Chapter 5

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Khizar's POV.

Haya." I called her.

She turned on my call. Now what?? I asked myself and took a step toward her.

"Can..can we talk?" I asked and she took few seconds to answer.

She nodded and I went toward her. I saw her waiting for me to start but I was not finding the words to start. I saw Hafsa and Rehan there and I didn't find that place suitable to talk.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" I asked and she nodded.

We walked toward stairs. I looked back at Khala who was showing me thumbs up and I just sighed. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked as we reached on the roof.

"Yes. I mean there is nothing to worry about. I just wanted to ask you something." I started and this time she didn't ask anything.

"Khala told me about the proposal for you and your rejection." I came to point and start talking.

"I don't want to talk about this." She said and took a step.

"Listen." I stopped her.

"Kuala is worried for you. And Ahmed is a good person. His family is good. Then why are you not accepting this proposal." I was saying and she remain silent.

"Khala is worried for you. That's why she asked me to talk to you. She didn't want to lose this proposal." I tried to convince her.

"But I don't want to marry." She said and I went in front of her.

"And why is that? Why you don't want to get marry? Look I'm not forcing you but give at least one reason that why you don't want to marry?" I asked and she was lost in looking at me.

"Haya you are listening?" I asked and she looked down immediately.

"Sorry for saying all this but Khala compelled me to ask you all this. Please don't let happiness go away so easily." I tried once again.

"I don't want to marry now." She answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm..I...don't think about it all. My focus is not on marriage. Ami is forcing me but...but I'm...not feeling it good to happen now. Please don't force me." She was saying and I was listening.

"I'm not ready for marriage." She said and at the same time two tears escaped from her eyes.

"Hey its okay. No one is forcing you. Take your time." I ended the conversation and she nodded.

"Now don't cry and stress yourself. I'll talk to khala." I said and she looked up at me.

"Thank you." She said and I nodded while moving back.

She took steps and went down and I just keep standing there. I walked down after sometime. I saw khala waiting for me. I went toward her and sat on the cot. Khala took seat next to mine and I knew she must be waiting for me to tell her that what I talked with Haya and what was her answer.

"Khizar now spill out." Khala said impatiently.

"Khala relax." I said and held her hands.

"Listen khala I know you don't want to lose this proposal but think about her too. She's not ready yet. I saw her uncomfortable about this proposal." I said and saw khala getting angry.

"Is she mad? Ahmed is a good boy and she'll stay happy with him. Why she's refusing to marry?" Khala asked and I held her hands again which took from my hands.

"Don't force her. She needs time. We all have some problems so don't give her one more reason to get worried. I saw that she's not ready. She needs time and we have to give her time so that when she accept someone's proposal, we could see her happiness." I tried to convince Khala and she nodded.

"Only you are saying so I'm letting it go for now." Khala said and I nodded.

"Thank you." I kissed her hands and she smiled.

Finally I was free from this duty now. I lay back on my cot and keep looking at the roof which was not so in good condition. Every corner of the house tell the story of our miseries, poverty and broken dreams. But I was not going to stop. I was going to change it for me,for my khala.


We were on dinning mat and was waiting for dinner to be served. I looked up and saw Hafsa was bringing dinner. I immediately looked away. Both sisters served the dinner and took seat with us.

"Today's dinner is made by Hafsa." Haya informed everyone and I looked down at the dishes placed in front of me.

There was biryani, salad, with yogurt. I looked up at her who was showing me her full teeth's. I sighed and filled my plate with that biryani. Everyone also served themselves and start eating. As I put the first spoon in my mouth and tasted the Biryani,I felt my mouth burning. But I didn't say anything. After 3 spoons I ate,my throat start burning and I start coughing badly. Placing the plate back on mat I looked up at Hafsa who was already looking at me.

"There's a lot...of red chilli." I said between coughs and my eyes filled with water because of spice.

"Water." I looked at the hand offering me water.

I took it and drank it in just one take. My throat was burning. I was breathing heavily.

"Hafsa what you did? You know he's allergic of red chilli then why you added it?" Khala scolded Hafsa and keep running my back.

