Chapter 25.

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Haya's POV.

"So you ready?" He asked as he stepped out after changing and looked at me.

I gave a nod with a smile. Smiling to me, he went to the mirror and looked in it while i just kept looking at him who was now combing his hair but still i could feel his eyes on my reflection, visible in the mirror.

"You know your eyes are my mirror." Saying, he turned to me and i just waited for his next words.

"My mirror where i can see myself as clear as in mirror." Asiding my hair from my shoulder he said and I smiled.

"I want to be your shadow khizar. So no one can separate me from you." I said looking back in his eyes.

"And I want to be your heart beat." Kissing my nose, he said.

"That you already are." Replying I walked out with him who had made the plan of shopping today.

"Lets go now." I said looking at him who was looking at me but not starting the car.

"My eyes refused to look at anywhere but you." I giggled on his words and he smiled too.

"I believe that but for now please." I said, giving nod, he start driving and i kept looking at the passing views.

The cold in London was increaing. Wrapping the shawl around me properly i was just waiting for the snowfall to be fall on us but i think it still had time to fall.

Reaching the mall we start our shopping. Almost all the day we were busy in shopping. For ami, Rehan and Harib bhai we bought gifts and for me he bought almost everything which i needed or not but he was buying and buying and it was getting hard for me to stop him. I was smiling on his craziness while my heart was flying with happiness receiving his this much love.  On return we had our dinner at an Indian restaurant.

The next three days were also filled with his craziness. He took me to the shopping, to different parks and showed me the city. I was just enjoying his company and love for me.

"I'm much tired." Resting my head on his chest I said and he wrapped his arms around me giving me the feel of protection and love.

"I can see that." Kissing on my forehead, he said and we both closed our eyes to fell sleep after spending a long day.

After a week.

Khizar's POV.
"Hurry Haya." I yelled almost for the thrid time.

"Coming." Her voice came and my lips smiled.

In blue colour frock she was walking toward me with hurry while i just let myself lost in her. Lost in her beauty.

"Let's go." She said as she stopped in front of me.

"You know now I can't live a second without you. Its decided that I'm going to marry you in these two weeks. I'm going to say this to khala." I said and she laughed.

"Two weeks?! Are you serious khizar.  You are going to meet them not to marry me. Two weeks are less for preparations." She said while holding my arm.

"What preparations you want?" I asked and she looked at me with a smile.

"I want that day to be very special.  Not only us or the people but i want everyone, everything around us to know that we belong to each other. The trees, the water, the grass, the sky, the air even everything around i want us to be witness on that day that I've become yours. That you are mine only and Haya is khizar's." She said looking at me and i gave a nod.

"Everyone and everything will know. You just let it on me my lady. But its done that when I'll be back you are coming with me as my official and loving wife." Saying i pecked her lips tried to make her shut up.

"Lets go. Our flight is on time." Holding her hand i walked out of the flat.

Locking it I walked out with her and then we started our journey toward homeland to meet our loved ones, our family and friends.


As the flight landed I looked at her happy face. Looking at me once she inhaled the air deeply in her lungs and I smiled looking at her.

"Let's go." I said.

Holding hands, we walked ahead toward the cab as we didn't inform anyone at home about our arrival. It was going to be a surprise for all of them and i just wanted to see their happy faces. After three years i was going to see them all. My khala and Rehan. I missed them so much and ofcourse my srupid friend Harib.  I was so excited.

As the cab stopped in front of the house, we stepped out and the guard opened the door as he saw haya.

"Nice house." I said looking at the beautiful house.

"Come." Holding my hand she dragged me in and I smiled on her cute acts.

"Surprise." As she srepped in the main hall and said.

"Surprise." It was me who said and my eyes fell at the person standing in front of khala.

On our voices khala Rehan and Harib turned to see us but I got shocked when that person also turned to see us.

"Hafsa." My bag slipped from my hand and i just could make a whisper when i looked at her half burned face.

"Khizar." I heard her taking my name and then i saw her running toward me.

"Khizar you came." A shocked touched me as she hugged me and said

I looked at Haya who's hand slipped away from mine and she was looking at Hafsa who was still shedding tears with her head rested on my chest.

"Thank god you're here. I really needed you." With cries she was saying and i was just looking at them all who were having their eyes on us.

"Hafsa please." Detaching her from me i made her stand at distance from me.

As she stood in front of me, her dupatta slipped down from her head and my eyes widened when i saw her half burned face.

"How this happened hafsa?" Before i could ask Haya came forward to her sister and asked with concern.

Shedding tears Hafsa hugged her sister and i looked at Harib and Rehan who just took a sighed and then gave a nod for me to enter the house.

"Come inside." Said khala and we all entered the house.

