Chapter 4

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Khizar's POV.
Waking up from my sleep,the first thing came in my mind was the girl. The girl who was roaming in my mind all these days. Last two days I tried a lot to find the girl who came that nights in my room but I was not succeed. After that night,I waited again for her to come but two days passed but she didn't show up again. I was feeling so restless as it was now do important for me to find her. She didn't know but she was getting on my nerves.

I got up from my bed and went to freshen up. Changing into black shirt with camel colour jeans,I took my mobile and wallet and made my way out of room. Khala didn't came yet. She was still in her sister's. And I was missing her so much. Special tea from her hand and the taste of her breakfast. Her smile,her love and care,I was missing all.

"Breakfast." I asked as I reached in kitchen.

Haya was seated on ground in front if stove and was cooking. She turned and nodded.

"Its ready." She replied and I went toward her.

Taking seat in front of her on the nat placed there on ground,I waited for my breakfast. Thinking something my eyes moved to her arms to find any sign of bangles but her arms were clear. There was nothing in them. But a small bandage was covering front side of her arm close to the thumb line.

"What happened to your hand?" I asked looking at her hand.

"N...nothing. Just got a scratch." She replied while placing the tea in front of me.

"How?" I asked while taking the sip of tea.

"Don't know. It hurt then I got to know that I got some scratch." She replied while placing omelette and paratha in front of me.

"Thank you."  I said and start having my breakfast.

My all struggle to find that girl was failing. Somewhere I was thinking that it maybe be Haya but then I was stopping myself from thinking like that. I finished my breakfast but didn't move from there. I just keep thinking about the ways to find that girl. After a while I looked up and saw Haya lost in looking at me.

"You okay?" I asked and her eyes immediately lowered down and so did mine.

"Sorry. Any...anything else?" She asked and I shook my head as no.

"Thank you." I replied and walked out.

Today I didn't concentrate on my breakfast and on its taste because my concentration was on someone else.

"Khizar." I heard someone and turned.

"I'm ready." Hafsa said while standing in front of me.

"For what?" I asked looking at her who was ganging bag on her shoulder.

"You are going to drop me." She said and walked toward bike.

"What?" I asked going to her.

"Drop me please." She said and I shook my head.

"Rehan hurry up." I called for Rehan and took my bike out.

"He's gone." Hafsa said and I saw Haya coming ready for her school.

"Going!" I asked her and she nodded.

"I'll be back at 4." I told her and she nodded.

She left and I took my bike out. Hafsa was not leaving me alone. And I was getting irritated. As I locked home and start the bike,Hafsa sat behind me and I just let out a frustrated sigh and drove the bike. I drove as fast as I could. I covered the distance of 15 minutes in just 6 minutes and stopped the bike in front her collage.

"Go." I said and she stepped down.

Without hearing her next words,I drove to my uni. My all mood spoiled. This girl was irritating me and making me angry. All the day my mood spoiled. Harib asked many time but I didn't had anything to tell him.

"You okay?" On the way back to home after academy classes Harib asked and I nodded.

"I will tell you but give me some time." I said and he didn't ask anything.

I dropped him home and went to home. Before I could knock,the door clicked open and I looked at the person. Haya was standing with her lower eyes. I took my bike inside and she closed the door.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I heard her voice.

"Wasalam." I replied and walked in side.

"Is Rehan home?" I asked and and she nodded.

"He's sleeping." She answered and went in.

I took my shoes out and lay back on the cot and I closed my eyes as I was so tired.

Hafsa's POV.
"Idiot." I cursed khizar while walking on the road.

The way he drive in morning I got scared. I felt I'll be on ground on any second. I was praying to reach my collage safe. I was not understanding what was his problem. I mean me Hafsa was giving him clear line and he being a jerk was not understanding or he was purely a fool. Boys were after me and he was running away from me.

But one thing was confirm that I was not giving up. He become a challenge for me.

"Hafsa." I was in my thoughts when I heard a call.

"Hafsa wait." I turned on the voice and saw Waseem coming.

