Chapter 6

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I really don't know how hard I hit my head to be honest. What I do know, though, is that I didn't hit it hard enough to make me forget I had a brother..

I am an only child.
My parents are only children - at least that's what they tell me.

Then who could it be? Who would've been at school at that time? I'm sure it wasn't Brad the menace because he'd rather see me burn for eternity than ever help me. Besides, he was the one who locked me there to begin with. My friends didn't get the message notification until after school was over, or did I dream up that too?? No one can hear me knocking because the basement has a weird entrance where you have to go into the janitor's closet and open a door somewhere along the walls, and with the screaming and noise of high school children, there's no way anyone could've heard me banging the door screaming for my life. Then how did that person come to find me? I need answers and I'm not gonna stop until I find them.

My head was pounding like crazy so I decided to leave this subject; for now. I'm definitely going to look further into this matter and Brad will definitely get what's coming his way. I looked at the clock on the wall to find it reading 12.40 am. How long have I been out? This really doesn't make any sense.

A nurse came to take me to my room from the emergency department. She put me on a wheelchair and I realized that I was wearing a hospital gown. As she wheeled me outside, I could see my parents sitting outside, my mom crying and Annabelle- the housekeeper- and dad trying to calm her down.

"Mom I'm ok." I managed to say. She stopped crying, without looking at me, then started crying again.

"Oh my Goodness! I can hear her talking! My imagination is hearing her telling me that she's fine. Baby please come back to me! I can't live without you!"

Yeesh mom talk about dramatic.

I told the nurse to wheel me closer to her.

"It's not your imagination mommy I'm actually here. I'm fine." I said putting my hand on her knee, my throat 

They all finally looked up to me and my mom lunged herself at me hugging so tight I could feel my bones break.

"Alexis! Oh my God you scared me to death! What happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt? Who did this to you?" She said all in one breath.

"Mom. You're. Cutting. The. Blood. Flow. To. My. Brain."

"Sorry sweetheart. But you got me and your dad worried."

"Oh so now you remember I'm here?" Said my dad, "but your mother is right little girl you really scared us." Then under his breath he mumbled something that sounded like "We can't loose you too."

My mom glared at him which made him be quite and he came to hug me.

"I'm really fine guys, just a couple of bruises and avenemousspiderbitmeandidiedfortenminutesthenbroughtbacktolife." I said all in one breath.

The both looked confused and my mom said "Honey, we only speak English, Arabic, and French, not whatever huba juba you just said."

So I told them everything, from finishing my test early, to finding myself trapped in the basement, how I fell, and how I've been brought here by someone who claims to be my brother; all the while leaving Brad out of the story because he's my problem from now on.

Their faces were pale as they heard everything and they kept looking at each other.

This time it was Annabelle who spoke. "Did you by any chance get a glimpse of the person who brought you here?"

"No but all I could remember was that he had either brown or black hair."

She nodded her head then smiled the same smile Lexwith gave me this morning; creepy and mischievous.

My head started pounding again, and I winced very visibly.
"Come on let's get you to your room." Said the nurse who I forgot was standing here.

They all accompanied me to my room which was on the 3rd floor; room 333. When the lights were turned on I was surprised to find all my belongings there. No. Not just the clothes my parents brought by also the things I had on me while I was at school.

My school bag.
My notebook.
And my phone. Plugged in. Charging.

The nurse said that the boy who dropped me here chose this room and put all my things here and disappeared without a word. Talk about creepy. Well I mean that's really nice of him and all but leaving without even saying his name AND CALLING HIMSELF MY BROTHER. I would definitely come back to this again but for now I needed to rest.

After I was settled, my parents decided that they'd be going back home to bring a change of clothes and that they'd be back by my side.

"No, No and No." I cut them off. "I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself for one night. You guys go home and come back tomorrow." I said trying to fold my arms in front of me.

They looked at each other for a total of 3 seconds, and I kid you not, they started laughing so hard they were crying. I mean full on laughing and slapping their knees.

"Sweety we love you and all but don't talk about taking care of yourself when you almost died." My dad said between laughs.

I just stared at them, standing my ground until they gave in.
He cleared his throat.

"Fine ok Miss I can take care of myself. We're coming in the morning and we're bringing you lots and lots of french fries." My dad said with his famous 100 megawatt smile.