"But I tried to make it tasty." She said in her defense.

My coughs were not ending. I felt something was cutting my throat from inside. It start hurting more making my eyes filled with water because I was still feeling the spice of red chilli.

"" I said but find my voice low.

No no this can't happened! I thought and tried to speak again.

I got up and sat on the cot. I was rubbing my throat and coughing.

"My...voice." I tried to speak louder.

But my voice didn't came but only a whisper.

"Khizar what happened? Beta speak." Khala said and I tried but I felt my throat burning more.

"My...inter..view." I said and took a glass of water to drink.

But some one held my hand to stop me. I looked up and saw Haya standing. She took the glass from my hand and brought her other hand forward.

"Drink this and after that don't speak." She said and I looked at the glass in which turmeric milk was waiting for me.

I shook my head as no because I never liked this milk. I never had it. Not even once. The smell of turmeric and milk made me vomit so I never tried it but here she was offering me to drink it.

"Khizar drink it." She said but I lay back avoiding her and glass of milk.

"Ami made him drink this." Haya said to Khala and in a second Khala held me from my shoulder and from other side,Rehan pushed me up.

"Sorry bhai you have to drink this." Rehan said and put the glass near my lips.

I closed my eyes and start drinking it without taking any breath. As the milk finished I was about to vomit it out when something I felt in my mouth. I looked up and saw Haya who just put suger in my mouth. My mouth taste changed and I felt relieve.

"Now go and sleep. You'll be better." She said and I nodded.

Rehan and Khala came to drop me in my room. I lay back without saying anything. They covered me with blanket and left from there. But I was feeling angry. That stupid girl what she think of herself. How can she do this. And this was of second time she did this to me. And now I was hoping to get my voice back till tomorrow because tomorrow was my interview for getting scholarship in London university to study medical. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep forgetting everything else.

Third person's POV.

There was all dark in that little house. All members of this house were in sleep. All lights were off. A room door opened creating a noise in the silent atmosphere. A figure came out and slowly closed the door. The person looked around before taking a step ahead. The person tiptoed toward the stairs.

Suddenly another room door opened and a person came out without making any noise. The person looked at the figure standing near to the stairs. The first person look behind one more time and the second person hide himself in the room again. The first person start taking the stairs after confirming that there was no one. The second person came out of the room and start chasing the person who stepped up the stairs. Tiptoeing toward the stairs, his eyes were on the person who was walking quietly toward khizar's room. The first person turned again to see and the second person hide himself behind the staircase and because of darkness the first person couldn't see him.

The first person entered khizar's room and the second one reached near the room. The person opened the door a little to see what the first person was doing. He couldn't see him properly as the room was dipped in darkness and he was amazed that how in so much darkness that first person find Khizar. The first person was seated on bed near to Khizar and the second person heard that person reciting something. That person nodded with some thought and walked back from there leaving that first person there with Khizar.

"This is going to be fun." That second person said when he came down from the stairs.

Thinking something he went yeo his room and closed the door.

Khizar's POV.

I felt thirst which made me to come out of sleep. But as I was about to get up I saw my room door open. I freeze on my spot and didn't move again. A figure came and my heart start beating fast. Now I could recognize this shadow. The same shadow which appears only to fade away like a ghost or spirit. I smiled on my thoughts and waited for the fairy to approach me. My bed dipped and she sat in front of me. I couldn't see her. She was shadow. A shade of the fairy who always came to heal my pains and wounds. My eyes closed down as her soft hand again once again touched my face.

"Khizar." And the voice.

The voice which was like a magic which went in my ear and I felt everything in me start flying and I felt lighten without any stress. She slowly caresses my cheeks and then her hand went to my throat and she applied something there. And then I felt her massaging my throat slowly with care and it start giving relieve to me. Her fragile fingers were touching my throat and I was just feeling her. She took her hand back and then I heard some whispers again telling me that she was reciting something again. Leaning on my face, she blew those verses she recited on me. I smiled with close eyes.

"I'm sorry." She whispered and a tears fall on my cheek.

