Chapter 8

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Hafsa's POV.
"Well done. Now what you think Khizar will do next?" Sonia asked looking at Hafsa who was smiling on her success.

"What will he do! He'll roam around me soon. Just wait and watch." She said while making bubble balloons.

"But what if he didn't say anything. What if he reject you then?" Sonia asked and Hafsa laughed.

"You know the trap thing right!" Hafsa asked and Sonia nodded.

"I'm expert in it. Khizar is trapped now and I won't let him go until I want." Hafsa said and both laughed.

"What about Waseem? I haven't seen him since last few months?" Sonia said and Hafsa shrugged her shoulders.

"Hell with him. Its good for him that he didn't come to face me again. Poor fellow having dream of me. Don't ruin my mood with his name." Hafsa said and Sonia nodded.

"True but still I was thinking where he can go? I hope he didn't do any stupid act of suicide." Sonia said scared while Hafsa laughed looking at her face.

"Suicide and Waseem. That coward who was scared of mouse will suicide. Impossible. Let him stay where he's. Finally he's out of my life." Hafsa said and got up with her books in her hand and walked toward her class.

Khizar's POV.

"What?" He yelled with his all force.

I knew his reaction would be like this. I sighed looking at his shocked face.

"You serious?" He asked and I nodded.

"She came last night in my room and then I turned on the lights and saw her face. It was Hafsa. She said she loves me." I said and looked at Harib who was shocked and then shook his head here and there.

"Hafsa said she loves you?" He asked and I gave a nod while leaning back on my chair.

"And what you think? She's telling the truth?" Harib asked making me more confused.

"Now don't confused me more. I don't know. I just don't know." I said while holding my head in my hands.

"Okay listen." He said and I looked up at him.

"What your heart says? Did her words effect you or not?" He asked and I tried to analyze myself.

"Truly I don't know. I didn't felt anything. Like I don't know how it feels to hear one's confession but now I don't know what to do next. Should I say no to her? Or accept her love?" I asked looking at Harib who was having his eyes on me all the time.

"Khizar." He called me and leaned on table.

"You'll feel one day the real love and then you'll know how it feels to hear one's confession. I'm waiting for the day,when your heart will be crazy to hear those words. And that day you won't be confused." He was saying and I was getting more confused.

"Sometimes you talk so complicated. I don't understand what you want to say." I said and he laughed.

"That's the problem na Khizar that you don't understand anything. But let it go for now. And think about your Hafsa." He said and I got up while he followed me.

"And one more thing." I said while taking my bike out.

"Khala is now after my marriage." I said while seated on my bike.

"Wow finally now I will also free to have at least one girlfriend." Harib said excitedly.

"What you mean? I'm stopping you from making any girlfriend?" I asked while riding the bike.

"Yes you are. Get a girl in your life man so I'll be free." He started again and I just sighed and keep listening his non stop lecture about girls.


A week passed and I was not understanding what to answer khala who was asking for me to get marry.

"Khizar tell me any girl you want to marry." Khala said while looking at the pics of girls.

"Let me settle down in my life first khala. After that I will think about marriage." I said but she held my hands and I looked at her.

"Its my wish to see your bride before I die." Khala said,making me turn to her fully.

"Why are you saying like this? May you live long. For me,you have to live long and of course you'll see my bride. Insha Allah" I said and hugged her.

"Okay give me some time. I'll let you know." I said and she nodded.

I keep thinking all the night about the girl. I was roaming in my room when I heard a knock on door. The door opened and Hafsa entered.

"Can I come in?" She asked and I nodded.

She walked toward me and I saw her playing with her fingers.

"So you decided the girl you want to marry?" She asked and I keep looking at her.

"Not now." I said and she looked up with her tears in eyes.

"Can't you see my love for you? Don't you feel it? Still you are looking for another girl to marry." She cried with the words.

"Hafsa listen..!" I tried to talk but she cried more.

"I'll die without you Khizar. You don't know what you are for me. I love you so much. I'll die if you married someone else." With the words,she rushed out of the room.

