Chapter 26.

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Third person's POV.
As she enter her room, still her thoughts tangled with what Hafsa said she felt an invisible burden on her shoulders. She felt tired and disturbed all of sudden. How much she was happy after returning from the Mehndi of Harib. She witnessed and felt khizar's crazy love for her. His craziness, his impatience, his love everything was so pure and only for her and now what her mind was thinking was scaring her. Going the goosebumps of fear on her body and heart was running fast in fear on what she thought.

"No I can't do this." She muttered to herself while removing her shoes.

Taking off her bangles she was mumbling to herself while tears were rushing out of her eyes.

"I can't do this." She muttered again slowly taking her bangles out.

"He's mine. Only...mine." she muttered again.

A sudden knock on the door pulled her out of her condition. She came out of her thoughts. Again a knock on the door and she wiped her tears snd took a deep breath and stepped toward the door to open it. As she opened it someone pushed himself in and closed the door.

"How much time you take to open the door." Circling his arms around her waist he pulled her closer and said.

"Khizar what are you doing here?" She asked surprised.

"I came to meet you." He said pulling her more closer and she smiled lightly placing her hands on his shoulders while eyes lower down.

"You cried?" He asked and she gave an answer by shooking her head but still with lower eyes.

"You cried i can say this. What happened Haya?" He asked concerned while her eyes started to fill with tears again.

"N...nothing." she replied but not looking at him.

"Look at me." Cupping her face he made her look at him.

"Tell me what happened?" He asked again looking in her deep eyes which were filled with tears now.

But instead of answering him, she just hugged him tightly as afraid of losing him. He held her back in his loving embrace.

"Haya." He called her.

Khizar's POV.
"Haya." I called her as j felt her still sobbing.

"You're mine." I heard her slow voice while holding me tightly.

Caressing her head, I tried to calm her who was disturb and anxious. I wanted her to tell me what was going on inside her but she was just crying.

"You're mine." She repeated the words and i moved back a little to face her but sge kept holding me as if she was afraid to lose me.

"Hey listen." Cupping her face in my both palms i made her look at me.

"I'm only yours. No one can take me far from you. I'm yours. Only yours." I said looking deeply in her eyes who was listening to me without blinking.

"Understand?" I asked and she gave a nod with a smile and again hugged me while i Smilingly took her in my embrace.

"I love you Haya and nothing can change that.  We're meant to be each other's." I said caressing her head.

"I'm..just scared." I heard her.

"Of?" I asked still keeping her in my embrace as I wanted to take all her fears.

"Of my own. Maybe I..just..let you go." I heard her which made my heart to stop for a second to beat.

"But i will not let you do that." Saying i held her tightly in my arms.

"I won't let the separation come between us. Ever." I said and moved back to see her who was still thinking something.

"Look at me." Cupping her face i made her look at me.

"Just don't let the stupid thoughts to over power you. Do what your heart is saying. We've a long life together." I said wiping her tears and she gave a nod.

"Good girl. Now just go and wash your face snd freshen up snd then go to sleep. Go." Saying i pushed her toward the washroom and start roaming here and there in the room waiting for her but actually my mind was tangled with something.

Some thoughts and things making me angry and tense at the same time. I had to do something. This was now going to cross its limits. I thought snd nodded on a thought came in my mind.

"You came." As she stepped out of the washroom in her night suit which was of pink loose shirt on a white trouser i asked her.

"My head is hurting." She said and i looked at her wjo was looking so pale and weak all of sudden.

"Come." Holding her arm i made her way toward the bed and made her lay down.

Covering her body with comforter i took seat next to her and held her hand.

"Stop thinking. I'm always with you." I said and she gave a nod but i wanted to see that smile which brighten my day.

"I think i should ask khala for Rukhsati as my kids can't wait anymore." I said winking at her which made her blush and a smile appeared on her lips sending peace to my heart.

"Shamless." Saying she kept smiling and i leaned ahead to place a kiss on her forehead.

"Only yours. Now sleep my love." Saying i ran my fingers in her hair and she closed her eyes with a smile on her lips while i just kept looking at her.

As i felt she slept i slowly got up and then the night bulb on. Slowly stepping out of my room i took my mobile out.

