The Call

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I barely had any water, even though all I feel is waste. I hold myself to the pole I was tied to, to gain a little stamina.

"Get me out of here! Please!" I yelled with all the strength left in me.
"Get me out of here... I want to go home!"

"Shut up bitch! You're going to die here if you don't say the truth! Tell me about your parents secrets and I'll find a way to let you out!!" His voice echo down the pit hole where I was chained.

"I want to die! I just want to die!" I grit my teeth in pain like it was difficult to say.

'I can't imagine staying another day, week, month or year more in this cage. Goodness knows how long I've able to endure all of these.'

Petê chuckled hard at my weepings as if it were a joke. It's very obvious that he love the way I cry.

Getting back to his position, he puts up a stick of cigarette into his chap dark lips, and lights on fire to it's edge. Pouring out smoke to the air as if it were rewards for his hard-work. Whatever, he must be very proud of himself. Well sitted on the well constructed chair, he cross his legs on the desk like the little boss that he is.


His phone made a loud buzz in his side pocket of his faded jeans. Petê quickly grabbed and click on the answer button.

"Hello Doctor Williams Hawksworth." A wide, mysterious smirk lighten his oblong shaped face.

"How is our pest fairing? Anything yet?" The voice over the phone ask.

"No sir. I'll say she's just a dump. Why don't we let her go?" Petê replied.

"What are you talking about petê? That decision isn't entirely mine to make. I'll have to discuss it with the rest and give a feedback soon."

Petê didn't bother to reply. He just pressed the off button to cut the call. He threw the mobile phone away like a piece of trash, turning on his annoying music again. 'Dangerous' by Micheal Jackson.

She's so, dangerous!
The girl is so dangerous
Take away my money
Throw away my time
You can call me honey
But you're no damn good for me.

The girl is so dangerous
I have to pray to God
'Cause I know how
Lust can be blind
It's a passion on my soul
But you're no damn lover
Friend of mine.

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