I made a face and continue to walk. He reached me and keep walking with me.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He said but I didn't answer him.

What he was doing here!
All fools around me uff!!

"Hafsa I love you and I know you love me too. Please don't this to me." He said and I stopped

I turned yo him and looked st him. He was looking like a pure Majno but I was not laila and I was not going to ruin my life for this beggar.

"Love!huh! Is love really exist?" I said and laughed.

"I don't love you." I said and his eyes widened.

"Please why are you doing this?" He said and I shook my head.

"Move in waseem we can't be together. Just look at yourself. What you have to gibe he huh! Nothing. So please just live your life and don't come in my way again." I said and two tears slipped from his eyes.

Poor fellow!

"Uff please stop all this emotional drama. We are over now." I said and walked to my way.

All idiot are in my way to disturb me. They don't know that what I want and they can't understand. Poor fellows. My dreams are bigger and I will find the one who will make me queen with his wealth and money not with his just love. I don't need live. I wanted money and luxury life. And they all are in search of love.

Such a stupidity love is!

Khizar's POV.
I opened my eyes and find a shawl on me. I look around and find Rehan seated on the cot looking at me.

"Slept well?" He asked and I got up.

"What's the time?" I asked and he chuckled.

"7 of evening." He said and my eyes widened.

I slept so much. From 5 to 7. My God.

"Come." He said and pulled me with him toward TV.

We settled down on ground and he start searching the channels.

"Khizar." I turned on the voice.

"Want to have tea?" Haya asked and I recalled the taste of Haya's hand made tea.

"No I'm good." I said and she left.

After a while she returned with a milk shake. I looked at her who was smiling on something and this was the first time I saw her smiling. She passed me a glass and I took it. She walked back and I enjoyed my milkshake with Rehan.

"When Ami is coming?" Rehan asked and I turned to him.

"Maybe after two days." I replied and he nodded.

"Let me ask." He said and dialed his cousin's number.

"Assalam-o-alikum Ahmed Bhai." He said.

"Hello Ami how are you?" He asked and I got excited that he was talking to khala.

Rehan was talking to khala and I was getting impatient to hear her voice. I took mobile from Rehan's hand.

"Assalam-o-alikum khala. How are you?" I asked and tried to hide my wet eyes from Rehan.

"I'm good son. How are you?" She asked and I smiled as I heard her voice after 3 days.

"I'm good. When you are coming?" I asked.

"Inshahallah tomorrow I'll depart from here and the day after tomorrow I'll there with my son Inshahallah." She said and I got happy.

"Inshahallah we'll be waiting for you. Miss you so much." I said and hugged Rehan after cutting the call.

I was so excited that my khala was coming. My mother was coming. And that was the happiest thing that I ever felt. My wait started for my khala,my mother.


"I missed you khala." I hugged khala happily on station.

Me and Rehan went to receive khala. I was so happy to see her in front of me.

"Me too son." Khala said and moved back.

"My son." Khaka hugged Rehan and after all the hugging and emotions we walked out of railway station.

We reached home and both daughters hugged their mother. We took seat with khala and khala start telling us the tale of her journey. I was just listening her and looking at her with love. Suddenly I felt a hand on mine and I saw at my hand and then at the person. My eyes widened looking at Hafsa seated next to me. She smiled but I removed my hand from her and looked at khala to know if she saw us or not. But thankfully she was busy with Rehan.

I walked from there to stairs to go my room when I felt her following me. I turned and saw her standing behind me.

"What's your problem?" I asked and tried to lower my voice.

"You. You are my problem." She said while taking a step closer.

"Excuse me!?" I asked as I was not understanding what she was saying.

"Can't you read my eyes?" She said and took a step closer but I took a step toward stairs.

"Stay away." I said and rushed toward my room.

Running my fingers frustratedly in my hair,I roamed in my room to think about Hafsa's behavior. I was not understanding what to do,how to handle this girl. I didn't want to tell khala about Hafsa and her behaviour because I didn't want yo hurt her. I didn't want her to feel ashamed on her daughter.

