Chapter 6

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A week later.

Khizar's POV.
Its been a week of my interview and today the list was going out for the candidates who got selected. I was do tensed. I didn't know what was happening.

"Khizar don't worry. You'll be selected Insha Allah." Khala said looking at my tense look.

"I hope so Khala. Its very important for me." I said and she nodded.

She recited something and blow it on me and my mind went to the person who always do that and with that one blow my pain vanished. I smiled thinking about her.

"My tea." I said to Khala who smiled and nodded.

"Haya bring tea." Khala said and I keep waiting for the tea.

"Tea." Her voice brought me out if my night Queen's thoughts.

I smiled on the name 'night Queen' I gave to her and took the cup from her hand. Still I was thinking that shadow who came every night to heal my all pain. I was waiting for her all the night but she didn't show up. In this while week I waited for her but she didn't show up again. I felt done air on me. I closed my eyes as it give me the sane feeling like she blow verses on me. My lips smiled feeling the slow air which touched my hair.

Is she here??

This thought made me open my eyes and I looked up at the person but there was now on one. I looked around to see. Hafsa was going to the stairs and I turned to my tight side where Haya was going to kitchen. I hit so confused. What's happening. She was here a second ago and now she faded like smoke again. Am I dreaming or she's really a spirit?

I pushed all these thoughts away from my mind and enjoyed my tea. I took my file and bike keys. Rehan was gone to school as he was in hurry.

"OK Khala I'll be going now. Pray for me." I said and hugged my Khala.

"My all prayers are for you. May you succeed in every exam." She said and I kissed her forehead.

I took my bike out if the house and sat on it. I started it and was about to drive when someone called me.

"Khizar." I turned on the vohce and saw Hafsa coning fully ready in her college uniform.

"Yes." I said trued to hide my annoyance.

"Could you please drop me to my college?" She said bit I was really in the mood of dropping her anywhere.

"I'm sorry. I'm in hurry today." I said and drove my bike without listening her next words.

This girls was irritating me day by day. Leaving her thought behind, I went to the university where the list was going to out. I was hoping for the best. I saw Harib there waiting for me.

"Hurry up the list just out." He informed me and we both ran toward the notice board to check.

There was a crowd in front of notice board. I pushed the boys aside and went to check the list. Checking from the down to I went up yo the list. And my ryes widened in happiness when I saw my name on the first number. I had been selected. I squeaked with happiness and hugged Harib who was also happy as I was.

"I'm so happy for you." Harib said and I knew NY thus friend was always there for me to help me out.

"Only 6 months then." He said and I nodded.

"Finally I'll study in London now." I said happily and was do thankful to my Allah(SWT) who blessed me so much.

Later on we celebrated together and my all teachers congratulate me. With sweets I drove to home and I was excited to tell this news to Khala. Finally I got the internship there.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I said as I entered home.

Today I took leave from my academy. I entered home happily and saw Khala standing with a smile on her dace as she knew what I was going to tell her.

"Congratulations son." She said before u could tell her.

"I told you you'll get this internship." Khala said and I hugged her tightly.

"How'd you know?" I asked her with a smile on my face.

"I'm your mother. I know." She said and I hugged her again with a smile that didn't leave my face.

She was right. She was my mother. She knew everything about me. Haya served the tea to all of us and we start having that Gulsb Jaman with tea. But I was only enjoying the tea which was best for best.

"Congratulations Khizar." I looked up and saw Hafsa standing with a smile on her face.

I lowered my eyes immediately and nodded just as an answer. She sat just in front if me making me feel uneasy. The way she was looking st me was making me uncomfortable. Her mobile rang and she walked out from there and I took a breath of relieve.

Hafsa's POV.

"Hello." I said as I received the call.

"Hafsa what are you doing all thus? You know I can't live without you." That idiotic Waseem's voice appeared making me irritated.

I stare st mobile and huffed in anger. Placing mobile on my ear again,I took deep breath to it to shout on him.

"I told you and now I'm telling you for the last time. Leave me alone. I don't  want to see your face. Hell with you." With that I cutf the call.

I draft roaming here and there thinking what do. I was trying to impress Khizar but he was running away from me and this Stupid waseem was not leaving me alone.

"Now what I did, will bring you to me Khizar." I thought and smiled.

Khizar's POV.
I was in my bed thinking about my life. My while life was in front if me and now I was going yo change it. My Allah show me this way. Now I was going to change everything.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thinking and I looked at the door. Hafsa entered with a cup in her hand.

"I brought this green tea for you." She said and I start feeling the bitter taste of this green tea in my mouth.

"I made this and today I didn't add red chilli." She said placing the cup on the side table.

I nodded looking at the cup. She keep standing there and I looked at her,questioningly.

"Nothing. Gods night." She said and walked out of the room.

I sighed and took the cup of tea. Smelling it first,I took a sip and I coughed as I sipped it. She,added a lot of black pepper in it. This girl!!! I thought and placed the cup aside. I took my diary out and start thinking about this irritated girl. From start to now, I recalled all her behaviour and then leaned down on my dairy.

Her words still rings in my ears
I couldn't believe the uncertain that I heard.

