Chapter 7.

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Khizar's POV.
"I found the girl." I said excitedly, looking at Harib who was busy in having his burger.

His hand freeze in the air and eyes came to see me. I was smiling and he was waiting for me to tell him.

"Come on now spill it out." He said looking at me.

"Who's she?" He asked again.

"Hafsa." Finally I said and the burger he was eating choked in his throat making him cough.

"What?" He asked shocked.

"Its Hafsa. She's the shadow girl." I said,leaning back on my chair and looked at him.

Burger fell down from his hand and he was looking at me shocked. I smiled on his condition.

"Come out of the shock bro." I said while snapping my fingers in front of him.

"How you know that its Hafsa?" He asked leaning on table with so much serious expression.

"Last night, I heard her talking to her friend about her visit in my room every night and then I saw her wearing the same bangles, I found outside my room. And most of it,I found her ring in my room." I said and he frowned.

"So all these things means that Hafsa is the girl you were looking for?!" He asked and I didn't get him.

"What do you mean? Of course she's the girl. Listen Haya can't be the girl as she's so shy and simple girl but Hafsa is brave enough to enter my room at midnight. You told me to feel,to see and now I'm feeling and looking what is happening in front of me. I can see her care and love for me." I said and saw him sighing while shaking his head here and there.

"You still need to see and feel. Sometimes it doesn't look like what it is." He said and paid for the lunch and walked out leaving me there.

But I was tangled with his words. What he wanted to say.?

"Hey wait." I ran after him who was going to the parking side.

"Harib what happened?" I asked,standing in front of him.

"Nothing. Come we are getting late for academy." He said and I took my bike out and started it.

He sat behind me and start riding my bike toward our academy. I could see his reflection in the back view mirror. He was serious for the first time. We reached our academy and start taking our classes. I was noticing him who's expressions were the hell serious. I didn't know what happened to him. He didn't flirt with any female staff today nor he looked at them. He didn't cracked jokes with his male staff like he always do and today he was too much serious with his students. All this was strange. He was never like this.

On the way back to home,I was waiting for him to say something but he didn't. I stopped my bike in front of his home and he got off and turned to go.

"Harib." I called him and he turned.

"What happened? Why are you behaving strange?" I asked and he come closer to me.

Stopping in front of me,he keep looking at me for sometime.

"You think I'm wrong in thinking that,that mysterious shadow girl is Hafsa?" I asked looking at him.

"Listen Harib I really don't know what is happening around me,with me but now I'm tired of all this game. And after hearing Hafsa last night,I can't consider it a lie. I never knew that someone love me too but now if she's having that much in her heart for me then I don't want to reject it. I don't want to run away from it." I said defeated.

"You love her?" Harib asked and I looked up at him.

"Love..? I..I..don't know!." I said,really didn't know what was happening in me.

"You know what!" He said and I waited for his next words.

"You're so innocent to be fooled but most of it to be loved. You'll know one day what love is. And how you are surrounded by it. Just let the time come and until just let the game play as its playing." He said,tapping my shoulder and walked toward his home.

I keep standing there,thinking his words. I didn't understand what he said. What game? What kind of love I'm surrounded with?? I really didn't know. Everything was so mysterious.

I rode back to home. As I entered in house with my bike,I looked up and saw Hafsa standing in the porch.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." She said and for the first time I didn't feel angry on her greeting.

"Wasmlikumusalaam." I replied softly and walked in while I felt her following me.

"Assalam-o-Alikum Khala." I said while kneeling down in front of my Khala who was cutting salad.

"Walikumusalaam." She replied with a smile.

I sat there on ground and start talking with Rehan who was busy in watch TV.

"Water." I looked up and saw Hafsa standing with glass of water.

"Thank you." I took the glass from her hand and I saw again bangles,tinkling in her arm.

A smiled touched my lips as I remember the relieve this hand gave me. How these hands took my pain away and healed my every wound.

"Khizar." I startled and averted my eyes from her arms and looked at khala who was calling me.