She moved back and I saw her going out of my room and I was just laying there thinking of what she said. She said sorry but why? Leaving me confused,she walked out again. I ran out after few seconds and turn on the lights to catch her this time but she was not there. She disappeared like a smoke. In just 30 seconds she went away. I saw again broken pieces of bangles. The red colour bangles.

"Again." I said as I picked the broken pieces.

I ran toward the stairs and then down in the hall but couldn't find her. Taking seat on the stairs, I looked at the broken bangle I was holding.

"Lost fairy." I whispered and smiled on mg own words.


"Khala breakfast." I yelled as I came down from stairs.

My lips smiled as I heard my voice. My fairy really took my all pain and wounds and gave me my voice.

"Khizar how are you feeling now?" Khala asked and I nodded with happiness.

"I'm good Alhamdulillah." I said and she smiled too.

"Come breakfast is ready." Khala said and we both walked to kitchen.

Haya was already there. Khala served me and Haya our breakfast and we had it silently.

"Thank you." I said to Haya still looking down.

"For the milk. It really helped." I said but she didn't answered.

"Haya again your arm us wounded. Why are you so careless?" Khala said and my eyes went to her left hand.

There I could see scratches on her forearm.

"How this happened?" I asked.

"Nothing just got hit with some...something." She answered and I nodded.

"Khala pray for me that my interview go well. I wished to get this scholarship." I said to Khala said and she nodded smilingly.

"You will son Inshahallah." Khala said and I smiled.

"My favorite tea please." I said and took the cup Khala passed to me.

I enjoyed my tea and went out. I was raking my bike out when again that girl I didn't want yo see cane.

"How are you now?" She asked but I look away.

"I'm sorry for last night." She said and aside her hair falling on her eyes.

But my eyes caught her arm where she was having a bandage.

"What happened to your arm?" I asked.

"Nothing just my bangles.." She stopped.

"Nothing you...go." She said and turned to other side.

I shrugged my shoulders and took my bike out. Driving to my destination I was just about these incidents happening to me. The girl who always came to meet me at night but never showed me her dace. Every night she left a broken bangle for me.

Reaching the university I cleared my mind from all thoughts and went in where my future was going to decide. Harib was also there waiting for me. 

"Where were you?" He asked impatiently.

"Its okay. I'm on time." I said and walked toward the board room where interviews were continue.

I took seat with other boys. I had my document and also I passed the test. But now I was worried for thus interview. I didn't had any recommendation and I was scared because of it.

"Don't worry. You'll get this." Harib said and I went in.

Third person's POV.

He went in for interview and here Harib was praying for his friend. In home his Khala was praying for his success and someone else was also praying for his success.

He came out of interview room with a sad face. Harib ran to him and looked st him.

"What happened?" He asked and Khizar shook his head.

"It was bad." He said and walk out.

Harib felt bad and ran after him. Khizar was silent and walking silently to the parking area.

"Khizar." He called and Khizar couldn't hold it.

He turned and smiled first time for his friend and Harib was shocked that Khizar smiled.

"It was good." Khizar said and sat on his bike but Harib pulled him down.

"You are not going anywhere without giving me treat." Harib said and pulled him towards cafeteria.

Khizar sighed and keep going with him. Today he didn't want to attend any class do he was escaping from here but his friend Harib was never going to leave him to do what he wants.

"So what you want to eat?" Khizar asked.

"Hmm..let me think."  Harib acted to think.

Khizar's POV.
I looked at him who was deep in thoughts. Not thoughts like Shakespeare or Allama Iqbal but  was thinking of what to eat. I drummed the table to wake him up.

"Come to earth Sir and order what you want to eat." I said and he laughed.

"I'm going to." He said and ordered burgers and cock

While my mind was again going to the night when I met with that girl.

"Harib." I called him.

I had to share this with him I can't keep this in my heart anymore.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked and he leaned on table by placing his arms on it.

"I'm listening." He said and I thought how to start.

"Its...its complicated." I said and placed my forearm on the table and looked up at him.

"It's about a girl." I said and his eyes widened.

