Three - The Rumors

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Chapter Three - The Rumors

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" A voice asked me distracting me from my tennis practice. I knew that voice too well.

"Can't you see? I'm practicing." I said in annoyance.

Yesterday, I was not very happy. When I told my father, he acted like a normal father. He encouraged me. And president... when he gained consciousness and heard that I had lost, he lost his consciousness once again.

"You were much nicer yesterday morning." He commented and the racquet hit the ball.

"You hadn't defeated me in front of whole school yesterday morning." I retorted.

He chuckled obnoxiously. "So that's the problem, huh?"

"Still basking from the feeling of victory?"

"Victory over you is special."

"I didn't feel any special on being defeated."

Carter didn't say anything as I continued to practice. Suddenly his voice came from behind me. "You are doing this wrong."

I was taken aback by his sudden appearance that I jumped. He gave me a flat look as I glared at him.

"Don't tell me that you're conscious of me."

"N-no way! I'm not conscious of you. Y-you surprised me." I stuttered. Why am I stuttering? It's not good. He will know that I am really conscious of him.

"Then stop acting and come here." He pulled me with arm. My back was against his warm chest. And I was really, really conscious of it.

"Your body is too stiff. Just relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

At his words, I took a deep breath and relaxed myself. He put his hand on mine and guided my hand. "You do this thing wrong. You should..." I focused as he told me where my technique was wrong. His large hand holding mine felt really strange. I could feel my face getting warmer. This was really not good.

"I-I get it." I said stepping away from him. "Now let me do it."

"Fine," he sighed and stepped away from me.

I demonstrated it just the way told me and he gave me thumbs up. I smiled feeling relaxed. My irritation from before was disappearing. He won because he had more talent than me. I need to improve myself if I want to win against him. Even though my father is a tennis coach, my technique is still not proper. I need to learn more.

"It was fun," Carter spoke. "It was fun playing with you. It was the first time in past few months that I actually felt like I had played a real game."

I stopped and looked at him with my mouth open. It was fun. I felt overjoyed at hearing his words. I bit my lower lip in order to contain a smile and looked away from him.

"I'm glad." I said throwing the ball in the air.

Really glad.

*** ***

I was heading towards my class when I was pulled by someone into an empty classroom. I panicked for a moment. All irrational thoughts were running in my head. But then my eyes fell on my friend and I was able to relax.

Mia removed her hand from my face.

"What the hell Mia?! You gave me a heart attack!"

I placed my hand on my chest. My heart was beating frantically. The school had started and I was going to my class when I was suddenly abducted by my friend.

"I was the one who got a heart attack when I heard what you did this morning."

"What?" I gave her a confused look. I was practicing this morning.

"I really think it's just a rumor. You won't do something like that."

"What are you talking about?" Her words were only confusing me even further. "What happened?"

"You and Carter kissed in the tennis court this morning." She said. I stared at her for a couple of seconds registering her words. Carter and I kissed?

"What are you talking about?!" I almost shouted. My eyes widened.

"That's what the rumors are saying. You are supposedly Carter's new girlfriend now." She told me.

"Are you kidding me? I never kissed Carter. Who is going around spreading around these rumors?"

"I think its Isabella. She was with Carter early in the morning. Then according to her, Carter went to Court for practice. You were also there. Taking the advantage of the situation, you kissed him. That's what she is saying."

"I never did something like that. Why is she saying this stuff?" I was really vexed. What was happening?

"She is the queen bee. She feels threatened that you will take Carter away from her. That's what I think."

I sat on an empty chair. This was bad. I've never been a part of these rumors before. But I know it gets really nasty.

"This is the end of my high school life." I admitted despondently hiding my face. "It's all over."

Mia whacked me on my head. I winced at the pain that shot from the back of my skull and rubbed the spot with my hand.

"What are you doing?! That hurt!" I complained with a pout.

"What are you doing?" She raised a finger at me, full of criticism. "Are you going to act like damsel in distress?"

"Will there be a knight in shining armor for me? That would be nice. I really don't want to face everyone out there. I can already feel their judgmental eyes on me." I was really worried. Such a turn of events was really troublesome for me. It's only the beginning for the problems waiting ahead for me. Why did it turn out to be like this?

Seriously, what is Isabella thinking? She can go around kiss any boy and that won't matter. And if I do, not that I kissed Carter, but still what right she has to spread these rumors about me. I hate her already. I've never hated her in the past because I was never her target. But this time, I feel the anger her victims might have felt. Isabella, with this amount of hatred, you are going to burn in hell. Don't forget that.

But right now, instead of cursing that damn girl, I have to think what I should do. I can just ignore them. Yeah, that's what I should do.

"Fine then!" I stood up with new determination. "I will go and face everyone."

Mia's mouth was slightly open in surprise. "Your mood changed so suddenly that it was even scary."

"Whatever! Let's go now!" I was ready to leave when suddenly Mia's phone started ringing. The way her eyes sparkled when she looked at the screen let me know that it was her boyfriend. I didn't want her to drag her outside when she was that happy. I will face all the troubles alone.