"After 6 months you are going?" Khala asked and I nodded.

"But before that I want to see my daughter in-law. I want you to get marry." Khala said and my eyes widened.

"What? Why are looking at me like this? Don't you want to marry?" Khala asked but I was stunned,words lost that I really didn't know what to say.

"Khala why.." I tried to say but she stopped me by showing her hand.

"You leave it. Why and when. Just tell me any girl you like or love. I will make her your bride." Khala asked excitedly.

"Yes Khizar tell you love someone?" I looked up at the voice and saw Hafsa seated next to Haya on the nearby cot and was asking.

I keep looking at her for few seconds and then turned to khala who was waiting for my answer.

"Bhai and love! Impossible. I guarantee you that he never lay his eye on any girl. And for your kind information that's why he didn't let me have any girlfriend." Rehan said and I held him and wrapped my arm around his throat.

"Bhai leave me. My girlfriends will die without me." He said making all of us laughed and I also laughed because now this boy took the task to made me laugh everyday.

"I won. I won. I made Khizar Bhai laugh." He said looking at someone.

I looked at the direction and saw no one there. I looked at Rehan who was now looking somewhere else.

"What you won?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him,tried to frightened him.

"Your girlfriend." He said and ran while I ran after him.


Two months passed and I was just in these thoughts. Thoughts which were not leaving me alone for once. Hafsa on one side and on other side this confusion. Is she was the girl?

"What are you waiting for now? Your khala wants to tie you with someone. Spill the name of the girl and get engage at least." Harib said and just sighed while he was again busy in having his Burger.

How much he loves burgers? Sometimes he compel me to think.

"I don't know. I really don't know." I said and closes my eyes while banging my head on table.

"Why??" I heard him.

"You confused me. I'm not understanding who this shadow girl is?" I said and looked at him.

"Okay. I have a plan to know." He said and I looked at him in hope.

"This shadow girl.." He stopped to gulp his Burger down and took another bite.

"First eat and then talk." I said looking at him who was trying to talk but his burger filled mouth was not letting him to utter a word.

"I was saying whoever this shadow girl is." He paused again to drink his cold drink making me angry.

"Spill now." I said and he nodded placing his can of cock on table.

"Patience my boy patience." He said and cleaned his hands with tissue.

He didn't know how badly I wanted to punch him but I knew he liked to tease me and he was doing it.

"She always visited you whenever you were unwell right!?" Harib asked and I gave a nod.

"So its your key to call her to you. Pretend that you're not feeling well and then she'll be there in your room to heal your pain." He said and I keep thinking about it.

"And when she'll come,you can catch her red handed and it will be clear who she is." He said making my eyes twinkled with happiness.

"Awesome." I said and hugged my friend.

"Thank you." I said while moving back.

"I hope this will bring her to you." He whispered to himself but I heard.

"Of course she will come." I said and start thinking a plan.


"Khizar why are you not eating?" Khala asked and I pushed the plate aside.

"I'm not feeling good. My head is painting as hell. I think I should sleep." I said and looked up at the girls seated in front of me.

Both were calm and non of them looked at me. I looked a khala who was looking concerned about me.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine till morning." I said to my khala and she nodded.

"I should go now." I said and she nodded.

I walked to my room. My mind was thinking about the coming time but truly, I was noy liking all this but still it was necessary for me to know about the girl.

I went in my room and changed into my sleeping suit. Coming to my bed,I took my diary out and held my pen while my mind went in the thoughts of the girl who was loving me, I don't know since when but now I want to know her,to see her, to somewhere love her. Turning to next page,my pen start moving on the blank page.

Who are you!?? I want to ask her.
Her!! Who is unknown to me but!!

Somewhere this heart knows her,
Knows her deeply that every night,

She knocks; knocks on a stone like heart,
And somewhere now this stone like heart,

Start waiting for her
Start waiting for her

When the night falls,
When the pain comes,
When I need the one,

She comes like shadow
To heal me,to love me.