"Harib." As the call was dialed i said as he picked the call.

"Can we meet? I'm coming." Saying i stepped down the stairs as it was now important to solve or end which she started. Which Hafsa started.

Third person's POV.

"What happened dude? You can't let me be in my dreams after all its my wedding tomorrow." Said Harib as he met Khizar out of his house.

"Don't worry pal I'll give you the night to dream about bhabhi but for now just listen to me." Said khizar and Harib become serious.

"What happened?" Harib asked concerned.

"She's crossing her limits." Said Khizar.

"She's hurting my Haya emotionally. Using such tricks which i never imagined." Said khizar in really anger and frustation.

"Dude tell me clearly." Asked Harib and khizar ran his fingers through his hair while Harib was witnessing his anger.

"She was asking Haya to give khizar to her. I mean I'm a thing or what. And what she think of herself.  I heard her and Haya's conversation when we return from your Mehndi function." Said khizar roaming here and there controlling his rage.

"Who the hell is she asking for me from Haya. And Haya stupid girl maybe thinking to sacrifice her husband to her sister.  She was crying looking so pale with the thought and i knew it was all because of that witch." Said khizar still moving here and there while Harib suppressed his smile.

"I wish you could see that face of witch before." Said Harib mocking of his words.

"Shut up. I'm serious here." Said khizar looking at him.

"Its my wedding tomorrow and you're here with your anger. I won't let you be in dreams on your wedding. Its a promise." Said Harib and khizar narrowed his eyes at him.

"I'll fix my marriage at the time when you won't be able to disturb me." Said khizar thinking.something.

"Okay I've called to the senior surgeon over here. They will contact you soon." Said Harib but khizar shook his head as no.

"Not soon. I want to meet him the after tomorrow. " said khizar and Harib gave a nod.

"I'll try to convince him." Said Harib and khizar turned to him.

"There's something else i heard today but befire telling you that I had to confirm it." Said khizar and Harib gave a nod.

"Thank you budy. Now go and sleep as its your wedding tomorrow." Khizar said while hugging his friend who punched his shoulder.

"You've realized so soon that its my wedding." Moving back said Harib and khizar hide his smile.

"When is your wedding by the way you were planning?" Asked Harib looking at him who smile widely.

"One more favour I've to ask you for." Said khizar moving back.

"Now what?" Asked Harib rising his left eyebrow.

"Not only you but your family too. I mean aunty. " said Khizar looking nervous a little to Harib.

"Now this took my interst. Tell me." Folding his arms on his chest Asked Harib and khizar smiled widely.

Haya's POV.
Since i woke up my head was hurting like hell and all the conversation with Hafsa was roaming on my mind. I was not understanding what should i do. I couldn't see her like this. She was my sister after all. I was trying hard to find a way to bring happiness in her life. I knew she did bad in past but life should give her one more chance to live happily. 

But on the thought of losing khizar was killing me. How coukd i do that. Giving my khizar to her my life to her was impossible and all these thoughrs were imcreasing my headache. I was tangled and stick between husband and sister. My mobile start ringing taking my attention.

"Assalam-u-Alikum." I said as i received the call.

"Walikumusalam. Haya you okay?" I heard his voice making my heart tingle.

"Khizar I'm..fine." I said and a tear left my eye.

How will i live without him who was beating in my heart but my sister also deserve to live better. I thought.

"Get ready soon. I'm coming to pick you and khala ami.  Its Harib's wedding remember. And I've a surprise for you. Wait till night." Saying he cut the call while i looked at the time.

It was 11 of the morning and we all had to go to Harib bhai home as it was his wedding day. In my own tension i just totally forgot about it. I just placed the mobile aside and start getting ready for the function while my heart was not at peace. As i stepped out of the room in Blue Saree, my hair tied in a sided bun and arms filled with bangles as my khizar liked me wearing bangles I saw Hafsa coming toward me.

"Looking so beautiful. Must be for your husband. I wish i could have the one for which i could look beautiful." Sighing she said and passed  from there while i looked at her with hurt rising in my heart.

"Haya hurry up." I heard ami's call and i took step ahead to go out.

