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(Novalee's outfit)


"..that was pretty badass what you did last night." Stu leaned his shoulder against the lockers next to Novalee.

It was early in the morning, a few minutes before first period would start, the hallway was crowded with teens, chatting.

Novalee glanced at Stu before focusing on finding her books for her first class.

"Come on, you can't ignore me forever, plus, Sidney and Billy aren't in good terms right now, which means, you can't stop being a total bitch to me and Billy-Boy." Stu said, and Novalee slammed her locker shut, turning to face Stu, with a small sigh,

"Billy spent the night in jail?" Stu nodded, grinning because Novalee was speaking to him.

"Yeah, he's pissed about it. Pretty sure, he's gonna break up with Sidney soon, maybe at the party tonight." Stu replied,

"What party?" Novalee questioned, and Stu smirked,

"The one I'm throwing tonight, and you're definitely coming with, bring that friends of yours, um..Julian?" Novalee nodded,

"Yeah, Julian. You know every time someone throws a party during a mass murderer running around, it always ends up in a bloodbath." Novalee told him, and Stu's smirk turned into a smile, a genuine smile.

"I missed you, I mean, like all your nerdy facts all that stuff." Stu told her, throwing an arm over her shoulder, pulling her closer to him as they started walking down the hallway, towards Tatum and Sidney.

"No way, I am not in good terms with them." Novalee told Stu, who ignored her,

"Sup!" Stu greeted, and Sidney looked at him before spotting Novalee, glaring at her as she remembered what she did yesterday.

"You are such a bitch, Nova." Tatum said, huffing as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"It's was the truth. At least I had the guts to say it." Novalee replied, feeling a surge of anger coursing through her body.

"They made Sidney stay all night at the police station being questioned." Tatum told her,

"So what? Billy spent a night in a cell for being accused by his girlfriend, I'd say she got it easy." Novalee said, crossing her own arms over her chest,

"Speaking of Billy-Boy, Damm sid, he's real pissed at you. Like you branded him the candy man." Stu spoke up, interrupting Tatum and Novalee, knowing if he didn't interrupt, they'll just keep going and going.

"She was terrified at the moment, Stu, what did you expect her to do? Fall into his arms like a damsel in distress?" Tatum questioned, glaring at Stu,

"Idiot, can't even use that brain of yours." She shook her head at him, and Stu frowned, sometimes Tatum's words actually did hurt him.

Stu snapped out of his thoughts when a loud whack sounded and Tatum was holding her nose as blood poured out,

"You're just a toxic bitch, Tatum." Novalee spat out, turning around and walking away,

Stu faked winced, "Well, Guess that was well deserved, hope to see you at the party tonight, tat." Stu winked before rushing to catch up with Novalee,

"Whoa, I did not know you had that in you." Stu said, chuckling.

Novalee sigh, "I hurt my hand but it was worth it, she just keeps insulting you and hitting you, it just pisses me off."

Stu frowned before pulling Novalee into a janitor's closet.

"What is it with everyone pulling me into a janitor's closet?" Novalee mumbled under her breath.

"I'm breaking up with her tonight." Stu told her, and novalee nodded,

"Good, but you had to pull me into the closet to tell me this?" Stu shook his head,

"No, um..I don't love Tatum, Nova..not like I love Billy.." and you, is what stu wanted to say, but the words got stuck in his throat, what if she rejected him.

Novalee stared at him for a moment before her eyes widened in realization,

"Oh," she smiled at him, "it's okay, Stu." She told him,

Stu smiled back at her, wanting to tell her how he felt but maybe he could do it later, at the party, after the plan was done.

"You know, it doesn't change anything between us, stu." Novalee told him, and Stu nodded,

"I know. Come we're gonna be late for first period."

- -

School was only half a day since someone attacked Sidney in the bathroom.

Novalee wanted to check on her but decided against it because of Tatum who was around Sidney like a gaurd dog.

Instead of heading home, Novalee decided to head to the blockbuster with Stu, and Billy who was relased in the morning, and came straight to school.

