Chapter 7

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"You wake her up"

"No you wake her up" I heard Brenda reply.

"Dude the last time I even came close to her when she was asleep, she attacked me. Like legit jumped on me and almost suffocated me with a pillow. I'm not doing that again." Said Ashton in exasperation.

"Well then someone call her so that she could wake up by the phone instead of one of us waking her up."

Idiots. Did they not think about the fact that their not so subtle voices could be the reason I wake up?

"My phone's on vibrate so it won't even ring." I said as I sat up, head feeling even worse than it did yesterday.

"Thank God you're awake! We thought you were in a coma." Said Sabrina as she came to hug me

"Ow ow the head Reena it still hurts like crazy." I said as i held my head in immense pain.

"Oopsies sorry Lex! I just really missed you so much."

"You missed me so much you decided to skip school for me?"

"Skip school? School ended like 2 hours ago! Damn those drugs must be strong!"

What? What? How long was I asleep for? I looked at the clock and sure enough it was 5:30.

"When I slept it was 1 am though, how could I have slept all that time? Well anyways," I continued, brushing it off, "how have you guys been? How's everyone in school? Is Brad dead yet?"

"Wow wow chill your horses Lex, and besides you've been gone for only one day. Nothing happened don't worry but Brad is being his idiot self as usual. Bullying people, taking people's lunches. The idiot acts as if his parents don't pack him a 7 star lunch. But forget that, you gotta tell us what happened to you."

"Well," I started, "When I got here apparently I flatlined and was brought back to life after like 10 minutes. Whoever brought me here also brought my things with him and even charged my phone...."

Brenda cut me before I could continue. "That is kind of sorta creepy. And he didn't even say what his name was?"

"You think THAT'S creepy? Well I guess I didn't tell you about the midnight semi-heart attack."

So I told them about the creepy guy and the things he said about killing me and stuff. Their faces looked pale as heck as they listened attentively.

This time it was Ashton who spoke.
"What if you misunderstood him? What if he's an actor practicing for his role?"

"Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby?" Said Brenda

"Ash. He was staring at me for a good 5 minutes before he left. But ya I'll just stop scaring myself and go with what you said." My head was really starting to hurt me. So much

"See Brenda I have a brain in there. Somewhere." He said clearly proud of himself.

"Wait Lex aren't you like, a computer genius? I'm pretty sure you can hack into the surveillance system and maybe we can catch the person red handed." Said Sabrina

"Well I could but not right now. My head is in so much pain right now I can't even think. Wait. Where's Jay Jay and weren't my parents supposed to be here by now?" I don't know why I didn't notice before.

"Jay went to get you actual food after, and I quote, he takes care of some things." Ashton said, shrugging his shoulder.

"And your parents called earlier and said they're stuck at this very important meeting which would probably last all day." Replied Sabrina.

"Well ok. So much for annoying me as soon as I wake up. I need to use the bathroom so excuse me for a second." I said as i dragged myself to the bathroom.

After washing my face and freshening up, I went and resumed my place on the comfy hospital bed. I took my phone and decided to call Jaycee.

"Hi. You've reached my...anyways you know the drill."
That's all I received. I slammed the phone down and looked over at my friends who were arguing about some homework question. I was very hungry but the fact that Jay Jay was getting my food made me better. Ok since they're busy solving questions, I'll just lay my head for a little while because the throbbing decided to make a guest appearance. Slowly, their voices became faded then turned into a blur. Then silence. Then nothing.

As soon as I drifted, the man from last night invaded my dreams, only this time his face was as clear as day. He had white hair, wrinkles lined his face and eyes, and his eyes, oh my God his eyes, they were pitch black and filled with evil. He was standing at my room window but this time he was advancing forward. The closer he came the more additions I could realize. Like for instance he was carrying a gun. With a silencer. And he spoke loud and clear.

"Maybe the kid couldn't get to you, but I'm not making that mistake." He was so close to me I could smell the stench that radiated from his person. Ew that smell is so horrible it took all the willpower in me not to gag. I started screaming and begging him to stop, but it wasn't like he was listening to me. He raised the gun in my direction and he was about to press the trigger when a hooded person knocked him to the ground and he looked at me and started speaking.

It took me a while to realize what he was saying.
"Wake Up! It's all right I'm here, WAKE UP LEXA!"

I opened my eyes to find Jaycee shaking me awake. Wow that was a nightmare, and a horrible one at that. I didn't realize I was crying until Jaycee wiped away my tears.

"It's ok. Shshsh. I'm here now. It was only just a bad dream. No one's coming for you little sis, I'm here. I'm here." He said as he stroked my hair and rocked me. We stayed like that until I was completely calmed down.

"I'm ok now Jay Jay." I said as I smiled up to him.

"Ok." Was all he said. Well aren't you a dude of few words. I looked around the room and there wasn't anyone.

"Where is everyone? Last I say they were arguing about some math problem."

"Oh I drove them home. I could see that they were tired. Oh and I brought you food." He said as he handed me a bag of McDonalds.

"GIMME!" I snatched it from him and started munching on it as if I haven't seen food for the past decade.

He chuckled and pulled a chair by my bed. The time right now read 6.30. I only slept for 45 minutes?! It felt longer. I finished my food in silence; Jaycee not uttering a single word all this time. He was busy with something on his computer.

"So what was the "thing" you needed to do before you came here?" I said

"Nothing important Lexa; you don't need to worry about it. What I want to know is what happened to you. In detail."

"But you already know what happened."

"I know the filtered version of it, the one you told the others. What I need is the truth. What the doctors said when you came here. How you got here. That kind of stuff Alexis. Not the 'oh i fell down the stairs thing and was brought here by some miracle worker' story."

He looked pretty serious cuz no one bothers to say my full name unless they're pissed at me. Or irritated. Or both. Fine.

"You know the first half as I know it. When I came here I flatlined for 10 minutes before I was resuscitated. The reason I flatlined in the first place was because I was bitten by this venomous spider and by the time they found that and administered the anti venom, it was a tad too late. They initiated CPR and that voltage thing until I woke up. When I did, the doctor told me that some guy in a hoodie was the one who brought me here. But that isn't weird as much as this. He specifically chose this room, brought my things here, charged my phone, and gave them my parents' phone numbers to call. He even said that he was my brother. Then at night, after I slept I woke up to the sound of someone speaking. He said to the person on the other end of the phone that if he didn't kill me the next time, he's the one who's gonna die."

Jaycee was lost in thought and seemed to be pondering something. Then, he suddenly sat up as if he got a brilliant idea.

"You said he charged your phone?"

"Ya. Why?"

"Give me your phone Lexa!"

I gave it to him and waited for him to explain what on earth was happening.

"Oh. My. God" was all he said. He suddenly got up, threw me my phone and hurried to the door.

"I'll be back tonight I promise." And with that he left.

I know he's my friend but sometimes he makes me want to suffocate him. What did he see that made him look like he saw a ghost anyway?

I unlocked my phone and saw the last app he had opened. It was "Notes". When I opened it; my blood froze in its place.

It was a picture of me, sleeping not even an hour ago with the words "This Isn't Over."

A/N: Damn drama sticks to this girl like a bad smell! Thank you very much if you've read this far and please don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE.!!


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