Chapter 53

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Jaycee's POV:

"Are you guys sure about this? You're all risking your lives here."

"I'm in for sure! Lexi's my home girl." Replied Aaron, trying to stuff his laptop into his overflowing bag.

"Hell yeah man." Said Adam and Jordan simultaneously.

"I'm gucci." Said Jace, sounding like the idiot that he is.

"Gucci?" Said Aaron, stiffling a laugh.

"That's what I just said stupid."

"Nah man, I don't know about Gucci. You're more like an overused, worn out no-name-brand." The whole room shook with their roaring laughter.

Jace's face looked tomato red with anger and annoyance. I feel no remorse whatsoever. I don't like him.

"I'm gucci means I'm in you ignorant, uneducated swine!"

"Oh. Yeah. Right. Okay. Makes more sense now that you say it out loud." Replied Aaron sheepishly. 

"Where's Ash?" 

"Right here ladies. Are we all set?" He said, throwing his luggage with the rest of ours.

"I'm not sure I want to you guys to come along. I've risked enough lives because of my ignorance, I'm not going to risk my teams' as well." I say for the millionth time.

"Are you done abuelita? Because the plane only takes off once we're actually on it." Said Ash, raising his eyebrows in annoyance.

"You should have your own late night show you know? The later the better so we don't get to watch it." I patted his back and pushed him towards the small stairs.

"Hey Jay?" An annoying voice asked.

"Yes Ross?" I replied with gritted teeth.

"For what it's worth, you guys will be together again. I'm sure of it. I know Lexi and I know you dude. You both care deeply about each other and in the end that's all that matters. I bet you anything that it'll happen." He said, sounding pretty sincere.

Well he doesn't fool me but whatever.

"Twenty bucks says otherwise." I say, unsure that I'll ever want to deal with whatever baggage that comes with dealing with her.

"Wow, this is going to be the easiest cash I make." He smiled.

"Hey Ross?" 


"Thank you for letting us use your plane for this. Appreciated." I said, trying to keep it as short as possible.

I may have not mentioned this, but I dont like him.

"It's my pleasure. My parents won't even know it's gone, so no worries." He happily added.

"Yeah, I still don't like you."

"I know." He replied as he threw his bags with the rest of ours.

As his lands atop the bunch, some of the bags fall off revealing a sparkly pink duffel bag.


Who on earth has the audacity to bring this princess Belle crap here? I was just going to ignore it until the initials on the bag caught my eye. 

Princess B.


Who do I know has a name that begins with the letter.....



Oh hell to the no. These girls really don't know when to stop!

I threw my cigarette and ran back to the plane.

I could see that all the boys made themselves at home.

Ashton and Jace sat in the far back, playing cards or something.

Adam and Jordan fell asleep right away being the type that was literally born tired. That leaves five unattended seats, so I made my way towards the back of the plane, careful not to make it obvious.

All the seats seemed perfectly fine, except the final one. There was a bump which clearly meant that there was someone under there.

Shaking my head, I yanked the blanket and rest assured, these two hard headed girls were both crouching, acting like they weren't just caught red-handed.

I stood there, tapping my foot impatiently, waiting for them to notice my presence.

"Hey Reena?" Whispered Brenda a little too loudly.

"Uh yeah Brenda?" 

"I think we've been made." She deduced.

"You think?" Replied Reena, getting up and dusting her clothes.

"What the hell were you two thinking?!" I screamed out of anger and pure rage.

"Why the hell are you yelling at me?! She's my friend more than she is yours you moron!" Replied Brenda, her eyes carrying the anger of an eternity. 

"Chill Brenda." Tried Sabrina, but the stubborn girl wouldn't have any of it.

"How did you even get on this plane?! How did you even......Ross!" I knew it. The idiot could never keep his mouth shut even if his entire existence depended on it.

"Yeah? Oh! Hey ladies, glad you could join our little getaway." He said, smiling like the moron that he is. He is so in love with her, he would do anything for her.

"You knew about this? Why did you give them the address? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm not really sure if you've noticed but Brenda kind of scares me a little more than you do. So it was either I give her the address or she makes sure I never have babies my entire life. The choice was pretty easy really." He shrugged his shoulders and went on as if he just invited them over for a back-to-school slumber party

I can't believe this. What is wrong with everyone?

"So I don't give a single damn what you say Mr. Hotshot, but I'm coming whether you like it or not. That girl is my friend and my sister and I will do everything in my power to bring her back." She hissed, starting a starring contest.

"I can't believe this. What do you even know about anything Miss. Oh Em Gee I love Pink! You're still afraid of inse...."

Before I even had the chance to finish my sentence, something happened. 