As I stepped in the  porch my eyes landed on him who was standing in bkack suit near the car, waiting for me.  Ami and Rehan took sear on behind seats while smilingly khizar opened the front seat door for me. I lost myself in his smile which was for me. His shinning eyes which had the colour of love, his brightening smile which was creating light of love around me and his fragrance around me was pulling me in the embrace of his love. With beating heart i took step ahead and with much difficulty looked away from his eyes which were capturing me all the time.

"As I've said I'm all yours." As I took seat he leaned closer and did my seat belt and whispered these words in my ear making my eyes to stick to him again.

"Khizar." His words made my heart to fly with happiness and lips took his name with full right.

"Khizar is all yours." Winking at me he whispered again and moved back to close the door and went to take his seat.

I held my beating heart which was going crazy for him with every passing second.  The journey started toward Harib bhai's house while i wad just thinking what should i do.

"The weather is not good." I heard Rehan's voice and i looked at the sky which started to cover with clouds.

I turned immediately to see kgizar who was also looking at the sky. Rain could be started at any moment and i got worried for him.

"I'm fine." Turning to me he said with a smile and stop the car as we reached Harib Bhai's  house.

The Barat was about to depart. Ami and Rehan went inside while me and Khizar kept seated there inside the car feeling silence somewhere urge inside to say something which was going inside our hearts. Maybe i was the one thinking a lot to say something.

"I've to say something." Both of us said together and looked at each other.

He looked at me and then our surroundings. Leaning closer he cupped my face in just a second and pecked my lips while my breath stuck in my chest and eyes close widened on this sudden act. He moved back after few seconds leaving me breathless  and looked deeply in my eyes.

"I've to say something. I want you to listen to me. To my every word snd believe me." He was saying and i just could gave him a nod.

"After the wedding of Harib." He said and gave a nod with a smile while he place a linger kiss on my forehead.

"Now go inside I'm coming." He said and i stepped out of the car with new thoughts.

Third person's POV.
She was standing at a distance. Looking at both of them she tried to hide more, not wanted to come in their notice.

"What are they talking?" She thought and looked around, afraid to be caught, she pulled her veil more up to her face to hide it properly.

Khizar looked around and then She witnessed him cupping Haya's face and kissing her lips. Her eyes widened for a second looking at them. She could see love emotions affection passion in that kiss. As he moved back he said someyhing to Haya which she gave a nod in answer and Hafsa wss thinking what he had said to her. Their happiness burned her heart more.

"I can't bear this all.  You were mine khizar than how can you love my stupid sister." She said angrily looking at him who just placed a kiss on Haya's forehead.

"I've to pull you back to me. You're mine. I was fool back there to refuse you but not anymore. I can'tlet my luxurious life go like this." She said and smiled looking at both of them who were looking at each other with love.

Smilingly she walked back thinking something evil.

Khizar's POV.

As Haya went inside I looked at the side where she was standing watching us all over.  I saw her going away and my lips stretched into a smile. I knew Hafsa was following us. I knew her dirty mind was planning something.  What i didn't know but i had to know. She was keeping an eye on us that confirmed today.  Now i had to bribg Haya in my life as soon as i could. I couldn't lost her because of that evil woman.

Thinking about haya a smile touched my lips and i touched my lips with my finger still feeling the softness of her her lips on mine. Her fragrance around me was making me crazy. Leaning back on the seat i rested my head on the rest of tge seat and closed my eyes for a second.  With a smile i stepped out of the car and went inside where my friend was waiting for me. It was his big day and i wanted to be with him on his happiness. 

"You're late." Wearing turban he said as he saw me entering his room.

"Sorry. But you're looking like a groom." I said moving toward him.

" I'm a groom idiot." He said turned to his sisters who were making him ready.

"Harib bhai hurry up." I tyrned on the voice snd saw my life coming inside the room.

My eyes and heart stopped as i saw her. Every time i saw her i felt for falling for her again.

"Bhabhi I'm ready." Standing with me said Harib while i looked at him on calling Haya Bhabhi.

"Hurry up. The weather is not good." I said as the clouds filled the sky snd cool breeze started to blow.

