Chapter 5

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So you know that feeling when you think you saw something in real life but it also might've been a dream? Ya this is me at this exact same minute. Or was that yesterday? I don't know anymore.

In my distorted version of reality, a blonde haired person-or was it black-carries me out to God knows where. I think i black out because the next thing I remember was someone holding my eyes open and pointing a blinding light at it while saying incoherent words. It goes dark and when I open my eyes again there's a trail of overhead white lights blurring as I am quickly rushed beneath them.

Then it goes dark.

In this darkness, i can hear a lot of people speaking but I can't seem to make out who's who. What's worse is that I can't even will my eyes to open. I could hear someone shouting, someone else crying and someone telling them to calm the heck down. Then there's a murmur of a group of people I've never met before because their voices sound new to me. A while after all that, words started turning into a jumbled mess and then there was silence.

Silence and darkness.

I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't imagining anything. It was as if i was cast into this dark abyss and I don't even know how I'm going to come out of it.

I feel hot and thirsty and tired. I can feel my head pounding and my heart beat going a mile a minute. I can even feel the blood flow through my body. No, not feel - I can HEAR it. After some time it all became overwhelming. The noise was becoming unbearable. The pounding in my head. My heart beating faster and faster. My bones feel like they're breaking.

Then there was silence.
Complete and utter silence.

Oh and pain.
Then numbness.
Then nothing.

They say loudness can cause deafness? Let them try deafening silence.

What on earth was happening to me? Was I sleeping? I better be because I'm too young to die! There's still too much I wanna do and way too much I want to achieve. I haven't made my parents proud. I DIDN'T EVEN GRADUATE HELL YET!!

No. I need to fight this!! I WILL fight this. I started turning around and flailing my arms like a goose whose wing got attacked by a pack of rabid ants. But what did I expect because I saw nothing. I could hear nothing.

This better not be a Febreze commercial or so help me God I will buy all the Febreze in Walmart and burn it somewhere.


Suddenly, I started hearing  very faint whispers coming from a direction I would assume as my left. I started following it slowly at first, making sure I don't lose it. Then slowly I started jogging, quickening my pace until I was full on sprinting. I ran for about 3 minutes - without ever feeling tired - until I could make out a few things related to that sound.

It was a lady.
She was speaking to me.
She's telling me to come back.

I slowed down my pace because everything around me started violently shaking. I felt my self vibrating, the woman's voice becoming louder and clearer.


The vibrating would stop for a couple of seconds, then it would start again. One by one all the voices I used to hear came back again; this time louder.

My head pounding.
My blood flowing.
My bones aching.
But most importantly; my heart beating.

These sounds coming all of the sudden were accompanied by a small glow of light; both coming from the same direction. I started running towards it again because these sounds were too overwhelming. The closer I ran the brighter the light became and the louder the sounds got. With one final strong vibration I was surrounded with white light and within a blink of an eye, I came to; gasping for air like I was almost drowning.

"You gave us quite a scare there young lady." Said a young looking doctor, who by the looks of it looked like she was holding her breath. "We thought we lost you." She said, sitting down on the floor with her face on her knees, her back against my bed. She looks like an intern; poor thing, I hope this doesn't happen to me if I ever make it to my intern year before I fall face first onto a scalpel.

I couldn't speak for some weird reason so I just smiled. Looking around, I could tell I was in a hospital bed with a huge team around me. I looked down at myself which proved to be a bad idea because four seconds later my head was pounding like crazy so I had to rest it back. In those four seconds though, I noticed that I had a patch over my heart, my right wrist was bandaged and my right ankle was also bandaged. Touching my head I also found it to be wrapped, and it also hurt like hell.

I can tell where these bandages came from because I know I am a trouble magnet and also because I remember stumbling down the stairs like a drunken baboon.

The doctor understood my confusion and laughed a little; i believe an attempt to lighten up the mood.

"You sprained your wrist and ankle when you fell down a flight of stairs and at the bottom of the stairs, you hurt your head pretty badly; those were easy to determine. What had caught our attention though, was that you were shivering albeit sweating, your suffer from mild dehydration, you had an extremely high fever and your blood pressure was very very high for a girl your age. So we had to search your body for any bites and we found one right on your heart. That bite," she continued," we found to belong to a brown recluse spider. These spiders are very venomous but they rarely bite people." She looked at me with a worried look, and she continued.

"When you were brought here, the venom didn't exactly seep deep enough which meant that you were bitten recently. So when you got here, we didn't even think to look under your t-shirt for any bite. That is until you flat lined. Then we got your tox results back and quickly ordered an anti-venom which for your good luck was in stock right in this hospital. We didn't waste any time waiting for the anti-venom to take effect, so we proceeded with CPR and used a defibrillator to try and resuscitate you. Even with our best efforts, you still flat-lined for about 10 more minutes before we decided to increase the voltage and charge it one last time. With that final one, you came back to us. Welcome back Miss....." She looked at me waiting for my name.

I cleared my throat, and as best as I could croaked out "Lexi.."

She smiled and stood up, dusting her scrubs.

"Lexi. I'm Dr. Cassandra but you could call me Cassie. We called your parents and they arrived a while back, they're probably dying to see you. I have to go now but I'll be back to check on you and your heart wound once you've been moved to your room. Stay safe and if there's anything you need just tell a nurse to call me." She said as she was turning to leave the room.

Wait. They called my parents after I came here? Then how on earth did I even get here? How did they get their number to begin with because I was pretty sure my phone isn't even with me

"WAIT!" I shouted. Bad idea because now my throat burns even worse than the fiery depths of hell.

She looked at me confused, waiting for me to go on.

"How did I get here if my parents didn't bring me? And how'd you know to call them if I didn't have my phone on me?" I said with all the strength I could find.

She smiled and said "Oh your brother is the one who brought you here and he gave us your parents' number too, but he left after we took you." And with that she left, leaving me confused.

Why you ask? Because I don't have a brother.


Who's that mysterious blonde or black haired guy?? And how on earth did she even get that spider bite?? AND HOW DID THE DOCTORS KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!

Read on to find out :)
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