Tonight my heart is beating,
It can sense her around,

Her faltered feet,coming to me,
Her shaking hands,shivering eyes,
Her crazy heart,mad for me
Her beautiful eyes,longing to see me.
She's coming,coming to see me,
I'm waiting here,to see her.

Hey shadow girl,I'm waiting
Waiting to see your eyes,
Waiting to see your nervousness ,
Waiting to feel your touch,
Waiting to feel your love,

I'm waiting for you Because!!

You're the girl I never loved.

I completed the poem and closed my diary. Placing it in my drawer,I lay back and closed my eyes.

Third person's POV.
Door opened and a figure came out. That person looked around to find anyone. Finding the place clear, the person start walking toward the stairs. The house was fully dipped in darkness and only a dim light was creating a small line of light in the hall,making the person to walk in the light. The person stopped on its place to look around. Confirming the place clear,the person moved toward the stairs but stopped on the next step when that person saw another person stepping on the stairs.

The person on the stairs start moving upwards. He didn't turned to see anyone but his feet moved rapidly toward the roof. When the person disappeared from the stairs,the person standing near the stairs came to his senses and stepped on the stairs to see who was the person going on the roof at this time.

He went to the roof with beating heart and moved closer to Khizar's room. Standing near the window,he could see the shadow of the person who entered the room and went to Khizar and sat next to him on bed.  The person outside the room held his heart when the person touched Khizar's face.

"Khizar." The person whispered looking at Khizar while outside that person was just looking at everything.

Few minutes passed and the  person stood where he was . The person near Khizar caressed his face.

Khizar who was pretending to sleep,felt the touch and heard her voice but he didn't feel like he always do with the call.

"Khizar." She whispered again and Khizar tried to feel it like he felt it when he heard it for first time but it was not like that.

Her hand reached his head to massage it. Her fingers were touching his temples,pressing his forehead but today he was not feeling the relieve which these hands gave him always. He was thinking this too. He was trying to figure this feel out. The feelings which always brought to him by this touch were not the same. This touch was not healing him. Not tingling his heart. He was not understanding why this was happening.

Maybe I'm thinking too much!

He thought and keep feeling her fingers moving on his forehead but his heart was feeling restless with her continue touch. This touch, he always longed and now this touched was making him restless. He was not understanding his own feelings. He breath deeply to feel the fragrance but it didn't satisfied him. The fragrance was not the same. The feel was not the same but still he was happy that he was going to caught his shadow girl.

He felt her getting up and as she turned,he held her wrist,stopping her on its spot. He threw the blanket away. Turning on the lights,he stood up. She was trying to free her wrist but Khizar was not leaving it.

The other person standing outside the room was watching all this. He could see that girl's face which she was trying to hide in her dupatta but it was clear to his eyes.

"Turn." He heard Khizar's voice.

Khizar was so impatient to see the face. The face of the girl who loved him silently, secretly. He wanted to see the girl who loved him,cared for him.

"L..leave me." He heard the voice and he recognize the voice.

"Turn I said." He said and pulled her back to make her face him.

Her dupatta slipped from her head and her face cleared to Khizar and he sighed as he knew that it would be her.

"You?" He asked looking at her and she looked down.

"Leave me." She said,tried to free her wrist.

"What were you doing here?" He asked but she was looking down.

The outsider person was just shocked on its place. His feet rooted to the ground as he knew what was going to happen.

"Why are you here?" He asked again looking at the girl who was standing in black shawl.

"I..I..came to check you." She said and again tried to free her hand.

"Why?" He asked again.

"Because.. I..I..was worried for you." She said and freed her wrist and turned to go but Khizar came in front of her stopping her.

"Why you were worried?" He asked again.

"Let me go." She said,tried to take step but Khizar failed her attempt.

"Tell me." He asked and she looked at him.

"Because I love you." The words were spilled out leaving both Khizar and the person outside the room stunned.