"Open your button; you are looking handsome as always"

Her words is unable to glutton
Its sucking my mind in every ways

Her hand on my shoulder, gave me shrunk
How could she be such a jerk

"Can you come to pick me; Khizar can you take me out for shopping."

What the hell is she thinking of me!
Am I her servant or her man!
Hope wrong I am fantasizing

Is she the same girl whom I want to find
The mysterious, the soft hearted,the love that my mind rewinds.

Nay nay! It can't be

She didn't has a power to take me.

Closing my diary, I lay back on my bed and closed my eyes to sleep.


"Hafsa what are you doing?" I heard Khala but didn't look up and keep eating my breakfast.

"My ring mom. I think I lost it somewhere." I heard her but didn't bother to pay attention on her.

"Okay Khala I'm going. I'll be late today." I said to Khala and took my books and bike key.

"Bless you son." Khala said and I smiled looking at her.

"Bhai I'm ready." Rehan came fully panting.

"Relax. Take the bike out. I'll just come." I said while hiving him bike keys.

I forgot my Mobile in my room so I went again to my room. I took my mobile and then turn off the charger and as I turned to go,I stopped. Something caught me and I turned again immediately. My eyes went again on the ground where I saw that thing. I leaned down and picked it up.

"Ring?" I questioned looking at the ring I was holding.

Letting it go for now as I was getting late for uni so I placed it on my table and walked out of the room. I ran down the stairs and Khala and Hafsa busy in something.

I didn't went there as I didn't want to talk to that girl. I took another step be down from the stairs and as I jumped from the last stair, I bumped with someone. I looked at the person and moved back a little,felt embarrassed.

"Sorry." I said with lower eyes.

Haya was standing in front of me in her black Anaya and Niqab that tells me that she was ready to go to her school.

"Its okay." She answered politely and walked while holding her shoulder back.

I sighed and took a step to go but stop as I heard her.

"I've searching for ring since two days. I don't know where it fell." She said and my mind went back in my room where I found that ring.

Two days before!!

I thought and walk out of the house. I drove to Rehan's school to drop him and then I went to my place but still my mind was roaming around the ring. How her ring came in my room?? I keep thinking all the day about it and Harib was noticing me.

"What happened? Lost in your shadow girl?" He asked and I sighed.

"Why there are so problems in my life?" I asked and held my head in my hands as we sat on the chairs in cafeteria.

"What happened?" He asked making me kook up at him.

"Its...its nothing. Let me first get this then I'll tell you." I said and he nodded.

"Who you think that girl be?" He asked and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know." I said and took my coffee and start taking sips of it.

"What you don't know? You have two girls in your home. And I'm telling you she's one if them. So why are you notcgerting the one?" He asked and I looked at him as it was do easy to point any one.

"Realky is it  so easy to point out standing in front of them and I should ask,whoever is shadow girl, come out to me; its my command." I said and he laughed.

"Oh King Robert or whatever your name is,she's a girl. You're understanding a girl. She needs love call not a command." He ssidxsnd I shook my head in his lecture.

"Did you ever smiled in front of them? No! Did you ever talk to them? No! Then how are thinking that she'll come to you so easily. Just look st your expressionless face which you always carry. It's enough to scare a girl that she feel scared from coning in front of you." He started again and I was just listening his rubbish.

"She's scared of me that's why she comes in my room st mid night only to see me." I said and he smiled and leaned on table while his arms in it.

"That because she loves you and can't see you in pain." Harib said and I again went speechless in front of him.

"But still tell me who do you think might be the girl?" He asked and I start thinking.

"I don't know. I can't say its Haya because she never looked at me nor talked to me. She's as reserved as I'm. And about Hafsa I'm sure she's not the one. I mean how can she be the one. Its complicated. I don't know." I said and banged my head in the table as my head start hurting.

"Okay don't think too much." He said and I nodded.

"Come let's go. We are getting late for academy." He said and paid the bill.

I nodded and walked out of cafeteria with him. On evening as our classes ended,I went to drop Harib at his home. He stopped in front if me and keep looking at me for sometime.

"What?" I asked him.

"You know sometimes it looks opposite of the reality. Just we need to keep our eyes and brain open to see it. To see the hidden things which are in front of us but still we are blind." He was saying and I was not understanding his meaning.

"Sometimes its not like as it looks like. You just need to see it. Khizar don't look from your eyes but feel it from here. You'll know the answer." He said and moved in his house but he gave me new threads of thinking.

I went to home but all the way,I was thinking what Harib said. Is there anything that I can't see?

I thought and parked my bike in the small porch of our house which was also the part of compound. I saw all were there in hall,watching TV. I walked to them and sat next to my Khala.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I greeted.

"Walikumusalam. How was the day?" Khala asked and I just nodded in answer.

"Water." I looked up at the voice and saw Hafsa standing with a smile on her lips.

My eyes travelled to her hand but then it stick to the thing hanging in her arm. Those red bangles were hanging in her arm. I took the glass of water. But my eyes never leaved her arm where those beautiful bangles were tinkling. She sat next to Rehan again and start watching TV but I got stuck on her bangles. The sane red bangles. I was just thinking this.