"But Jared we can't leave her here alone." My mom said.

"Why not? She's in a hospital - the safest place she could be in - and she has around the clock care. She needs to rest and so do we. So we'll go now, Nessy honey, and we'll show up to bother her as soon as she wakes up. And besides you need to rest; we all do, lil rascal almost scared us to death." He said to her lovingly, kissing her forehead.

"Ummm I'm in the room by the way." I said

"Exactly it was meant to be heard." Replied my dad

"Ok honey cheeks we'll go home and come back first thing in the morning. If anything happens give us a call right away and we'll be here as soon as humanly possible ok?" Said my mom as she hugged me. Again. Way too tight.

"Will do mom, good night. Good night dad."

"Good night Lexy." They said together.

And with that they left, taking Annabelle with them, who insisted on staying. Annabelle has been with our family since we were in Canada. She would always brush my hair and sing me to sleep and I loved her as if she was my other mother.

I laid on my bed and got my phone with me. I saw 500+ messages from my friends all freaking out.

"The Hooligans of Bel Aire"


Ashton🙂: she's probably fulfilling her dream of being a stripper you never know

Sabrina🌺: hush up you nincompoop

Ashton🙂: why? You mad she didn't take you with her?😂😂😂

Sabrina🌺: SHUT UP ASHTON!! Guys we really need to go look for her. I haven't seen her since our thermodynamics quiz

Jay(cee me rolling)👨🏼‍🚀: what?

Sabrina🌺: what what?

Ashton🙂: what what what?


-Ashton🙂 has left the group-

-Ashton🙂 has been added to the group-

-Ashton 🙂 has left the group-

-Ashton🙂 has been added to the group-

-Ashton🙂 has left the group-

-Ashton 🙂 has been added to the group-


Ashton🙂 : yes my sire I shall help you find your princess. I bow down to you oh great mystical exalted one

Brenda❤️: Does killing you count as animal abuse or a crime? Cuz I really can't tell

Ashton🙂: I'm way too adorable to be killed 😏😏

Brenda❤️: Adorable?? Have you looked in the mirror lately? Oh I got it! I can push you down the stairs and make it look like an accident!

Ashton🙂: The cops will be on your trail nancy drew

Brenda❤️: Not if they don't find the body they won't.

529+ messages


I skipped through all of them to tell them that I was fine and that they could come visit me tomorrow after school. I sent them a voice note telling them EVERYTHING that happened, but the time being 1 a.m. right now I doubt they'd read it just yet.

Well that's what I thought until Jaycee texted me. Does this dude ever sleep?? Let me tell you a little bit about him. He's the youngest of 4 children, which means he's the most spoiled. He's always calm, very mysterious, likes to keep to himself, and always gives you that look like he had your whole life figured out. It took us a long time to actually open up to each other, but once you get passed the mysteriousness and piercing look, you'll actually like him. He's my big brother figure and I would most definitely trust him with my life.

Jay(cee mee rolling) 👨🏼‍🚀: Are you ok Lexa?

Me: yes I promise, I'm fine :)


Me: 😂😂 I'm ok. I'm good now Jay Jay i really am. I'm more afraid of what would happen to Brad once I'm out of here.

Jay(cee me rolling)👨🏼‍🚀: I swear to God I'm not gonna leave him. He'll be sorry for ever looking in your general direction. You take care of yourself until I see you tomorrow. Take care Lexa 💛


No answer


No answer

Well then. Great! I almost killed myself and now my idiot friend wants to kill some low life and he would definitely go to jail.

Oh well.

I'll deal with all that tomorrow. I need to sleep. Which I did. For like a few hours before I was awaken in the middle of the night by loud whispers. I looked at the clock which read 4 a.m. At first I thought it was a doctor but then I heard them speak a little louder.

"Next time you don't do it right and end her, it'll be your life that's at stake you got that? Stupid little unreliable kids."

I could see the person looking at me from the other end of the glass for a good 5 minutes before they turned and walked away.

What. The. Actual. Hell.

What? They wanted to kill me? To like....end my life?!

I was afraid and petrified my heart beat started going off like crazy which caused the machine to beep like crazy. In a few seconds my room was swarmed with nurses, one of which who injected something into my IV drip.

My eyelids started getting droopy but before I completely blacked out, I could see a boy wearing a hoodie, standing in the corner.

Then it all went dark.

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