I was stunned on my place. What she just said. Can anyone love me this much? She said she'll die without me. Can it happen?

"She loves me this much.?" I questioned myself and sat on my bed thinking what to do.

All night passed and I just keep thinking about her words. Finally, I reached on a decision and closed my eyes calmly.


Next morning,I was relieved and happy on what I decided. I reached in kitchen to have breakfast.

"Assalam-o-Alikum Khala." I said as I entered in kitchen.

"Wasalam. Come breakfast is ready." Khala said and I sat down on the mat placed on ground.

Khala served me my breakfast. Omelet with paratha but it looked different today. It was not my usual breakfast. I mean things were the same but I thought someone else cooked. Not khala today.

"Who made breakfast today?" I asked looking at the plate in which omelet was served.

I was never served in this plate because I hated yellow colour and this plate was of yellow colour. Even onions were added in the omelet which I never liked. A lot of oil was visible on my paratha which confirmed that someone else made my breakfast.

"Khala give me tea." I asked for tea to check.

Khala passed me tea and I took a sip which changed my mouth's taste to bitter because a lot of tea leaves were added making the tea bitter. It was still not the same burned breakfast which Haya made. That burned breakfast was much better than this one.
"I can't take this." I whispered to myself while placing the cup down on the ground.

"What happened? I made it beta. All the breakfast. Is it bad?" Khala asked with such love that I smiled.

"Its perfect khala." I said and start eating that breakfast,gulping down the paratha for my khala.

Maybe khala was not feeling well that's why today's breakfast was not good!


I thought and sighed. That must be reason that's why she used this yellow plate for the omelette. I just keep eating for not hurting my khala.

I turned to my right side which was empty. Today Haya didn't come for breakfast. I stopped having my breakfast and keep looking at her place.

"Haya didn't come?" I asked khala and she nodded.

"She's having fever. I don't know what happened to her that all of sudden,she's burning in high fever." Khala said and I got worried.

"You should take her to Doctor." I said and she nodded.

"I will. But you all get ready and go to your work. I'll take her." Khala said and I nodded and start having my breakfast again but again my eyes went to my right side where I used to see her everyday.

It became an habit and now when I was not finding her there next to me,it made me feel strange. Placing the cup on ground,I got up and walked out of the kitchen.

Going to my room,I took my bike keys and mobile. Rehan was gone already to his school and I went to take my bike out as I was already late. Taking my bike out,I waved bye to khala who smiled and went in kitchen while I sat on my bike when I saw Hafsa going out of house.

"Hafsa." I called her and she stopped.

In her white collage uniform with a cream colour shawl on it,she was looking so innocent.

"Come,I can drop you." I said and she silently walked toward me.

I started the bike and she sat behind me. I rode the bike toward her college. All the way, she was silent and I was waiting for her to say something and somewhere I was arranging words in my mind to say what I decided. But something was stopping me. All the way, I tried to say but something stopped me again and again.

"Allah Hafiz." She said stepping down from the bike and walked in her collage.

"Why I didn't say it?" I asked myself and rode to my university.

I attended my all classes with Harib who was again in his playboy style. Flirting with girls and in find of at least one girlfriend. I was just sighing and watching his stunts.

"Oh boy I'm so tired." Landing on chair,he said and I punched his arm harder.

"Stop roaming around girls now." I said and he chuckled.

"That I just started." He winked with words and I shook my head,disappointed.

"You are impossible." I said and had my juice.

"So what you decided?" Harib asked all of sudden.

"About what?" I asked.

"Your Shadow girl!" He asked and I leaned back on chair.

"Hafsa came last night in my room again. She said she'll die without me. Can anyone die for other?" I asked looking at Harib who was looking at me seriously.

"In love yes but what Hafsa said? Tell me everything." Harib asked and I nodded.

"She came last night and cried in front of me,telling me that she loves me and she'll die if I marry someone else." I told everything to Harib who just gave a nod.

"And I think after her words,you decided something. Am I right?" Harib asked and I nodded.

He was my best friend. Knew me well than me.

