Chapter 52

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Jaycee's POV:

"Ashton. Ash please answer me.." I begged for the millionth time. He just sat there, staring at the ceiling like a deranged lunatic.

"Ashton. Robert. Freaking. Michals. Please. For the love of pizza and french fries answer me!" 

What the hell did I just say? No guy ever says that. Ever!

Gee thanks Alexis and please get the hell out my head.

"Tell me again." He said, still staring at the ceiling like a giraffe whose neck is cramped in the wrong position.

"Tell you what you moron?"

"Don't BS me Royce. You know what!" He yelled, the paint on the wall of my patio starting to crumble a little from the impact of his punch.

He's genuinely starting to freak me out.

He made me repeat the story of what we did to Giovanni's brother almost twenty million and ten times. I'm getting sick of hearing it.

I get it. 

I made a mistake. 

I beat his brother into the next dimension until he had to be admitted to a mental institute. His nose is still some what pointing in the wrong direction. I would know because I paid the dirtbag a visit. What Ashton doesn't understand was that he hid drugs at our headquarters and called the police. Idiot wasn't acquainted with this this cool thing called DNA evidence and surveillance cameras.  But before the cops could arrive, I beat them to his place and beat the ever living daylights out of his system. That would teach him to mess with us. His brother came from whichever hole he was hiding in and wanted to know where his precious brother is. Sucks for him because no one knows except LAPD and God. I think what Ash didn't especially like was the fact that Sebastian covered for me and said I had nothing to do with Adam being beaten to a pulp.

"I said I'm sorry. Ash I didn't know Giovanni would kill her. I didn't know he was even going to go after you. Do you think I would've even let you go? You're my brother! I won't let anything happen to you." I tried to reason with him but he wouldn't have any of it.

"Do you think sorry is going to fix this? That having family in law enforcement means you get to get away with all the crap you did? That it will bring her back to us? It doesn't make it right Royce and that worst part about this whole scenario is that you don't seem to think that it was your fault."

"I did acknowledge my mistake Ashton and I did apologize, even told you that I had no clue he would come after you precisely. What else am I supposed to do?"

"Nothing. Don't do anything. I think you've done plenty."

"So are you okay?" I asked, alarmed by his sudden calmness.

"I will be after one thing." He replied without even looking at my general direction.

"What's that?" I asked, and I honestly wish I didn't.

Three seconds after I asked that forsaken question, his bloodied fist made direct contact with my right cheek. I felt a strong jolt of electricity run down my right half as I fell with a thump on the floor, careful not to land on my injured arm.

"Holy mother of all things holy!" I yelled, losing my eyesight for a few seconds. My hearing must've temporarily stopped because all of the sudden I started hearing the idiots inside screaming at the Xbox; oblivious to everything that just happened.

"I guess that makes us even then?" I ask, wiping the blood off my nose with the back of my hand.

"Now you could actually go and get a decent nose job you ugly freak of nature." He said, lifting me off the ground, not quite answering my question. Before I could even open my mouth, he punched my stomach - I mean extremely toned abs - very forcefully I knocked down my mom's favorite vase on my grand journey to the floor. She is going to disown me and send me to an orphanage in Cambodia.

"Now we're even." He finally answers, extending his arm for me to take.

"I'm really sorry Ash. I've never felt this bad. I will make it up to you." I say, with a little difficulty in the respiratory department of my body.

"I let it all out on you and now I feel a lot better." He said with a hint of a smile. "Now let's go find our girl." 

"Hey! She's still my girl you moron. I made her hate me sure. I'll probably never see her again. But no one calls her my girl but me. We clear on that?" 

"If you two don't get together soon, I'll ship you to Mars and destroy your only hope of returning." He chuckled, as he opened the door for us to go inside.

To say that it looked like a hurricane struck this place would be an understatement. Empty chips bags were all over the place, empty juice cups were scattered in every possible corner, candy wrappers, empty pizza boxes, water bottles; everything was everywhere. To add to all that, there was smoke coming from outside my window.

"What the hell just happened?" I yelled. "Why is there smoke outside my window?"

"Ask Adam. He set that thing on fire." Replied Aaron, completely focused on something on his computer.

"Technically it wasn't really on fire." Replied Adam, half way through swallowing his pizza and eating fries. Adam is this six foot five guy who's our martial arts specialist. He has dark brown hair, blue eyes and about seven screws missing from his brain. He's somewhat of an idiot, but he always comes through.

"Well no duh, it wasn't just on fire because you blew the whole thing up." Said Jordan, a best friend of Adam's and another member of our gang. Jordan is our weapon's specialist and amazing science nerd. Also, once this nerd remotely changed my ringtone to "Baby" by that Dustbin Wiper guy. I didn't even know it was him until he told me like five months later. He's about six feet two, with jet black, curly hair, muscles that he hides beneath over sized hoodies and brown eyes he hides behind thick rimmed glasses. 

Reminded me of Alexis's glasses.

Shut up.

I noticed about ten bees flying around, and I can't help but blame this toxic dumpsite that we're in.

"I leave the room for ten minutes. TEN MINUTES and you nitwicks manage to provoke what seems like an advanced species of fighter bees?!" I yell out, trying to swat those little flying death machines.

"I told them to clean up before we contract a tropical disease but of course no one listens to me." Volunteered Aaron, still too occupied with his laptop.

"Oh really? When did you become so wise oh-chosen-one?" Mocked Adam, focusing on the xbox game he's playing.

"Since I stopped listening to you jerkface."

"Smart guy."

"Wait. Where's Jace?" Asked Ashton. I still don't understand why he ever wants to be friends with that jerk.