I don't know what it was. I don't know how fast it happened. But it happened. I was on the floor, my butt facing the sky and my legs in a weird, extremely uncomfortable position.

I could barely make out what she was saying but I knew that they were set on tagging along and nothing I could ever say would get them to change their mind. What the hell is wrong with girls these days? Why can't they be normal and just stay home like normal people do.

"But Alexis has no choice." Interrupted that annoying inner voice that thinks its always right.

I had to admit it though, the girl had no choice. It's not her fault that she's in the mess she currently is in.

I knew that trying to reason with her wouldn't result in anything good.

So I let them tag along.

"Damn right you will Ross." She said as she sassily flipped her hair.

She was trying to get on my nerves. It took all the willpower in me not to carry her and throw her off the plane.

"You know damn well that that is not my name."

"Oops." She replied as she turned around and went to sit with Ross.

He smiled and his face turned an uncomfortable shade of red as she sat next to him.

Well that was painful to watch.

I got up and went to sit away from everyone.

I needed time to think and carefully plan our next move.

But i couldn't do that. I couldn't think of anything but her.

Maybe now i do understand her motives. I understand why she did what she did. Maybe I forgive her because my God do I love her.

As the plane took off, memories of her and I started to invade causing a turmoil of emotions that I wasn't ready for.

"What would you do if you won a million dollars?" She asked, taking a bite from the Alfredo Fettuccine she loved so much.

"Hmmm. But don't I already have that?" I reply, taking a bite from this nasty Kale salad. I was forced to eat healthy in order to be in good shape for our upcoming basketball tournament.

"No Jay. I don't mean your parent's money. I meant you, as an independent individual. And please stop picking on your salad. Eat it like a grown up." She exclamed.

I would do anything for this gorgeous girl. Anything in the world.

Except take another bite of this goat food.

"Dude if I wanted to eat grass, I would've just stopped outside our house and ate my mom's flowers. Excuse me." I raised my hands, waiting for the waiter to acknowledge my existence.

"But about the money, I would make a sports scholarship for students to attend university, probably buy a house, and I don't know, donate?"

She laughed a little; a beautiful melody.

"Why are you asking me? I'm sure you'll donate. You have a huge heart and that's what makes you awesome."

Her smile literally lit up the room and I couldn't help but admire her. She's very beautiful and authentic caring and I think I'm in too deep. A little too deep.

"Uhhm." Came an annoying voice, cutting our moment a little short.

"Yes?" I reply in annoyance. The audacity some people have, I swear.

"You called for me. Sir." He replied with gritted teeth.

Oh. Yeah.

"Um yeah. I'd like a double decker burger, with extra cheese fries, a large chocolate milkshake, a bowl of chocolate chip mint, vanilla, and chocolate ice cream and...."

"... And an insulin injection in case he dies from a sugar induced coma please." Interjected Alexis, which got the guy to laugh.

Oh. Now you laugh. Or even show a thread of human emotion.

" I'll be fiine ba... Lexi. I'll be ok don't worry about me. A guy's gotta eat you know. Yeah that'll be all." I say, trying my best not to punch this guy right now who's looking at my girl who doesn't know she's my girl. Yet.

I shoved the menu in his hand to get his attention.

" Right away. Sir." He said, trying not to growl at me. As he walked away, I could almost hear him mumble "do they even feed this kid at home."

What the hell is his problem.

"You know, you need to be a little nicer to people Jay. Otherwise how are you going to make any friends?" She asked, putting my hands on mine.

I mean her hand on mine.

I'm sorry. This girl does stuff to my heart and I'm not responsible for what I say or do or think under her influence.

"I have everything and everyone that I need." I say, surprised that I could actually form a coherent thought.

She gave me this million dollar smile which always meant that she was about to say something that would make me love her even more.



I've loved her for two years now. At the very beginning of the tenth grade and since our senior year starts next week, I want to tell her that in person. I wsnt it to be a special moment so I decided that it'll be on her birthday on New Year's eve. I'll let her know that she is the light of my life and that there's no such thing as falling in love too early. Everything that I need, I found in this girl and I will never let her slip away.


"You are a spectacular human being. You are handsome, extremely caring, very generous, kind and loving. I want people to see the real you, to be able to love the real you, and hun they can't do that if you're always hiding behind this facade you created. You're not always bossy or mean. Sometimes you're vulnerable and sometimes you just need a hug. Please. Try to treat people the way you treat us. The way you treat me, and trust me the world will change for you. Can you promise me that?" She asked so innocently, tilting her head in anticipation.

It didn't take long for me to answer. This time, my mind formed a thought without even thinking it through.

"I promise Alexis. Anything for you."

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