I was still in shock. Why Hafsa was here and how this all had happened to her?? She was gone right? From our lives. Then why all of sudden she came back. I was not understanding what was her motive.

"I'm sorry khizar." She said as we all took place on the sofas .

"I broke your heart. Didn't care for your pure feelings and see what had happened to me. I received betrayal in love too." She start crying again as she completed.

I looked at Harib who shrugged his shoulders and I just could make a nod.

"That's okay Hafsa. You didn't hurt my feelings. Because they were never for you. Anyway I'm sorry for all this. Though, you're here. We'll try to help you. May Allah give you strength." Saying I stood up and went to my khala.

"I missed you so much." Hugging her, I said.

Three years were very enough and i just missed my this loving family. Hugging Rehan I turned to see her who was looking still concerned for her sister but i was thinking something.  But still I had to kept it to myself for now.

"Come let me show your room." Said Harib and nodding we both stepped ahead.

Haya's POV.
As I've send Hafsa to guest room i walked toward my room. After a long journey i was expecting a loving and happy family get together but hafsa's presence and condition just made me sad. Why that happened to my sister. I was upset for her. After all she was my sister. I wanted all happiness for her but didn't know why her destiny  brought only misfortune for her.

Sighing i closed the door of my room and stepped ahead but as I took a step ahead to turn the lights on someone pulled me by wrist.  Before i could yell the very beautiful fragrance touched my nostrils makibg me close my mouth.

"Khizar." Looking in his eyes who just turned the lights on and looked at me.

"I missed you so much." Saying, he took a step closer to me but before he could come more closer, I stopped him by placing my hand betwen us two.

"We've just met on dinner khizar." I said narrowing my eyes at him who made a face and removed my hand from between us.

Grabbing my waist he took me in his arms and placed his forehead on mine making my lips to stretched into a smile.

"I missed you too." I said and he moved his head back to see me.

"Why are you tense?" He asked and I was not amazed now that how he could read me in and out.

"Because of Hafsa. Why this happened to her? She deserved better. Not all this. Her face I just can't see her like this." I said and tears brimmed up in my eyes.

"Hey don't cry. Why to have worry when your khizar is here. I've thought a solution but will tell you after Harib's weddibg." His words shocked me.

"Harib bhai is getting married?" I asked shocked surprised.

"Yes he had informed me but wanted to give uou surprise that's why i didn't tell you. He was here to invite you personally but as Hafsa came so he just kept silence but ask me to inform you." Khizar said as he sided my hair from my temple.

"When he's getting married?" I asked impatiently and excitedly. 

"Dr Aleezay finally accepted his proposal so he didn't want to be late. So in emergency he just fixed his marriage in just coming three days.  Tomorrow is his mehndi day." As he said I become happy hearing Harib bhai's marriage.

"I'm so happy for him. But khizar there's something i want to talk about." I said looking at him who got serious on my words.

"About Hafsa right?" He asked and i gave a nod but i could see the seriousness of his face which was increasing as he was not liking the topic.

"Pleaae listen to me. I know only you can do it. Till we are here i want you to help her. I want you to make her face as it was before." I said and hoping that he'll understand what i wanted to say.

"I'm not a plastic surgeon Haya." He said with serious face.

"But you meet one. Please look a doctor for her who gave her face back. Please pretty please." I said making myself more cute in front of him who smiled on my act and cupped my face.

"Anything for you my love." Kissing my forehead he took a step back but i held his arm and went closer to him.

"I love you." Whispering i rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes feeling him close to me.

"I love you my Haya." I felt him kissing my head and then he wrapoed his arms around me taking me in his loving embrace and i just smiled.

Khizar's POV.
With a smile i opened the door of my room as my Haya was sleeping now peaceful and now i was cleared head to think about her who just came again in our lives.

"Khizar." Startled from my thoughts as I looked up I saw her seated there on couch in my room.

How dare she!!

"What are you doing here?" I asked with serious and angry tone as truly I didn't like her presence in my room.

"I was here to say sorry. Sorry for everything. I broke your heart and insulted your pure feelings and that's why i got this punishment. I'm sorry khizar." With tears she started again.

"Listen Hafsa I've told you before that my feelings were never for you and I'm thankful that you left. Leaved me. You don't need to apologise to me again and again. And yes sorry about what happened to you. About your face I'll talk to my friend who is a surgeon in pakistan. He'll treat you and you'll fine again." I said and her face lightened up with happiness.

"You will?? I knew only you can do this. I knew you'll do this for me. You couldn't see me in pain. I know you still love  me. Oh khizar.." with happiness she took a step ahead, an angry frown visible on my forehead.

"Stop." Stopping her i looked at that selfish girl who was only thinking of herself.