I don't like him. Not one single bit, and I don't understand why Alexis would pick up stray animals and just call them our friends. Oh. I mean her friends.


Without ever speaking, everyone pointed towards the bathroom.

'Oh boy' I thought as Ashton and I headed towards the bathroom.

When we opened the door, it was defintley a sight to behold. Idiot, moronic, jerkface had his head stuck between the railings of the bathroom window and he looked like he was enjoying the view too.

"What the hell Ross?!" I yelled, as Ashton burst into laughter.

"Oh. Ummmm...Hi guys. Funny story actually. I tried to see if my head was small enough to fit in this beautiful window so I can breathe some fresh air, and it actually kind of worked, but..."

"But your ego managed to get to into your head and it supersized...and now you're stuck. Classic nut job. Way to go Jack Nicholson." I blurted out, banging my head against the wall. How much more of this madness can I take? This is starting to feel like a damn day care rather than a gang. A feared gang at that.

"Oh my God! I told you that you'd get stuck you idiot! Now hold still while I call the fire department and take pictures." Said Ashton in between laughs as he took out his phone. Glad to see he's finally back.

When I saw that he was about to actually call the fire department for real, I lead him outside and hung up on the call.

"What are you doing?" He asked, kind of amused.

"Hanging up on the call obviously."

"Yeah I see that retard. Why?"

"Because I don't know if you remember but my mom re-designed those railings so they can be detachable. The number of times Sebastian got his head stuck there is just too much to count. So let's go sit down and figure out what we need to do about this mess and let the monkey inside suffer for a little while." I begged, pulling his arm with me. 

"Wait. You got those railings like three years ago, Sebastian was like eighteen years old."

"Yup. That tells you everything you need to know about him." I say, leading him back towards the living room.

"Oh how you have suffered my guy." 

"Oh how I still do."

We turned around and went straight to the living room, plopping in between Adam and Aaron.

"Hey watch it dude! I almost lost." Complained Adam, sitting on the floor to avoid me sabotaging his game. They play this thing like it's going to add years to their life or something.

Before anyone could utter another word, Sebastian came running past us like a breeze. Sometimes I honestly believe that Usain Bolt ain' got nothing on him.

"Hey idiots what are you all up to?" He asks, as he quickly passes us; apparently in a big hurry.

No one ever answers him because three seconds later he says...

"Actually don't care bye!" He adds as he goes towards the little place where Jace is oh-so-innocently awaiting the fire department.

Three. Two. One..

"What the hell Ross!" I heard him say.

"Oh! You're finally here! Please help me...." Before Jace even got the chance to finish his sentence, Sebastian smashed the door shut in his face.

Sometimes I love my brother.

"Jeez! Is it too late to get an abortion on a 216 month old baby gorilla." He said also running back downstairs.

"Don't burn my house down nerds." He says, running down the stairs again. This time I don't ask him where he's going because Aaron's horrified expression takes my full attention.

He saw that I was looking at him and finally decided to talk.

"Hey Jay you gotta see this."  He said with concern masking his voice.

Before I got the chance to check what's up, my phone rang.

"That's weird. That's Elena Haze." I say, confused as to why the leader of a New York gang would be calling me this late at night.

"Isn't that the NYC gang girl who owes us for helping her?" Said Jordan, everyone now stopping to listen to the conversation.

"Yeah. That's her." I reply, only to receive a chorus of "answer her" and "answer your frickin phone then!" so I did.

"This is Royce." I say and listen very carefully to her beautiful voice. It reminded me of how perfect her long hair was and how it flowed so smoothly to her thighs.

Focus Royce!

I listened to the conversation as if my life depended on it, because in many ways than one, it did.

"When did this happen?.... How do you know?..... Are you positive that it's him?" 

My guys were getting edgier by the second.

"Okay Elena thank you so much for checking in with me. I really appreciate this kind gesture. I will do just that, just wait for my call. Okay babes. Thank you. Screw you too Haze." And I hung up.

I don't know what to do. It finally settles in with me; what she just said. Not only that but who she mentioned. I feel like I can't breathe and it's getting hotter in here.

"Jaycee! Jaycee calm down. CALM DOWN!" I hear Ashton say. When I don't respond, he empties a glass of water on my face and i finally gets me to calm down a bit.

"What did she want? What happened?" Ashed Jordan, handing me a towel.

In the distance I could hear Jace screaming for help, but I couldn't care less at this point.

"Jaycee. What did she want? What's going on?" Asked Adam.

"Alexis." Was all I managed to say.

"What about her?"

"I think this is what he means." Interrupted Aaron, turning his computer screen so that it is facing us.

"Alexis was spotted in New York a few hours ago. She was taken from us by her FBI agent slash housekeeper to be kept safe..." Stated Aaron.

"Okay. So what seems to be the problem?" Asked Ashton.

"I actually managed to locate her location using a number of things and it all came down to Ava Mary Specialized Hospital." Continued Aaron.

"I still don't see the problem here A."

"With the help of Reena and Brenda, I managed to get into their security system and see what happened in the last hour. It shows her being escorted outside the room by someone and after five minutes, I see her leaving the hospital with him in a tinted car with no plates." He finishes as he shows us the video. When the guy comes, we all jump out our seats.

"Oh my God! That's... that's..."

"Giovanni Herrera!"


AN: HAAAAAAAAAAIIIII!!! soooo writing this chapter was soooo fun for me idek why! 

Hope you guys liked it and what do you think about our little gang? I kind of like them and might even consider writing a stand-alone book about them? It'll be a whole one of sassy remarks and snobby comments..... we'll see how that goes!!

ALSO dont forget to comment and vote and spread the story far and wide <3


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