Harib with his sisters and cousins moved ahead while me and Haya followed them in a slow pace. My hand touched her fragile hand and i turned to see her who looked at me at the same time. Without any delay I held it in mine and winked at her who smiled on my act.

"Such shamless you're." Whispering close to me she freed her hand and walked out while i placed my hand on my heart feeling crazy for her with smile.

Third person's POV
The barat departed. Everyone was enjoying the weather and the function too but she was tense for him. Her eyes were going again and again on him who was dancing with Rehan and Saaim while drumbeater was beating the drum. Soon the small droplets of rains started to fall making her tense more but khizsr was enjoying his friend's wedding fully. After a lot of dancing and fun, all entered the hall and Haya took a breath of relieve.

All the rituals wereme done after a while and then the Rukhsati was done. Haya was meanwhile trying to keep khizar under the roof as it start raining but as of Harib's friend he was doing all of his duties increasing her worries. She knew Rain didn't suit him and that's what was making her worried.

All the guests started to move back to  the bus. Bride was seated in fully decorated car while Haya was looking for him who was nowhere to be seen.

"Haya." I turned on the call.

Haya's POV.
"Haya." I turned on voice and saw Ami coming. 

"We'll be hoing now butdtay here. Khizarwill ne coming." Ami said but i looked around for him.

"Just wait a minute. He's maybe coming." I said still finding him

"He's coming. So you better stay here." Sayibg ami hugged ne and kissed my forehead.

"Stay bless. May you live a happy life." Saying ami left with a smile and i kept thinking about her words.

"Where are you khizar?" Standing under the parking of the marriage hall, i said, my eyes still looking for him.

"In your heart." I heard his whispered from behind in my ear and i turned back to see him.

My eyes widened looking at him. His suit was drenched fully. His wet hair were telling the story of drenching in the rain. The water drops falling from his hair were running down on his face to neck.

"How? You drench completely." I said worried  taking a step closer to him.

"I drenched fully in your love." Keeping me in his eyes he said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Its not funny. You might get cold. Your sneezes and fever, goodness, Hurry up and let's go home." I said holding his arm and pulled him with me toward his car.

But I stopped when he stopped walking.  Turning to him I looked at him questioned.  Smilingly he held my hand and ran outside. I looked at him amazed who was pulling me with him out. It was raining and he was standing under it with me. I looked around where no one was found to be seen. It was almost midnight and we were standing on the road in rain drenching completely.

"What are you doing?? It's Raining khizar. You'll cought cold." I said looking at him.

"I don't care." Running his fingers in his wet hair he said tried to look in my eyes.

"But I care." I said and held his hand to walk back.

"Why?" With the question i was pulled back and i found myself in his arms.

"Khizar shat are doing? Anyone can see us." I saud trued to move back.

"No one is here. And you won't leave me." I looked at him who was so close to me looking deeply in my eyes, even rain couldn't stop him.

" you mean?" I asked while he tighten his hold around me..

"You won't go far from me on what Hafsa said yesterday night." My eyes widened on what he said.

He heard us??

"I won't let you make a stupid decision. Anyone ask you to give your khizar to them and you will do that. I'm not a thing but a humsn being. And I've my own rights and decision Haya. I saw you getting worried for your sister and when she said for giving up on me I saw for fear too." He paused for a second.

"The fear of losing me. I saw your fight with your own. I was giving you time to take a decision but now i think I should take a decision for us. I won't let both of us separate for anyone." He said and I looked down for a second holding my tears.

"But Hafsa.." As I was about to say he captured my lips in his in violent kiss.

I was not ready for that. My hand went automatically to his shoulders to hold him while his hold on my waist tighten and for few seconds he kept kissing me angrily and i just couldn't stop the sensations running in my body with his touch with his kiss.

"I can't bear...anyone between us." As he broke the kiss, he said catching his breaths while resting his forehead on mine.

I kept silence, looking down when he cupped my face and made me look at him.

"I know you are worried for your sister.  I've promised you that I'll help in her surgery.  I got the contact with the top few surgeons and soon Hafsa will get her face back." He said giving a wave of happiness in my body.

"Really?" I asked to confirm.