She looked at the person standing outside. She could see tears in that persons eyes.

" you." She said again and looked down while two tears slipped from her eyes.

"I know don't love me but I do. I really do. You're everything to me." She said and wiped her tears.

Khizar was listening her and his eyes went to her arms which were empty today. Today she was not wearing any bangles.

She looked up at him and took a step to go. This time,he didn't stopped her. She looked at the person who was shocked near the window. She smirked at the person and placed her hand to open the door.

"Hafsa." He called her and she stopped.

Khizar's POV.
"Hafsa." I called her who was going.

Her words were still ringing around me. She said she loves me. She was the shadow girl. Finally, I caught her.

"You really mean what you said?" I asked and turned to see her.

She turned and I looked at her who's eyes were red and she was about to cry.

"I feel nothing but your love in me. I don't know how it happened but I really love you. Now its on you if you accept it it not." She said and on next second, opened the door and stepped out while I was standing there thinking.

I walked back to my bed. Nothing I was feeling in my heart. I should had feel happy,satisfied that I found her. I found my shadow girl but I was not satisfied. I was not feeling good. Still, I was restless. Something was missing.

"She loves me!" I muttered while laying down on bed and closed my eyes.


As I opened my eyes,the first thing played on my mind was the night incident.

"Hafsa." I called her name and went to freshen up.

Changing into grey shirt with black jeans, I went out of my room. As I was about to turn to the stairs,my eyes caught something which made me stopped. I bend down and looked at the broken bangle of red colour. I took it and smiled as I knew who's these belongs to now. Placing it in my pocket, I marched down the stairs and went directly in kitchen.

"Assalam-o-Alikum. Is Breakfast ready?." I said as I reached in kitchen.

"Walikumusalaam beta. Yes its ready." Khala said and I sat  there on the ground mats and khala served me my breakfast.

I looked at the paratha which were little burned today which was unusual. Sipping the tea,I stopped as its taste was not the same as it was always. Today there was something missing.

"Khala you okay? Tea is not that good today?" I asked and khala looked at me.

"Actually son..I..I..don't..know how.." Khala got scared I thought so.

"Its okay khala. It happens." I said and meanwhile Haya entered fully ready for her school.

"Come gave your breakfast." Khala said and I saw her coming.

I keep eating and she sat next to me as this was only place to sit. I keep eating the half burned paratha. I didn't want to eat but I also didn't want to break khala's heart. So for her, I keep eating.

"Ami." I looked up on the voice and saw Hafsa.

She looked at me and averted her eyes and so did I. I was not understanding what to do.

"I'm going to collage." Hafsa said and I looked at her who didn't had her breakfast today.

"But breakfast?" Khala asked.

"I'm not hungry. Allah Hafiz." With her words,she left and I took my cup of tea and start sipping it.

Tea was also not that good as it was always. Sugar was not added today and I was amazed that it happened for the first time that khala forgot to add sugar but I remained silent and had my tea silently.

"Okay Khala I'll be going now." I said and got up.

"Wait for me Bhai." Rehan yelled and I nodded.

I dropped Rehan to his school while I went to attend my class. I was so lost in last night. Every moment was playing on my mind and I didn't know what should I do next.

"You okay?" Harib asked as we sat in canteen.

"I'm confused." I said and he didn't understand.

"I caught her last night." I said and saw a huge smile on Harib's face.

" caught her. Mean you that the girl is.." He was saying happily and I nodded.

"Is Hafsa." I completed his sentence and the cup dropped from his hand on table.

"What?" He yelled with all his force.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

After a long time I finally updated. I'm so sorry for being late.

Coming to the chapter,tell me how was it? Finally now Khizar knows that who's the shadow girl. But does he truly know?

More is about to come. Hafsa and her cunning mind will create a lot of troubles for our Khizar maybe but will Khizar ever find his real Shadow girl?

Let's see and I need a lot of your comments readers. At least cross the 100 line. And also the votes.

Do do vote pretty please.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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