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(Novalee's outfit)

"..Nova, what do you think? Are sequels better than the original?" Novalee lifted her head, and met the eyes of her friend, Mickey Altieri.

He's been her friend since college started, he was an exchange student with a weird obsession with film sequels.

It's been year since what had happened.

Woodsboro was still reeling from the murders, and from Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.

Gale weather's wrote a book about what happened in woodsboro, then they a made a movie about it.

Novalee absolutely forbid everyone from using her in the movie, but they ignored her, and used her character anyway, killing her off in the beginning too.

"I like original movies, and I like some sequels, but some sequels suck." Novalee replied,

Her hair had grown over the year, it was past her shoulders now, her face lost her baby look, and she looked more like a young woman now.

"That's right. Some sequels suck, Mickey." Randy spoke from beside Novalee,

He looked older as well, but he still acted the same as he did before, the brutal massacre in 96' didn't change him unlike the others.

"You just say that because the geek usually dies in the sequel before getting the girl." Mickey retorted with a small smirk.

Randy rolled his eyes at him, "Shut up, that is not true."

Novalee hummed, "it's true. Geeks always die in the sequels. Which completely sucks because they turn out to be hotties and bam, the killer whacks them."

She shook her head at that, "it's so sad."

Randy grinned, "you think I'm hot?"

"Cute." Novalee corrected and Randy chuckled,

"I'll take that."

Mickey cleared his throat, "so, you guys coming to the party later?"

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do." Randy replied with a small shrug,

Novalee let out a small chuckle, "you mean you ain't got no one to do."

Mickey laughed, "What? That's like the fourth girl that dumped you this week?"

Randy huffed, "they didn't dump me! I dumped them. All they wanted to know was about Leatherface and his lapdog."

"I mean, they're kinda hot, I don't blame them." Mickey said, with a grin.

Randy scoffed, "they are not hot! Why does everyone think they are."

Mickey and novalee shared a look before laughing at Randy, who shook his head at them.

Randy cleared his throat as Sidney appeared by the door, gesturing for him. "That's my cue to leave."

Randy stood up and walked out of the class.

Mickey switched his seats, sitting closer to Novalee, "so, party, tonight?"

Novalee shrugged, "Sure, as long as there's food, I'm there."

Mickey chuckled, "A gal after my own heart." He winked at her, and she let out a small laugh,

"What's a party if there's no food?"

- -

Later that night, a young girl was by herself at herself at the sorority house as everyone else was at a party.

".....I love those guys, and I haven't seen it for 3 weeks." A girl on the phone said,

"No, they broke, Sarah found out that Bailey was sleeping with Gwen, and she dumped him two episodes ago." A young college girl by the name of Cici Cooper replied,

"Hold on, I got another call. Omega Beta Zeta."


"Ted? Where are you? Have you been drinking? Hold on." She switches back to the other line."Ted's on the other line. He sounds drunk, I'll call you back."

"That shit only calls you when he's drunk. Don't go over there, Cici." The girl on the phone warned her

"Ok."Clicks back."Ok, Ted, you sound loaded? What's up?"

"Who's Ted?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, my bad. I thought you were someone else." Cici said with a smaller chuckle.

"That's alright... I am."

"Who are you calling for? No one is here." Cici questioned

"Where is everyone?"

"We're co-sponsering the Acid Rain Mixer tonight for the Delta Lambdas." Cici replied,

"So, why aren't you there?"

"I'm sober, sister. I need to be here in case a drunk sister calls and needs a ride."

"That's too bad. "

"Drink with your brain. That's our motto. Who are you calling for?" Cici told him

"What if I said you?"

"What if I said goodbye?" Cici replied

"Why would you wanna do that?"

"Why do you always answer a question with a question?"

"I'm inquisitive."

"Yeah, and I'm impatient. Look, do you wanna leave a message for someone?" Cici questioned

"Do you want to die tonight, Cici?" The man asked,

Phone beeps and Cici clicks over to other calls."Omega Beta Zeta."

"So was it Teddy?" The girl from before questioned

"No, it was some creep asshole trying to scare me!" Cici replied with a small huff

"That movie STAB, it's bringing out the crazies." Cici hears a thud upstairs. "Shit!"

"What?" The girl on the phone asked,

"heard a noise." Cici replied

"Where?" Her friend questioned, and Cici sighed, "Upstairs." Cici looks upstairs as more thuds continue.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill."her friend starts to chant through the phone,  "Die, Die, Die, Die, Die, Die "

"Stop it!" Cici told her, and her friend laughs."I can't believe you're alone in that house."

"Don't think I'm alone. I'm outta here."Cici runs out the front door and stops.

'You're breaking up. Where are you?" Her friend questioned,


"Don't panic, Cici, just call campus security." Her friend told her, " "Alright."cici hangs up and dials the campus security.

"Campus security." A man answered

"Hi, yes."


Cici walks inside to get better reception."Can you hear me now?"

Campus security hangs up. "Shit." Cici dials campus security again.

"Campus Security."

"Hello, I'm calling from the Omega Beta.."


Cici walks more inside to get better reception."Hello, I'm calling from the Omega Beta Zeta house. Someone is harassing me."

Security hangs up again, and the phone goes dead."Shit!"

A girl comes from behind. "Hey!"

Cici jumps in surprise, letting out a small laugh, "Oh! Jesus Dawnie, you scared me!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, did anyone call for me?" Dawnie questioned, and cici shook her head, "What are you doing here?"

"I live here, remember?" Dawnie sarcastically replied with a smile,

'"I thought you were going to the Acid Rain Mixer tonight?" Cici questioned,

"I am, I just had to change first." Dawnie replied as the phone rings and she answered it, "Omega Beta Zeta."

"Is Cici there?" A man questioned

"Yes, who's calling?" Dawnie asked, looking at Cici

"It's Ted." The man replied, and Dawnie held out the phone for Cici to take, "It's your ill-conceived boyfriend. Ok, I'm gonna go now and don't forget to setthe alarm. Bye!"

"Hello, Ted." Cici greeted

"You wish it was Ted! Don't forget to set the alarm!" Cici drops the phone and immediately runs to set the alarm. She hears a door close upstairs while a dog barks from outside.

Ciciwalks through the house slowly, looking around in fear.

She grabs a door and flings it open, with nobody behind it. Suddenly,the phone rings again. Cici slowly picks it up."Hello?"

A door bursts open with the killer lunging at Cici with a knife to her head as Cici ducks and runs up the stairs. She throws a potted plant on his head as she runs up the stairs.

She gets to the attic and pushes a bike in the killer's way,but he grabs Cici in time and pushes her through the balcony glass where the alarm goes off.

Cici lies flat on the balcony as the killer takes his knife and stabs Cici twice in the back, then the killer picks Cici. "No!!! Please!"

The killer throws Cici off the balcony to the ground, and Cici screams as she falls

A thump and Cici lie dead while the killer wipes off his bloody blade.

- -

1309 words

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