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Novalee laid in bed sleeping,her lips were slightly parted, she was lying on her stomach, an arm hanging off the bed , fat Louis laying on top of her on his back , snoring away with no care in the world.

Suddenly her alarm blared loudly startling novalee and fat Louis, novalee groaned, stretching her hand out and turning off the alarm, as fat Louis got of her and stretched his body.

Novalee turned on her back, rubbing her eye's and yawning , she stretched her body before sitting up , petting fat Louis before taking the blankets off herself and standing up and stretching again.

Novalee walked to her drawers, grabbing her clothes before walking out of her room, she headed to the bathroom while fat Louis headed downstairs

"Morning nova," Sidney greeted walking out of her room fully dressed, "Morning sid," novalee mumbled as she passed her, heading into the bathroom

Novalee had to shower with cold water because all the hot water was gone once again.

Novalee headed downstairs after she was ready.

[Novalee's outfit]


"Morning sweetie," Maureen presccot greeted smiling at novalee, "Morning mom, morning dad," novalee greeted, taking a seat next to Sidney

Fat Louis walked over to her and she picked him up,

"What did I say about fat Louis being at the table?" Maureen put her hands on her hips

"He's not on the table,plus dad allows him to sit with me during dinner," novalee agrued

"Well I'm not your dad, I'm your mother, and what I say goes, I don't want fat Louis near the dining table," Maureen said

Novalee sighs ,"but you're not even here most of the time, why do you suddenly care if fat Louis is near the dining table or not?"

"Nova," Sidney whispered her name in a warning tone and novalee glanced at her before looking at her mother

"But it's true, she can't even make it home for dinner, why does she get to choose if fat Louis sits with us or not? He's a part of this family," novalee agrued

"Novalee enough." Neil said, and novalee scoff , "fine, if fat Louis isn't allowed at the dining table, then I won't eat at the dining table." she said, standing up with fat Louis in her arms

"Nova," Sidney started but novalee walked away

Novalee went back to her room, putting fat Louis down, "I'm sorry fat Louis, you stay in my room okay? I'll come back soon," she told him , kissing his head before she stood up

"Love you," she grabbed her school bag and walked out of her room closing the door behind her but leaving it a bit ajar

She walked back downstairs and was greeted by her dad at the end of the stairs

"I'm sorry novalee, at least eat something," he handed an apple and novalee took it ,"don't be dad, it's not your fault, " she told him

"See you later," Neil watched his youngest daughter leave the house, he sigh before walking back into the dining room.


Novalee was walking to school, listening to music on her Walkman.

Novalee was startled by someone wrapping their arms around her and spinning her around but she instantly knew who it was

She let out a laugh before she was put down, she took off her headphones and looked at stu macher with a smile

"Hey Nova! Long time no see," stu said, "you saw me yesterday stu," she told him as the two of them continue to walk to school

"Yeah that was yesterday, and it was a long time," stu replied and novalee chuckled , shaking her head slightly

Stu turned his head towards novalee, smiling at her, and novalee playfully tickled his side

Stu let out a small laugh , putting an arm around novalee pulling her close ,"hey stu can I ask you something?" Novalee questioned

"Yeah of course, you can ask me anything, I'll always have an answer for you," stu told her and novalee smiled

"Do you think I'm being dramatic if I decided not to eat at the dining table if fat Louis wasn't allowed near the dining table?" She asked

"What? No way, you love that cat more than anything, you're not being dramatic at all, and you can always have dinner at my house, fat Louis is always welcome," stu told her and novalee smiled, putting an arm around stu's waist , side hugging him

"Thank you stu," stu smiled ,"no problem nova, "

She removed her arm from him before hooking her arm with his, both smiling at each other before walking arm and arm to school.

Word count -- 809

Hope you enjoy

It's been a YEAR! since I wrote this story!

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