"Girl and in khizar's life. Miracle." He started again and I punched his arm.

"Shut up." I said but he didn't stopped.

"What shut up! For the first time you are going to talk about a girl and asking me to shut up." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'm not going to tell you now." I said and was about to get up.

"Okay sorry. Sit and tell." He said and I gave him warning look and sat back.

"Okay so who's the girl?" He asked and for a second I thought who's she?

I shrugged my shoulders and keep thinking about her until Harib knocked the table.

"Are you going to tell me?" He asked and I sighed.

"I...I don't know. I haven't seen her." I said and he looked at me confused.

"Okay actually I saw her but still I didn't." I said making him more confused.

"What is happening? Saw her or not?" He asked and I thought to tell him from start.

"Okay listen you remember the day when there was farewell party for Sir Hashir and we came home fully drenched in rain." I asked and he nodded.

"After that night I got fever and one night I was not able to sleep because of fever. My body was arching in pain. My head was heavy and eyes closed unable to open and then I felt someone came in and the she sat next to me on bed." I stopped to take breath.

"Who was she?" He asked while taking a huge bite of his burger.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her. She massages my head and recited something and then blow it on me. After that she went out. I was thinking that it was my dream. But no after few days I hot some problem with my throat and again at night she came to heal my pain. I was amazed that who was she? And every night she left a broken bangle for me. And last night again she came and when I ran after her to catch her she faded away." I said and saw him who's hand was freeze in the air with burger in it.

His jaw was dropper and eyes were widely opened. I sighed and knocked the table to bring him back from the shock.

"Speak up." I said and he again start eating his burger.

"Who's film story is this?" He asked and thus time I punched on his face.

"Oh Allah my teeth." He yelled  and I got up in anger as it was impossible to talk with him.

"Okay sorry sit down." He said and made me sit back.

"So what you think who can be she?" He asked seriously this time.

"I don't know. There are two girls in our home. Haya and Hafsa but I didn't find any of them to the girl who came in my room." I said what I thought.

"And why you think do! Maybe the girl would be one if them." He said and I shook my head.

"I'm so confused. I don't know who's that girl but now I want to find her. She become a mystery yo me. Sometimes I find her ghost or spirit that how she faded away in just few seconds." I said and he nodded while thinking something.

"Okay. I'll find a way to catch her. You just relax." He said and I nodded.

"Let's go then." I said and paid the bill.

We drove back to our homes but somewhere I was still thinking about the way to find her.


Closing my eyes,I leaned back and my head touched the headboard behind me.  From first night to that night when she came to heal my pain of throat I recall every moment. Her care,her tear,her love that I could feel through her touch,her whispers, her warm breaths everything I remembered. And then she vanished from the scene like she never exist. Whoever she was but now she start living in my thoughts. Since a week I was walking,talking,eating but in my every activity she was there in my mind,in my thoughts. Not for a second she went out of my thoughts. Every day,every passing second I was just thinking about her. Now I think that I start going crazy running behind a shadow.

I opened my eyes and turned to my left side. I took my diary out from the drawer of side table and took my pen. I opened the page I entitled with "The girl I never lovedand looked at the poem I wrote few days back. Turning the new page I took few seconds to think and then start writing.

(This beautiful poem is written by @anamimaan. Thank you so much dear for such lovely words. Enjoy readers.)

A spirit, a ghost or a fairy
I'm lost in my thoughts that vary.

You heal my pain when
I was not fine
Are you the lover of mine?

You are killing me with the way
You are kind,
Is that your aim to rule my mind?

The fragile, the softness of your hand
The peaceful touch that you gave and went.

Atlast, broken pieces of Bangles
Was all I found
Wished, someday you will be around.

"Someday you will be around." I recalled the last line I wrote and smiled and closed the diary.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all?

How's fast going?

I'm sorry for delay but I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I'll try to update soon but as you Ramadan started do it be difficult for me to give you all updates but still I'll try. I just completed it and posting it you all.

I really hope you enjoyed every scene of the chapter.

Do comment to tell me your view about the chapter.

Do vote and share.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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