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Novalee prescott sat in her room a pencil in hand writing in her notebook, The Ramones lowly playing in the radio.

Novalee was startled as she heard a noise from outside her open window ,novalee looked over at her open window and saw nothing ,

She look back at her notebook and sigh seeing that their was a line over a few words , she jumped as she heard the noise again.

She grabbed a pair of scissors from her desk, gripping them in her hand, She stood up from her chair and walked over to her window.

She stretched out her hand and moved the curtain to the side , and she let out a scream , her heart was racing

"Jesus! Novalee it's just me!" Novalee calm down and saw billy loomis outside of her window, looking at the pair of scissors that was now impaled into the window frame inches away from his face with wide eye's

"Billy? What the hell man, I could've stabbed you," Novalee said, closing her eyes and taking a deep, trying to calm her racing heart

"Yeah, I saw my life flash before my eyes," billy joked , climbing through novalee window

"Novalee!?are you alright?" Neil prescott knocked on novalee door and billy quickly hid in the closet, novalee rolled her eye's at him before walking over to her door and opening it, smiling at her dad

"Yeah, sorry for giving you a scare dad, I thought I saw a rat but it was just fat Louis," novalee said and Neil nodded , eyeing the pair of scissors impaled in the window frame

Novalee chuckled ,"practicing my throwing skills." She lied and Neil hummed

"Alright, well if you need anything, I'll be in my office working, night kiddo." Neil said , turning to walk away,

"night dad," Neil walked away from Novalee's room.

Novalee closed her door and turned around facing the closet, putting a hand on her hip ,"you can come out now Billy." Billy peaked his head out from the closet before walking out

"That was a close one," he said, sighing in relief and novalee shook her head chuckling

"So, you sleep in that?" Billy questioned gesturing to novalee sleepwear, she was wearing short shorts with a crop top, her short brown hair was held back by a bandana ,

[Novalee sleepwear]

Novalee looked down at her pajamas,seeing nothing along with it ,"yeah, I do," she told him, walking over to the window and grabbing the scissors, putting them back on Her desk.

"So, what are you doing in my room instead of Sidneys?" Novalee questioned , raising a eyebrow at him

"Her window was locked and yours wasn't, thought I sneak in through your room," Billy replied, looking down at her notebook

A orange fat cat meowd, scratching itself on Billy's leg, blBilly looked down, bending down and picking up the cat

"He's heavier than last time, what are you feeding him?" Billy said, petting the cat

"You calling my cat fat billy loomis?" Novalee asked, "you literally named him fat Louis, fat is literally in his name," Billy replied putting the cat down on novalee's bed before sitting down on her bed

Novalee smiled amused ,"that's true, you okay? You seem a bit sad," she asked, sitting down next to him

Billy shrugged ,"doesn't matter , what's that your writing anyway? " he asked gesturing to her notebook

Novalee stared at billy for a second before answering, "just a short poem that's all," she told him with a small shrug ,petting fat Louis who laid between them

"Is something bothering you? You seem a little sad?" Billy questioned, novalee shrugged

"My mom been coming home late, my dad has been staying up, waiting for her, I am too, but they don't know that, I can hear them fighting, I think...I think they're going to get divorced," novalee told him

She shook her head chuckling,"sorry, I'm keeping you here, you should go, sid is probably waiting for you ," she told him

Billy looked at her like he wanted to stay but he nodded and stood up ,"if you ever need to talk, I'm here, I'll always listen," billy told her and she smiled at him

"I know, and same goes for you billy, if you ever need to talk I'm here, I'll always listen," she said, billy smiled before he quietly left her room

Novalee sigh and grabbed fat Louis, pressing a kiss to his head and petting him ,"it's just you and me now fat Louis, should we watch some TV? Perhaps that new horror movie randy was talking about?"

Novalee put on a movie and sat on her bed, the lights were off now and the TV light was the only thing illuminating the room.

Word count - 785

First chapter!
Hope you enjoy!

I will try and update daily!
Sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes


I am going to deeply apologize for what I'm gonna say, but

The outfits that are gonna be shown are Novelee's choice of style!! I am sorry for those who do not like the outfit choices, but I don't know you or your type of clothing choices,

Sorry if you get offended by this, but I have so many people saying that it's not their style, that they would never wear that, I am NOT changing novalee's choice of style for your liking.

The timeline takes place in the 90S! Which means most outfits will be either 90s outfits or inspired 90s vibe outfits.

Again, I deeply apologize if I offended any of you by saying this, but I had to say it because my patience was running thin!!

Anyway, again, I'm sorry,(was it too much?)  and I hope you enjoy the rewritten version of this!

And no Memory loss Trope because I didn't know so many hated it (I was completely clueless about it.)

Previously named "The golden heart that cracked."

New name - The Girl that shattered

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