Four - Save me, Again

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Chapter Four - Save me, Again

My head was filled with the thoughts of Carter. After he saved me from Isabella, I was really grateful to him. Even though, he was the one who said some rude words to her, I was at the receiving end of her constant glares. Her looks were so murderous. I didn’t want to be alone for even a second with her around. Who knows when will she kill me? A jealous girl is really an evil witch. She is a disaster. The fire of her jealousy envelops the victim. That’s why one should stay away from girls like Isabella.

Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about Carter. I knew very well that if Isabella got a sniff of my affection for Carter then she will definitely make me burn before burning in hell herself. But I can’t do anything about it. That boy just invades my head and I get consumed in thoughts of him.

Carter didn’t come to class after that. When it was time for club activities, he still didn’t appear. Disappointed, I decided to focus on my practice. President was being extra aggressive. He was hyped. That foul mouthed jerk exhausted me with training within thirty minutes of club activities. He was hyperactive. We played without any break for half an hour and my head was spinning. Added to that, the events of the day had really exhausted me. On the top of that, I hadn’t done any practice during vacations so I was really out of shape. This is what happens when you are too confident of your abilities. You get defeated. That reminded me how badly I lost to Carter.

Next time, I’m gonna show him. I was determined once again. But I was really thirsty.

“President,” I raised my hands in surrender. “I need to drink water.”

He narrowed his eyes at me but nodded anyway. I reached for my water bottle but found it to be empty. I guess I have to refill it. I left the court without being noticed by the president. It was better to relax a bit before going back to the field. I wandered aimlessly in the hallways. When I heard voices from a classroom, I stopped.

Was that Carter?  I was not mistaken. That was Carter’s voice. He was at school? Then why didn’t he attend any class. He wasn’t there for the club activities either. The door of that room was closed. I thought of barging in as usual but then decided to act polite. Besides, he helped me today so I need to thank him properly.

I slightly opened the door and peeked inside. My eyes widened at the scene inside. Carter was sitting on a chair and a girl was on his lap. They were making out like lovers. It looked really intense and I quickly moved away. My chest suddenly felt heavy.

I knew Carter was like that but still… What was I thinking? I just like him. I didn’t know it was going to hurt me like this. Such a stupid boy!

With a heavy heart, I walked away from there to get water. It was a mistake to go there. No! It was not. I got the see real face of Carter. What am I even talking about? Carter always shows his real face. I was the one wound up in my own fantasy. Carter doesn’t belong to one girl. He hurts them. And today, knowingly, I was hurt by him.

I’m so stupid.

The tears I was desperately trying to hold back fell down.

“Stupid me! Stupid me!”

** **

When I returned to practice, I directly walked to the President who was observing students. I gently tugged at his t-shirt while keeping my head down. He turned to look at me. I didn’t bother to return his gaze.

“Can I go home?” I asked in a small voice.

“What happened? Are you alright?” President asked me, turning his attention completely to me.

I shook my head lightly. I was going to cry again.

“Did you get your periods?” He asked and my head snapped to him. I watched him with wide eyes. “There’s no need to cry over it.” He gently patted my head. “These things happen to girls.” He was saying that but he was uncomfortable. His cheeks were turning red. I knew I was the same.

“No President. That’s not the case. I’m just exhausted. Can I go home?”

“That’s not?” He cocked his head. “Okay, you can go!”

“Thank you so much President.” I stepped back and got changed before leaving.

Setting the images of Carter aside in my head, I chuckled as I walked home. President sure is weird. I laughed a little more. It was embarrassing but I couldn’t stop a smile from appearing from my face. President sure is a weird person. I just hope he forgets our conversation by tomorrow or it’s going to be really embarrassing. I wish I just forget today.

** **

“Hey! Leah!” I heard Emily’s voice and saw her running towards me. She reminded me of president with the way she ran. But unlike president, she knew when to stop. “I-I” she couldn’t continue speaking. She was panting really hard leaning against the wall. I leaned against the same wall as she regained her composure.

“What was the need to run like that?” I asked. “I was going in the same direction.”

“But,” she looked at me. “I wanted to know.... What… what happened? I heard from Mia.” She gestured frantically with her hands. “He stood up for you Leah! He saved you from the sting of queen bee! He definitely likes you!”

Hearing those words made my heart feel heavy again. He definitely doesn’t like me.

“You don’t believe me, do you?” She looked at me in suspicion. Maybe it was written on my face that I didn’t believe a word she said. Because I knew there was no point in believing them.

“No, I don’t. He was making out with that girl today.” I told her flatly and all the hope was lost from her face. I’ve never told Mia or Emily that I have a crush on Carter. Now, I’m never going to tell them. Instead, I’m going to burry my feelings.

“What?! That jerk! He is such a *beep* *beep*.” I winced slightly at her colorful language. She reminds me so much of president. They both are extremely suited for each other.