"When she left with tears,I keep thinking and than thought that if I have to marry then why shouldn't I marry the one who loves me!. I decided to ask Hafsa for marriage." Finally I said what I decided to Harib whose eyes widened.

"'ll marry Hafsa?" He asked and I gave a nod.

"Yes because if she loves me than I think, I should choose her my companion who will understand me,love me." I said and Harib leaned on table,placing his elbows on it.

"Did you ask her then?" Harib asked and I shook my head as no.

"That's the problem. I wanted to say. I wanted to ask her but I don't know what is here." I Pinted toward my heart which was feeling strange.

"It stopped me. I mean on one side, I want to propose her but on other side something is stopping me. What is it? I don't know. I just don't know." I said and closed my eyes while massaging my temples.

"You'll know. I know you'll know. And I think for that you have to go through this." Harib said but I didn't understand again.

"Khizar you'll know what is there stopping you. But not know. And I think its the way you have to go through. Just let it happen." He said and I was again looking at him confused.

"You are so complicated." I said while getting up.

"By the way I'm going to ask Hafsa for marriage tonight." I said while taking my bike out of the parking.

"Okay." Sighing, Harib answered and we rode to the academy.


As I entered home,I saw khala roaming here and there worriedly. Parking the bike in,I walked to her.

"What happened khala?" I asked.

"Haya is not feeling well. She fainted. I took her to the doctor but his medicine and injection didn't do anything. She's burning in fever and laying lifelessly. I don't know what happened to this girl." Khala cried with the words.

"Khala don't worry. Let me check her." I said and she nodded.

Our practical sessions were started in uni. And now I was much able to check a patient. I walked with Khala in her room. This was the first time, I entered her room. Rehan and Hafsa were already there, around her on bed. My eyes went to her whose pale face was disturbing me. Her close eyes were scaring us all. I pulled a chair and placed it near her bed.

"Bhai, aapi is fainted. She's not answering." Rehan said while crying.

"Such..nothing will happen." I said and slightly removed the blanket from her arm and held her wrist in my fingers to feel her pulse.

"Its so weak." I got panicked as I hardly could feel her pulse.

Holding her wrist fully in my hand,I checked her temperature. Her body was burning. Without second thought,my hand went to her forehead to check. As I touched her forehead, I felt my hand burned.

"We have to take her to hospital." I said to Khala..

"But how? The weather is not good." Hafsa said while closing the windows.

She was right. The weather was not good. The thunder voice was telling that it was going to rain.

"Rehan go and get a taxi." I said to Rehan who nodded and ran out.

"Khala bring some cold water." I said and I saw both khala and Hafsa running out of the room.

I was again and again checking her pulse. It was making me tense more. It never happened. She never had fever in her life and now how? I was not understanding. Not even a headache she had and now all of Sudden this high fever. It was beyond my understanding.

"Here." Khala came with a bowl of cold water.

Hafsa took seat on bed and took a cloth piece out of her hand to pass me. I dipped it in the water and placed it on Haya's forehead.

"Keep doing that." I said to Hafsa and she nodded.

I walked out of the room and went out to see Rehan. It started raining. I saw Rehan coming fully wet.

"Bhai I couldn't find any taxi. And it start raining. Its difficult to find any vehicle." He said stepping in the house.

The stormy rain started with cool breeze. And we were stuck in the house. I was worried what to do now. Going again to her room,I saw khala placing that cold cloth on Haya's forehead and hands. Hafsa was nowhere.

"We have to wait till morning." I said to khala who nodded and I sat on the chair.

Time keep passing but her fever was not going down. Almost at 1 of the night,I went closer to khala and held her from shoulders.

"You go and have some sleep. I'll call Hafsa for this." I said but Khala didn't agree.

"No I won't leave." Khala said but I could see how tired she was.

"Listen she'll be fine,I promise. Now go and sleep." I said and took her to her room.

Making her lay on bed,I covered her with blanket and keep seated there until khala fell asleep. Going out of her room,I closed the door and walked to Hafsa's room. Slowly, I knocked on her door but no reply. I waited and again knocked. After a knock, I opened her room door and what I saw. Hafsa was seeping peacefully.