I didn't come out all day from my room. I spend my all day on my room. The night fall and I stayed in my room. I was reading my book when I heard a knock on door. I saw khala entering. I straighten up and smiled looking at her.

"I came and my son bound himself to his room." Khala said and I smiled while holding her hand.

"Its not like that. I was not feeling good so I just came." I said and she nodded.

"I want to talk to you." Khala started and I waited for her to continue.

"You know Ahmed right?" Khala asked and I nodded.

"My sister Arooj ask for Haya's hand for her son Ahmed." Khala said and I felt happy.

"That's great khala. He's a nice guy. Just like Haya. Both will stay happy." I shared my views and saw disappointment on khala's face.

"What happened khala?" I asked.

"Haya. I told her about this proposal but she's not agree." Khala said and I didn't say anything for few seconds.

"Why?" I asked

"I don't know but she's just saying no. I asked for reason but she didn't tell my anything." Khala said and I could see how worried she was.

"She said she doesn't want to marry." Khala said and a tear slipped on her cheek making me restless.

"Khala please don't cry." I wiped her tears and held her hands.

"Khizar." Khala called me and looked at me.

"I want you to talk to Haya." Khala said and my eyes widened.

"Me?" I asked again to confirm.

"Yes I want you to talk to Haya. I want you to convince her for this proposal. Aapa(sister) wanted to come officially with Ahmed's proposal but I stopped her as I wanted to ask Haya first. But she's not listening to me so I want you to talk to her. Convince her and know the reason of her refusal." Khala said with hope.

I felt difficulty to accept this. I mean how can I talk to Haya about a proposal. We were never friend,nor Frank with each other then?? I was thinking but I saw the hope in khala's eyes and I didn't had the dare to extinguished the hope which she was having from me. I nodded slightly while holding her hands tightly.

"I'll talk to Haya." I said and she smiled with shinning eyes.

"Thank you. She'll listen to you." Khala said happily and kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"Now don't worry.  And let's go to have dinner." I said while getting up with her but in my heart I was thinking how to talk to Haya and how to start.


"Khizar you talked to Haya?" Khala asked and I shook my head as no.

A week passed and I didn't talk to Haya about the proposal. I was not understanding how to start the conversation with her about this topic.

"Khizar do it hurry." Khala said and I nodded.

"I'll talk to her tonight." I said and khala nodded.

The night fall and we were having our dinner while I was thinking how to talk about Ahmed with Haya. We never shared such frankness that I talked to her about her engagement. As we finished our meal khala nodded her head to indicate me talk to Haya. But I remain silent. Hafsa and Haya took the utensils and Rehan went TV while I turned to khala.

"What are you doing Khizar? Talk to her and I know she won't say no to you." Khala said and I nodded.

"But I won't force her. I'll just try to convince her but decision would be hers." I said and khala nodded.

"Okay now go and talk to her." Khala said and I nodded.

Taking slow steps toward kitchen I was arranging words in my mind to talk to her. I stopped in kitchen and saw her washing the utensils. I heard her humming. She was singing something and I just remain silent to keep listening her beautiful voice in which she was beautifully singing.

Akhiyo'n ke jharokon se
Maine dekha Jo saware

Tum dor nazar aye
Badi dor nazar aye.

She had very beautiful voice. It captivated me for few seconds. She didn't know that I was standing behind her maybe because she was in her own thoughts. She got up and turned but bumped into me and I who was so lost in her voice came into my senses.

"Sorry." I said while taking a step back.

"Its...its..okay." I heard her and I nodded without looking at her.

She took a step out of kitchen and now it was necessary for me to stop her or else I'll forget what I was going to say.

"Haya." I called her.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you?

After a long time but I came back. Hope you won't be angry. Due to some circumstances I didn't update any of my story and I'm so sorry for that,for making you all wait.

Coming to the chapter, I always hang you at the end don't I!? Yes I know you want more and I will soon post the next chapter.

I'm waiting for your comments and votes. Do share my story.

Love you all for your love.

Take care.

Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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