“Don’t worry Leah. You will find a boyfriend for yourself.” She put her arm around her shoulder. The girl was a couple of inches taller than me. Not that I was short. She was just tall.

“Where’s Mia?” I inquired.

“Off with her boyfriend somewhere. It’s only me and you.” She said despondently. “I also want a boyfriend.”

I’m in no need for one. Right now, I’ve lost all my trust in boys.

Emily stopped as we neared my house. I stopped with her. “Is someone moving in your neighborhood?” She asked pointing at the truck that was being unloaded.

“I didn’t know.” I muttered. That house was empty for two months. Now someone is going to live here. That would be great, I guess. Recently I’ve been hearing from little kids around that this house is haunted. I wonder where they get these wild imaginations from.

“Don’t tell me she is going to live here.” She then pointed at a girl who emerged from the gate. She was talking with a middle aged lady. I was surprised to see that girl too. She was beautiful. Really beautiful. Not that ‘sexy’ kind of beauty but an ‘innocent’ kind of beauty. And when she smiled, she really looked like she could model for a famous agency.

“She is pretty.” Emily muttered to herself.

“I agree with you.” I nodded. She was so beautiful. If I was as beautiful as her, Carter would really look at me. No! No! What am I even thinking?

Suddenly, the girl looked in our direction taking me by start. Beside me, Emily was also shocked at being caught staring. Then the girl gave us a beautiful smile that I couldn’t help but return with one of my own. 

“She is so nice. It’s giving me creeps. Let’s just go.” Emily dragged me with her to my house.

** **

Next day, when I went to school, I was resolute. No more crushing on Carter. I don’t like that guy. He is a jerk. I don’t need to crush on a jerk like him. I am not going to waste my feelings on that guy. He is not worth it.

But that guy didn’t show up in the class. Everything was back to normal. I was glad. I hoped he changed classes or something. But that’s impossible. Is he absent? Nah. He must be in an empty classroom making out with a girl or something.

My chest felt heavy even thinking about it. These feelings… they are really troublesome.

I didn’t bring my lunch as I was low at my spirits. I didn’t cook anything and mom is never good at cooking. She gave me money to buy something so I’m going to get something to eat. Usually I eat homemade food. It’s very rare for me to go to cafeteria and get something to eat.

I was on my way when a girl appeared in front of me. Then another girl and another girl. It didn’t take me long to realize that they were cornering me to a secluded spot. And I was isolated. This is really bad. What do they want now? Maybe Carter’s words from yesterday irked Isabella enough to make her take these measures against me. I didn’t know I had this much value. The most popular girl of the school is obsessed with me.

But this is really a bad news.

Isabella stepped forward and glared at me. I wondered what she was going to do. I’ve never seen this kind of bullying before in my life. I get a really bad feeling. If I scream, will someone save me? I should just give it a try.

“HELP! HELP ME! HELP!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. The girls looked really shocked. I managed to escape from them and ran into someone. They were still following me. It was a good thing that someone was there.

When I lifted my head, I was shocked to see Carter’s face. His tie and top few buttons of the shirt were undone. His hair was messy. What surprised me was the look in his eyes. His dark eyes looked worried. His right hand then touched my cheek with so much tenderness that I almost melted. I got a strange feeling in my heart. And I wanted this feeling to continue forever.

“Carter!” Isabella’s shrill voice cut light atmosphere.

Carter, with his arm on my shoulder, looked at Isabella. The look he gave her was really cold. I noticed students stopping by to be a spectator. We were gaining attention. I tried to move away from Carter but he didn’t let me.

“Don’t you think you are being too desperate here?” His icy voice sent a shiver down my spine. It was just like yesterday. “I hate pathetic girls like you.”

She remained silent but her face spoke clearly that she was pissed off. Angrily, she turned away and left with her troops. I was extremely relieved when she left.

Carter separated himself from me. I immediately felt the loss of his warmth.

“Thank you,” I said with a smile. He didn’t say anything in return but just patted my head gently. I was really shocked at the physical display of his way of comforting me. My heart was thumping loudly inside my chest. I loved the feeling so much.

This is weird. Yesterday, I was regretting even liking him. And today I’m feeling so elated. I want and don’t want this feeling at the same time. How confusing!

As Carter walked away, I felt eyes on me. But there was the gaze of one particular person I could feel. I was surprised to see that the person was none other than the girl I saw yesterday. The new neighbor. That girl looked so beautiful in the school uniform. So she was going to join the school?

We stared at each other from a distance. She didn’t smile at me like yesterday. Her face was completely blank. Then finally, her eyes turned to the direction where Carter went. A smirk appeared on her lips, a kind of bitter smirk. Then she turned away and left.

The way she looked at Carter. It was different. I don’t know how but it was different. I didn’t get any good feeling from it.

*** ***

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