"I just come." I said and got up.

Running to the stairs, I was on only thinking about the bangles I saw in her arms. Going in my room,I opened the drawer and took that piece of bangle out. The broken bangle I was holding,match with Hafsa's bangles. I sat there on bed.

"Is she the one?" I questioned myself.

No no!! Thus can be coincidence!!

I thought and nodded on my thought. Placing that bangle again in my drawer,I turned and saw my dress which was already placed on bed,with towel and I smiled as the love of my khala reliever me from all stress. I look down where my home slippers were placed near my bed as always. I smiled and took off my shoes and wore that slippers. Taking the clothes and towel,I went in the washroom where warm water was waiting for me.

"Love you Khala." I said as on every step,in every thing I could see love of my Khala for me.

Her care,her love I can senses from all these small things she do for me. Smiling I took a bath,freshen myself and stepped out while drying my hair with towel.

"Bhai." I looked up and saw Rehan seated on my bed.

"When you came?" I asked looking at him.

"Looking so handsome in this blue shirt." He said looking st the new shirt I wore.

"Thank you but Khala bought this for me." I said and start combing my hair.

"You sure if dine girl buy it for you?" He asked and I turned to him shocked.

"What? I'm grown up now. You an talk to me about your girlfriends and I will tell you about mine." He said giving me a heart attack.


"You have a girlfriend?" I asked curious.

"Yes." He said proudly.

"Rehan! What!? Who's she?" I asked going closer to him.

"No first you tell me who gifted you this beautiful shirt?" He asked raising his eyes brows and I keep looking st thus naughty boy.

"This shirt I received just 10 minutes ago when I entered my room. And I know khala place it for me." I said and he nodded.

"Okay I believe you." He said and tried to get up but I held his arm and pulled him back.

"Who's your girlfriend?" I asked him.

"You." He am said kissing my forehead and ran out.

"Rehan." I said and ran after him smilingly.

"Hey Khizar Bhai." He said while running and laughing.

I ran after him chasing him and this was the first time I was being like this and was enjoying all this. I grabbed him and wrapped my arm around his neck and he was laughing hard making me smile too.

"What did you say?" I asked still holding him.

"That you are my girlfriend." He said and laughed again.

"You!!" I start tickling him,making him laugh more.

I laughed with him and was amazed on myself but I was liking being like this. First time in my life,I laughed. And it give me Joy. I looked up and saw everyone looking at us shocked.

"You boys!" Khala said and hugged us one by one with love.

"I always want to see you like this. Happy." Khala said and I nodded.

"My son is looking so..!

"Handsome." Hafsa added to Khala's words making me look away.

"Yes Handsome." Khala said and kissed my forehead

"And me?" Rehan asked and I held him again.

"You Naughty boy tell me the truth." I asked and chuckled with him.

"I'm telling the truth. Did you ever me roam around without you that I would have a girlfriend. Only you I find everywhere, so you are my girlfriend right!" He said and ran again as he saw me ready to hit him again


After dinner I went yo my room and as I opened the door,I saw Hafsa standing,taking the ring from the table which I placed there at morning.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and she turned.

I saw her scared. She hide her hand in which she was holding that ring.

"N..nothing. Just come to say good night.She said and walked toward the door and I went to bed.

"Did you come in my room?" I asked her and she stop and turned.

"When?" She asked.

"That night..when.." I asked still confused.

"N..n..night no..I..was not me." She stutter and I was somewhere suspecting her yo be the girl.

"Good night." She said and stepped out.

"Wait." I called her but she didn't stopped.

I thought for few seconds and then ran put if my room and went down to talk to her SBD as I reached her room,her voice Tooter me yo the ground.

"Sonia thank God Khizar didn't recognize me. I was so scared. First I lost my ring in his room that night and today I forgot to take off my bangles. But thankfully he didn't caught. I didn't want him to know that I'm the girl visiting him every night secretly." She was saying and I was going freeze on my spot.

"I love him so much. I tried to be with him but I think he doesn't like me. But I can't stop myself from loving him." She was saying and I felt her crying with the words.

I didn't heard her any other word and start walking toward my room. My mind was just recalling her words. She was the girl!!!

I sat on bed still lost. I recalled Harib's words to see and feel around what is happening and maybe he was talking about this.

"Hafsa is the girl!?" I questioned myself.

I love him so much.

I can't stop my heart from loving him.

I'm the girl visiting him every night.

Her words were ringing in my ears and I lay back thinking about the girl who came to meet me and then Hafsa. And then her behavior which suddenly changed after the first night when that girl came in my room.

I trier to be with him.

Her words again and it cleared my all problems,all confusions.

"Hafsa." I called her name thinking about her.

"So you are the girl. The shadow girl of mine." I whispered and lay back with a smile on my lips.

A/N::Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all???

How's Ramadan going??

Coming to the chapter,how was it???

The beautiful poem is written by anam_imaan.

What you think finally Khizar hot his shadow girl or not??

Harib is right about Khizar that he can't see and feel that what's real! I hope so he will soon.

Your views please!!

Update will be late this time and I hope you all will understand.

Do vote readers.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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