"I'll go then." I said walking out of the class not giving her time to protest.

The moment I stepped outside, the atmosphere was very ominous. My determination started wavering. A couple of students walked by me. I was extremely aware of their eyes on me. It is already creepy.

I made my way towards the homeroom. Everyone is looking at me. Everyone is looking at me. My mind was shouting at me. I tried to shut out the outside world but still my thoughts were not leaving me alone. The moment I stepped into the class, the atmosphere was kind of chilly. I just wanted turn around and leave.

But no! The day hasn't even started yet. I can't leave. I walked to my seat and was relieved that Carter was not at his seat.

"Hi Leah!" The girl who sits behind me greeted.

"Hi!" I said back with a smile and took my seat.

"So is it true?" She leaned towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut. That was inevitable.

"The rumors of Carter and me? They are not!" I spoke hurriedly and sternly. "I wonder who is spreading these."

I know it's Isabella but if I say that aloud and if she hears it from someone then my troubles will only increase.

"So there's nothing between you and Carter?" She asked me for confirmation.

What does that have to do with you? I didn't say those words aloud but I was really irritated.

"No," I politely shook my head instead.

"Hey Leah!" This time it was a boy. He was from the class. Others students were stealing glances at me. "Will you go out with me?" His question took me off guard. "Or are you already busy with someone else?"

My eyes widened in surprise and anger. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth.

"I'm not busy with anyone." I stated firmly and glared at him.

Before he could say anything, a familiar commotion erupted in the class. I knew instantly that Carter was around. Is he a celebrity? Do you need his autographs? Damn boy. His fan girl has landed me in a lot of trouble.

He casually took his seat and immediately after, the teacher walked in so students had to go to their seats before they could get a chance to talk to him. I unconsciously looked at him. The closeness of our bodies from the morning brought redness to my cheeks. But I quickly shook my head from those thoughts. I'm already at a tight spot right now. If anyone catches me staring at him and blushing then it won't be good at all.

Suddenly he turned his head to me. Our eyes met and I was surprised. Then he smirked. He looked nice. But I saw that smirk as if he was mocking me. Puffing out my cheeks, I glared at him. It was his turn to look surprised. He opened his mouth but I turned my head away.

When the class was over, Carter left the class. I didn't care where he went. But I was greatly jeopardized when I saw the queen bee entering the class. It was a good thing that the girl was not in this class. But having her here is not a good sign. I was planning to hide my face and sneak out but she spotted me without any difficulty. I didn't even have time to hide my face.
She walked to my desk carrying the air of confidence. I, on the other hand, was more like a scared cat. My eyes were on her and her eyes were on me. I was sitting and she was standing. The situation made me really intimidated.

"So I heard that you are the one trying to have Carter?" She raised an eyebrow. What are you talking about? You are the one who spread this rumor at the first place.

Isabella was very bit of a beauty. She had light brown shoulder length hair. Her face was so beautiful. And she had those beautiful hazel eyes. Besides, she had the figure of a model. The girl was physical perfection in every sense.

I couldn't say anything in return. My lips were sealed and eyes were wide open. My thoughts were all over the place. It was the first time I was in a situation like that so I didn't know how to handle it. I was just a rookie.

"Listen you bitch!" She slammed her hand on my desk and I winced more due to the curse word. It's the first time I've been called that with so much hatred. But it's alright. It doesn't hurt if these words come out from the mouth of what-she-called-me. But I guess she can make a good match with Matt.

"If I ever see you near Carter," she brought her face closer to mine and I leaned back. Hey girl, what are you doing? Are you going to kiss me if I go near Carter? "Then you will have to face consequences."

"And who are you to decide that?" A deep voice spoke and I blinked. Isabella's eyes widened and she quickly changed her expressions. The transformation of her face from that on an evil witch to a cheerful girl was marvelous.

"Carter!" She purred. "I was just telling this girl to learn her place. She will ruin your image like this."

Ouch. I scowled at the desk. That hurt. I like this boy. Somewhat. I have a crush on him. Hearing that from her really pissed me off.

"I think an easy girl like you will ruin my image than a girl who is smart and good at tennis." He said in an icy voice that even I felt a shiver in my spine. However, I was happy.

My surprised eyes turned to him. He was looking down at Isabella with narrowed eyes. I could say that was mad. He has fisted his hand tightly.

"Carter!" Isabella gasped. She must be shocked. Everyone was. There was a deadly silence in the class. "You think she is smarter than me!"

"A girl who doesn't know what sodium chloride is. Stop kidding me! Even a middle school student must be smarter than you. You just have a pretty face. It's only nice to have a picture of you. In person, you only an annoyance."

Oh! Oh! Oh! I sat quietly and Isabella huffed in irritation and left. I didn't even look at her. As soon as she left, everyone's attention was solely focused on Carter. Even my attention was on him. It was really surprising. And my heart was thudding rather loudly.

He too left the class and didn't return for next period. My head was a big mess. Why did he do something like that? Now I like him. I really like him. It's not a simple crush anymore. I like him.

** **

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