"Yes. Within two days, her tests would be taken and then the surgery." As he said, I hugged him instantly.

"Thank God. Then she can have a better partner for her." I said thinking.

"Yes she can start a new life with the man she wants." He said and I moved and looked at him who was bringing new life in me.

"Now say khizar is mine." He said, pulling me closer.

"I..." shy on the way he was looking at me, I stopped..

"I want to hear it. I want you to tell yourself and the world that I'm yours and you are mine." He said and I looked back in his intense eyes.

"How?" I asked him while holding his collar.

"Hmm how!" Taking a step back, he placed his forefinger on his chin thinking.

"Like this maybe." Leaning down on his knees, he sat on his one knee bringing his other hand  forward in which a beautiful ring was shinning.

"Marry me now." He said and I   looked at him confused.

"We already are married khizar." I said with a smile.

"No we're not." I looked at him confused.

"You didn't come to me yet." He said looking at me and I looked at him who was having those tiny rain drops on him while waiting for my hand to held his.

"I asked Khala's permission. Its our wedding tonight." He said giving her shocked.

Third person's POV.
Harib was looking at him with a wide smile who was smiling nervously as he looked at Harib's parents.

"Aunty Harib is like a brother to me and that's why I want you take this respinsibility." Said khizar looking at Harib and then at his mother.

"And what should we do for our son?" Asked Harib's  father which brought a huge smile on his face.

"My wedding on the same day of Harib. I want you to ask for Rukhsati of Haya." He said nervously.

"If this is your wish then we'll talk to suraiya. Get ready son." Said Harib's mother and he took a breath of relief.

Later on all went to To talk to suriya begum and as khizar said that he wanted the Rukhsati to give a huge surprise to Haya. she agreed happily but it was decided to kept secret until today.


Third person's POV.
She was looking at him shocked who narrated all the story to her. It was her wedding night and no one told her anything. All knew. Everyone knew except her. With a smile, he stood up and looked at her who was looking so beautiful in her wet look. Her saree was drenched completely.  The sided bun loosed some of hair strands hanged on her temple and some on her neck. Those heavy earrings were moving in her ears, the nose pin was shinning more, her skin was glistening with raindrops falling on her.

Her eyes shivered on his continue gazing. Heart beat increased and fingers tangled with each other nervously while lips shivered. He was stunned on his place, gazing the beauty.

"So?" He asked taking a step closer.

"Its a yes right?" Holding her hand, he asked and she bend her head feeling nervous on his gaze.

"Its a yes I think." Saying, he slid the ring in her finger and she looked up at him.

"Khizar this..I mean like this.." She couldn't understand what to say how to react.

"Yes because I can't live a second without you." Saying, he circled his arms around her waist.

"What are you doing?" She asked looking back in his eyes.

"What you think?" He asked back looking at her intensly.

"Its raining." She said lost in his eyes.

"I know." He replied pulling her much closer.

"You'll get cold." She slowly said, running her hands on his shoulder blades.

"I'm warm enough." Holding her much closer, he said and looked at her who's nose tip was touching his.

Both of their breaths got ragged on this kind of closeness. Their heart beat increased.

"I want to.." He stopped as he took a deep breath looking at her pink lips.

"To?" Holding her crazy breaths she asked, her eyes travelled from his eyes to his lips.

"To kiss you right now." He said while touching her lower lips with his thumb.

On his words, her eyes lower down and then again looked up at him who just looked at her once abd then pulled her closer touching their lips. A groan escaped from both of their lips and holding each other tightly, they start kissing each other. Her hands ran on his arms to his shoulders to his hair wrapping around him tightly while he ran his hands on her back, kissing her passionately. The clouds and rains were smiling on their closeness while they forgot everything around but remembered each other only at that moment.

"I" Biting on her lips, he said and moved back.

Both were out of breath. They looked deeply in each other's eyes. The intensity was still there. Their heart were going wild while the desire to be more closer to each other was increasing in their hearts. Their ragged breaths were going more ragged.

"Come." Holding her hand, he said and dragged her with him.

On the road, drenching in rain, she was taking steps with him who was just hers. Her eyes moved up to see him who was walking ahead creating strange kind of feelings inside her. 

