying i looked in her eyes which again took my peace.

"I'm nervous.  I never attend a party." Her voice was showing her nervousness.

"Nothing to worry. I'll be with you all time. We'll stay only for few minutes okay?!" I said and waited for her reply.

Nodding she gave me a smile and we both stepped out of the car. Walking slowly with each other i was feeling so much hapoy to be with her. As we both entered the hall where that party was held, my eyes roamed around to find my friends.

"Hey khizar." Turning on the voice i saw Fahad standing with Iraj and Taniya.

"Hey." Waving to him i walked ahead with Haya.

"How are you?" He asked as we reached them.

"I'm good.  Meet my wife Haya and Haya my friend Fahad, iraj and Taniya." I introduced them all to Haya and she greeted them with a smile.

Later on the party kept going on while we all took seats with each other. Girls were talking with Haya while me and Fahad were busy in ourselves. All the doctors nurses were in party wear looking different. All the interns and senior doctors were standing in many groups talking enjoying with each other while slow music was going on. My eyes moved to her who was smiling on something whike talking to Taniya. My lips stretched into a smile looking at her happy face.

Soon our Dean came. We all gathered around him and he cut the cake while we all wished him with applaud as he had completed his 30 years in the hospital. The party started again and this time a little loud music was played. I looked at Haya who was standing looking at the dancing couples.

"Bore?" I asked as i went closer to her.

On my voice she turned to see me. "Tired." Her reply came.

"Want to go home?" I asked and she gave a nod.

"Let's go then." I said and she smiled.

Telling Fahad that i was leaving i went to my seniors and took leave from them i walked back to her who was waiting for me.

"Come." Saying we both walked out of the hall.

"You stay here. I'll just get the car." I said but stopped as i took step because she held my wrist to stop me.

Turning to her my eyes moved to my wrist where her fragile hand was placed holding me. My eyes moved up to her face.

"Can we walk?" She asked and freed my arm.

"Sure." Saying i took steps back to her who smiled while we both started to walk.

We were passing the huge ground of this medical collage which was on the back side of the hospital i worked. The lights with moon light were making the atmosphere beautiful. The gelidity was increaing and i rubbed ny hands to keep them warm  while she wrapped her black shawl around her which was placed on her shoulder.

Many times i turned my head toward her who was walking straight while a peaceful smile was touching her lips.

"Did you enjoy?" I asked and sge5 turned her head a little to see me.

"I did.  Thank you." Replying she again started to walked while i felt myself lost again in her beauty.

Why didn't I ever noticrd??

"Khizar." Her voice came and i looked at her who was standing few steps ahead waiting for me.

Shaking my head i walked toward her with a smile. Taking slow and short steps we were feeling coldness of the atmosphere while i was finding to talk to her again. I wanted these moments never to end where she was with me.

"Allah." Holding my arm she said as she was about to fall but holding me she saved herself and me too.

"You okay?" I asked as she was looking down at her feet.

"I'm fine." Saying she  looked up and we both again started to walk.

Neither she not I tried to take off her hand from my arm. We both kept walking with slow steps making the parking a little far from us.

"I've some confessions i want to make." I said and turning to me, she looked at me with question in her eyes.

"What?" She asked still walking with me.

"That you're so beautiful." As i said i saw a blush crept in her cheeks making her more beautiful.

"Thank you." She replied with lower eyes.

"And?" She asked.

"What and?" I asked back and she looked up at me.

"You said confessions right!?. This was only one. what about others." She asked while i took a deep breath.

Looking at her who was walking with lower head as she was waiting to hear something good but i knew she was not going to forgive me for this.

"I've read your diary." Closing my eyes tightly, i said as she stopped on what i said.

With close eyes, i still could feel her eyes on me. I was so scared to open my eyes. As i opened my left eye to see her, her shock face was in front of me.

"What?" She asked and I opened ny eyes fully.

"I...I've read your diary." Slowly i confessed and looked down as i couldn't see in her those eyes which were filled with anger or i felt.

"When?" She asked another question.

"Three years ago. The night before our Nikah." I slowly replied as i was getting scared on her look.

"Khizar how can you?...I mean how..." Leaving my arm she said and i could feel her offence in her voice.

"Sorry." Before she could react more badly i went in front of her bending my one kneee, I sat in front of her and held my ears.

"Sorry. Sorry sorry sorry Really sorry." I said still holdibg my ear.

"Khizar what are you doing? Stand up." She said but i didn't as i knew she was still angry.

"First say you've forgave me." I demanded while she looked around where those passing people were looking at us.