"Maybe she's tired too." I thought and closed the door.

I walked back in Haya's room where I saw Rehan sleeping on chair. I smiled on his love for his sister.

"Rehan." I called him who woke up immediately.

"Is aapi okay?" He asked as his eyes snapped open.

"She will Insha Allah." I said and he nodded.

He walked to bed and sat on the left side on bed, closed to his sister and held her hand. I smiled and sat on the chair placed close to her. Half an hour passed and I saw Rehan sleeping,his head on the wall. I smiled and looked at her who was looking so pale and weak in just one night. Her dry lips were telling me that how much she was burning in fever.

Taking the bowl,I went in the kitchen and filled it again with water. Dipping some ice cubes in it,I walked back to room. The ice cubes melted and I soaked that cloth in it. Placing it on her forehead, I keep looking at her who was breathing with much difficulty. I got up from chair and sat on bed,hesitantly.

First time in my life,I was looking at her so closely. Immediately, I averted my eyes from her face and again start doing the work I was doing. Placing the cold cloth on her forehead again and again,I just wanted to end her fever. But after an hour,I found it still the same. High and burning.

What to do now?

I asked myself and closed my eyes. And as I did,a shadow appeared on my eyes,coming to me. I felt a relieve ran in my body when her hand cupped my face from right and blew something over me. My eyes opened up immediately and I looked down at her.

"Shadow girl." Whispering, I smiled as I knew what I have to do.

I was going to do the same which my shadow girl,my Hafsa did that night when I was not okay. Going out of the room,I ran to my room and changed into my night dress as I was still in the dress which I wore for uni. After changing,I did my ablution and walked back to Haya's room.

Stepping in her room,I made my way toward her bed where she was sleeping. I sat close to her on bed and cupped her face with my shaking hand, slowly.

"Haya." I caller her slowly.

I start reciting all the Holy verses. My eyes closed down and lips keep moving,reciting all verses and Surah I memorized. On the curtain of my mind,I was just looking at the shadow, doing the same thing to me. As I completed, I leaned a little on her face and opened my eyes. Blowing the verses on her face,I saw her taking a deep breath. I blew it more for 3 times on her face.

"Haya." I called her and again she took a deep breath with a hiccup which released from her lips and I saw tears steaming down from her corner of her eyes,absorbing directly in the pillow.

"Open your eyes Haya." I said and I held her wrist with my other hand to check her pulse.

My eyes widened when I felt her heart beat. But it was not slow. It was much faster than normal heart beat. It was running fast on every passing second.

"Haya you okay?" I called her,tensed.

"Khizar." A slow voice escaped from her lips with another hiccup.

"You okay? Look at me." I called her again but she remained silent while I could see her crying in her unconsciousness.

Cupping her face with my both hands,I wiped her tears. I didn't know how I did that. How I touched her like that. But I just couldn't stop myself.

"Haya." I called her again and this time, I saw her eyes movement.

Slowly,she opened her eyes and it met with mine. A wave of happiness ran in my body and I sighed with relieve.

"Haya you okay?" I asked looking at her.

"Khizar." She whispered my name while looking at me.

She smiled. Her lips stretched into a small smiled and so did her eyes. I could see. She closed her eyes but with that smile on her lips. I sighed that she was okay now. I removed my hand immediately from her face and went back to the chair and sat on it. Closing my eyes,I was trying to know what my heart felt in that second.

"Nothing happened." I said to myself and looked at her who was now sleeping peacefully.

"She's okay now." I said and closed my eyes while resting my head on chair's back.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all???

How was the chapter?

Who wants to slap Khizar? Isn't he fool??

Hating Hafsa right??

Poor Haya? What happened to her all of sudden and why?

Readers let ne know your views and I hope you all are enjoying the story.

Its the 7 chapter of the story and I hope you enjoyed every chapter.

And I need your votes for my every chapter. If you enjoyed reading then please click the star button to vote.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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