He stopped near the car and opened the door for her. She sat in and he went to driving seat. Taking off his coat, he threw it on the back seat and looked at her who was looking down at her hands trying to control their shiver. He turned toward the back seat and took something from there.

Spreading it on her, he made her surprised.  It was a beautiful red Dupatty which had heavy embroidery on its boarders. She looked at the dupatta which was now around her head to her shoulders and then back at him.

"Its our wedding after all and brides without red are not bride." He said and she looked down while he started the car.

As the car started to run on the road, he held her hand which increased her heart beat more. Both were hardly controlling from going closer to the other. Their heart beat and their breaths were only things they could hear in the car the whole journey. He stopped the car but she didn't look where he stopped it. Going to her side, he opened her side door and she stepped out. Holding her hand, he walked in and took the elevator. Both were silent on their place, maybe waiting for the moments to come. The moments where they could be together, closer, much closer.  As the elevator stopped, he took steps out taking her with him. Stopping in front of a flat, he looked at her who looked up at him.

"Welcome home." He whispered, leaned a little toward her that his breath touched her earlobe, making her feel the goosbumps on her skin.

"Mr & Mrs Khizar Salman."

She smiled looking at thr nameplate.  He entered the code to unlock the door and both stepped in. Both walked in after closing the door. The silenced filled the atmosohere. The flat was beaurifully decorated with flowers. The fragrance of roses touched their nostrils.  The dim light, the roses and their ragged breaths were enough to make them to turn to each other. In a second, both stepped closer to each other, claimed  each other's  lips in a passionate kiss.

Her dupatta fell back while his fingers ran in her scalp, undoing her hair from that bun while she pulled his hair in pleasure.  Both were kissing each ither crazily feeling that monent which was theirs. Pinning her against the wall, he kept kissing her passionately and she was moaning on his touch, on his kisses.

"Kh..izar." Out of breath, she took his name who moved back but didn't stopped. Leaning on her neck, he start kissing her more passionately while sgr bite her lips, stopping herself from moaning.

"I love you." He whispered as he travelled kissed toward her ear.

"Say khizar is mine." Biting on her earlobe, he demaned while she moaned with closed eyes. 

"Khizar." She moaned his name again who's hands started to touch her freely, pulling her saree fall down from her chest.

"Say it." He asked again kissing on her bosom, moving up to her collar bone, licking it.

"You're mine khizar." She said breathlessly and cupped his face to made him come to face to her.

"You're mine khizar. Only mine." Saying she start kissing his face crazily and then kissed his lips passionately.

"I'm yours only." In the kiss, both said and he again moved down on her neck to her bosom kissing her, teasing her.

"Please." She moaned and he took her in his arms in just a second and walked to their bedroom.

All the time, their eyes were lost in each other. As they stepped in the room, he closed the door with his feet and she saw the bed filled with rose petals, candles were lightened around. Placing her in the centre of bed, he took few steps back and just gazing her for few second while she was getting shy on the way he was looking at her. She looked at herself and then at him who took his shirt off, keeping her in his gaze all the time.  She covered her face shyly while he smiled on her act and took steps toward her. Taking seat in front of her, he took her hands off of her face but she kept her eyes closed.

He pulled her closer but she didn't open her eyes making him smile. His fingers ran on her collarbone and she gasped while he took her necklace off and leaned on her neck, placed hot kisses.

"Khizar." She moaned slowly as her hands touched his shoulders and left hand ran toward his hair, fingers entangled with his hair.

She start moaning as his kisses and touch increased on her body. Werid sensations started to run faster in her and both couldn't hold it any longer and started the session of love which united them forever.  The night kept passing witnessing of their love, of their union, of their becoming one.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

After a long time an update  but this is the second last chapter of the story. It was long enough right.

Coming to the chapter tell me how was it. I've tried my best to write it beautiful for you all and I hope i succeeded. How was the romance? Tell me your views and don't forget to vote.

About the other updstes I'm sorry for that. I'm still working on them.  Because of Ramadan and the tough schedule of the month couldn't let me complete the other stories.  I'll update them soon as soon as i could.  Love wins will be next update Inshah Allah.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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