The blockbuster was filled with people, and Randy was putting movie's back in their place.

Stu grinned at Novalee before he went over to Randy, slapping the movies out of his hands.

"Watch it!" Randy exclaimed as Novalee came up behind him, looking at the movies.

"This place is packed tonight, huh." She said, and Randy nodded ,"Yeah, we had a run in the mass murder section."

"comin' to my Fiesta?" Stu questioned, leaning against the shelf, propping his elbow on the top, and resting his cheek on the palm of his hand.

"Yeah, I'm off early," Randy replied with a nod, snatching a movie from novalee.

"Curfew, you know?" Stu nodded ,"cool." A young girl came up to Randy before she left after Randy answered all her questions

"Hey, shouldn't you be avoiding us?" Randy questioned in a bitter tone, and Novalee shrugged,

"Since Sidney and Billy are in bad terms, I'm hanging out with you guys." Randy stared at her for a moment before nodding.

"Good, I missed you," Randy told her before he spotted Billy,

"Now, that's poor taste." Randy said, and the two teens turned their heads to look where he was looking.

Novalee and Stu saw Billy with a couple of girls.

"What?" Stu asked, looking back at Randy, who huffed.

"If you were an only suspect in a senseless bloodbath...would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy questioned, and Novalee scoffed.

"Billy didn't do it." Randy rolled his eyes, "Sidney said he did it, so he did it."

"It was just a misunderstanding," Stu said, "he didn't do anything."

"You are such a little lapdog," Randy told Stu. He pointed to Billy, "he's got killer printed all over his forehead."

"Okay!" Stu chuckled, "what if he is the killer? Why would he try to kill his own girlfriend?"

"There's always some bullshit reason to kill your own girlfriend." Randy replied


"It's the beauty of it all : simplicity." Randy said ,"Besides, if it gets too complicated, you'll lose your target audience." He added

"Well, what's his reason?" Stu questioned,

"Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him." Randy answered, Novalee and Stu shared a look.

Stu chuckled ,"What? Is she savin' herself for you?"

Randy shrugged, "Maybe," he leaned closer to his friends and spoke in a lower voice.

"Now that Billy tried to mutilate her, you think she'll go out with me?" Randy questioned, and Stu laughed, shaking his head.

Stu's expression turned serious, "No, I don't, like at all." Novalee chuckled.

"No." Randy sighed in disappointment, and Stu leaned forward, "You know how I think it is?"

"I think it's her father, man, "stu said, "Why can't they find her pops, man?"

"Because he's probably dead," Randy told him

"His body will come poppin' up in the last reel somewhere!" Randy exclaimed

"Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!" He kept going

"- See, the police are always off track with this shit."

"- Man!" Novalee and Stu shared an amused looked, chuckling to themselves as Randy rambled.

"If they'd watch "Prom Night," they'd save time,"

"There's a formula to it." His voice got louder with each word

"A very simple formula! Everybody's a suspect! I'm telling you, the dad's a red herring. It's Billy." Randy said, and stu, and Novalee spotted Billy behind Randy.

"How do we know you're not the killer?"Billy spoke up, and Randy turned around

"- Hi, Billy." Randy nervously said as Billy grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"- Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost its reality button," Billy said, glaring at him

"You ever think of that?" Randy nodded his head

"You're absolutely right, I'm the first to admit it - If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect." Randy told him, and Billy nodded

"- That's right, And what would be your motive?" Billy questioned

"It's the millennium. Motives are incidental." Randy replied

"Millennium, Millennium, I like that." Billy said, "That's good."

"It's the millennium." Randy repeated

"Good kid." With that, Billy walked away

"Millennium." Good word, my man." Stu chuckled, shaking his head

"Are you telling me that's not a killer?" Randy questioned, looking at his friends.



Word count - 1471


P.s I do NOT hate Sidney and Tatum, they're my favorites, but most of my Oc's do not get along with them.

Also, should I just do it to scream 2?

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