"I'm not in love you. I never loved you.  I loved only Haya. My Haya. I'm helping you only because she wants otherwise i don't want to do a single thing for you who betrayed me and everyone." I said angrily who just stood still on her place.

"I'm saying sorry na khizar. Don't say such things that...that you love Haya.  I know you're lying. She can't be your girl. Its me who..."

"She's my girl. My Haya. My wife. My life. Don't you dare to say anything about her." I said a little louder making her realize that she was standing on her place.

"Wife??" She asked shocked.

"Yes my wife and this time I came to take her with me. You just stay away from me, from us. Now please leave. You'll get your surgeon's information tomorrow." I said and pointed toward the door to tell her to leave.

Shedding tears she left and i held my head.  She was just the same. Thinking about herself.  Still after years she believed that I loved her. I actually never loved her. But Haya was not understanding her. I knew she came with not a good motive and i had to find that before it could harm us in any way.

Third person's POV.
That was the night of Harib's Mehndi function. Haya was getting ready in her room while suriya Begum Rehan and khizar were standing in the hall waiting for her as they were ready to depart.

"Why girls take so much time in getting ready?" Said Rehan making both of them smiled.

"Let me check. Just wait." Said Khizar and walked up to her room.

Stopping in front of her room he pushed the door and entered the room with a smile.

"Haya." Calling her he looked around to find her.

"What are you doing here?" Coming in front of him she asked while his eyes roamed on her who was standing in front of him in lemon colour frock.

"God you're looking horrible." He said looking at her who narrowed her eyes at him and then turned toward the mirror to see herself.

"Just joking. You're looking beautiful as always but now please hurry up. Harib will kill me." Said Khizar and walked to her and stood behind her.

Takibg the chain from her hand he held it and looked at her.

"May I?" Asking permission he kept looking at her reflection visible in the mirror.

"Please." Taking her hair aside she said and he with a smile tie that chain around her neck.

"You're looking so beautiful my lady." Taking her in his arms from behind he whispered in her ear and placed a soft kiss on her ear.

"Thank you. We should go now." Getting nervous on his closeness she said and he chuckled and took a step back.

"Blushing huh!" His comments were making her more shy and she just gave a glare to him with a smile and walked out while he followed her.

Both stepped out of the room with smiles,blush and smirks. Their happiness was written on their faces but there were some eyes who were noticing their these happiness and was having evil and envious eye on the happy faces.

"I won't let you take him Haya." She said with anger in her eyes and turned to her room with some plan on her mind.

All of them went to Harib's home to attend his Mehndi function. After spending a beautiful evening they all  return late at home and tired of all this all stepped ahead toward their rooms.

Haya went to kitchen to have some warer with a smile as she was happy for Harib. Khizar's naughty acts his winks and smirks were makubg her smile and mind was still roaming around her khizar when she found Hafsa seated in kitchen shedding tears.

"Hafsa what happened? Why are you crying?" Asked Haya as she went closer to her.

"I'm crying on misfortune.  On my destiny.  How all this had happened to me." She cried more with words.

"How lucky you all are. Harib khizar Rehan and you. You all got a good life partner and a good life. You all have a life partner and I'm left alone." She said with tears and Haya got disturbed on her words.

"Everything will be okay Hafsa. You please relax yourself." Said Haya and Hafsa looked at her .

"Nothing can be fine with my this burned face. You think that I'll get all happiness with this ugly face?? No. Everything is ruined." She cried with hiccups and two tears left Haya eyes.

"I know what are you feeling. But you've to be brave.  Allah almighty will bless with the best." Haya said with concerned.

"I can't be blessed with best. I've an ugly face. No one will accept me."Hafsa said disappointed and shed silent tears.

"Its not like that. You'll get your match. You'll be happy one day." Said Haya consoling her sister but the other had other plans.

"Shut up Haya. If it's like that then will you let khizar marry me? Will he accept me? An ugly girl who didn't have anything left in this world.  No because he's yours and why would he accept a girl like me. And please you leave me alone." Said Hafsa angrily and Haya got shocked on words.

What she said? What her words meant? Did she ask for khizar?

"You can't right? I know you can't give your khizar to your ugly sister.  You can't let her live a normal life so stop your lectures and just go away." Yelled Hafsa on Haya and walked away from the kitchen leaving Haya shocked on her demand.

"Khizar!" She took his name with tears and walked to her room with many thoughts on her mind.

Hafsa was watching her from a corner and slowly put that tiny teear on the pad of her finger and flew it away with a clever smile on her. She succeeded in what she wanted. She just put that thing on her mind which will only lead her to khizar.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

After a long time I'm back with your favourite stories and I'm sorry for making you all wait. Sorry for such long wait.

I received all of your msgs comments on wattpad and Instagram and I'm so thankful to u all for your love.

I'll be back soon with more updates.

Till than Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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