"Prople are watching. Stand up khizar." She said once again.

"No until you say that khizar you're forgiven." I kept seated there on my one knee,  holding my ears.

"Khizar." Leaning a little closer to me, she tried to take off my hands from my ears.

"Why are you so stubborn?" She asked as she was still trying to take my habds off from my ears.

"Because you are beautiful." I replied and this time she smiled.

"You're forgiven." Saying she took off my hands from my ears and this time i didn't stop her.

"Now stand up." Moving back she said while i made a face.

"I was expecting something else too." I said still seated in the same position.

"What?" She asked not understanding.

"At least a kiss here." I pointed toward my forehead while i enjoyed the view of her blushing face on my words.

"Stop khizar.  Get up." She said but i shook my head as no.

"Until..!" I stopped and pointed toward ny forehead again.

"That's enough now. Stand up at once." Saying she came closer to hold my arm to make me stand up but holding her arm i failed her attampt of moving back.

"My wish is your command i thought." I said with a teasing smile but she looks at me helplessly.

My eyes kept looking at her beautiful face which was blushibg on my wish. I could see her shivering lips. Slowly my hand took the pins out of her hair and let her hair free from that bun and as i did her hair fell down like an cascade. 

"Khizar." Her voice full of surprised  which made me smile.

"Leave me please." She said but i kept holding her hand as i wanted her to do what i asked.

I saw her looking around and then she moved toward my forehead while my eyes closed down in anticipation and then i felt her soft lips on my forehead kissing me sweetly. As i opened my eyes she loved back with pink cheeks and was not looking at me.

"Now please get up." Her slow voice came making me smile.

Standing up i held her hand start taking steps with her who was not looking at me but was smiling shyly.

"Any more confessions?" She asked turning her head toward me.

"Yes actually I want to say that...that I... I..." But stopped as I was not able to say those words.

Those words which my heart repeated every time to her but in front of her i didn't know why couldn't i say it.

"That you what?" She asked looking deeply in my eyes.

Haya's POV.

"That you what?" I asked with beating heart.

My heart was waiting to hear those words which i could see in her eyes i feel in his touch which were written on his face but his tongue was silent. I knew what he wanted to say and i wanted to hear it which i was feeling but he stopped.

"Nothing. Just forget it." He said and I become sad as he was not going to say tonight.

"Can i ask something?" He asked and i nodding gave permission to him.

"You've made intentionally bad breakfast when khala went to meet her sister?" He asked and i looked up at him.

"Why didn't you ever let me know that it was always you who were doing my all works taking care of me all the time hating rain because of me, who knows that i hate yellow colour. Why didn't you ever let me see your this side?" He was asking as he came in front of me stopping my way.

"I...dont know." I simply said looking away from his heated eyes where i could see an ocean of emotions for me and the curiosity to know my answer.

"Haya. Why didn't you ever tell me that you..."

"Khizar its getting cold.  We should ho home " i didn't let him complete and said looking away from his eyes which were taking my heart again.

"So you're now hiding again your feelings from me. You know there's no use of it. I know all." Saying he marched ahead with me but i kept silent this and tried to control the abnormal beat of my heart. 

"You should have had tell me back there.  At least you should trust your feelings." He was saying and i was feeling nervous knowing that he read my diary.

"You shouldn't have had read ny diary." I said still looking down at the ground while covering myself with my shawl.

"Why?! And I'm much thankful to Allah that i read your dairy and because of that youre here as my wife." Holding my hand firmly in his hand he said.

"And you know what." He said and looked at me.

"It gave me happiness to know that you were my shadow girl." Looking at him confused i tried to understand what he meant.

"Shadow girl?" I asked and smilingly he gave a nod.

"Those nights when you visited me i was awake all the time. But couldn't see your face. That's why when hafsa said that she was the girl visiting me at nights i didn't reject her." He was saying and i was just looking at him who was untangling all the questions running in my mind.

"Why did you decide all of sudden to marry me?" I asked looking down .

"Because i knew you are a foolish girl who won't say anything and i couldn't take any chance to lost you so in a second i decide to make you mine." He said and touched his forehead with mine making me look at him.

With close eyes he was smiling. He was so close to me that i could feel his breath on my face. Once he was like a moom who was so far from me that i couldn't wish for him and now he was here with me as mine and i was still feeling it all like a dream.

"Haya." And he took my name with love.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

Hope you all are fine and enjoyed reading the book. Comibg to this current chapter gow was it?

Are you all liking khizar? His naughty abd romantic side?

Tell me your views about thel chapter. I'll be waiting for your comments.

Don't forget to vote.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...

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