The Guest

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A Month Later...

A round aircraft rolled from within the space towards the direction of our huge, butterfly shaped spacecraft.

The ball like spaceship came to join ours. In it were two men plus the pilot. Immediately they enter, the front glass open and the three men step out. The pilot cosmonaut sit at the middle, while a 6'8 feet tall man with black suit and dark glasses was the security guard. The third was dressed in black suit as well. His dark shiny hair looked like that of Hercules. Well styled and jelled to the side of his ears. In his hands was a briefcase, matching his outfit.

It was clear that they came for a mission. I didn't see so, I couldn't know. All I heard were the faint voices of their discussions.

"Petê!" The pilot cosmonaut call immediately they stop. "Nice to meet you again petê. It's been a while."

"It's been a while indeed. I see you've brought me new friends." Petê joked and exchange a hand shakes. Then, he hugged the pilot cosmonaut as if they were homies. "Welcome, James."

"Thank you." James answer.
"Meet Henry Kennedy, the new head of security at AASCIT headquarters and Octavius Jonas, one of the finest investigative journalist from Washington DC."

"Well, nice to to meet you all." Petê welcome them, leading them in.

He offer them seats and the three of them gaze around with curious eyes. Their cautions eyes search the whole place. Well, everything about the the Michaelson's had been hidden, as it has always been.

Petê offer them a cup of soup with a stainless spoon in each. They sip it down to their empty stomachs first.

"So she's been here for how long?" James started.

"Five years."

"Wow! Five years? It's been a while. How often does she comes out, I mean... How do you find your work here? Interesting?" James queries.

"As if." Petê wore a smirk and nodded his head.
"It gets shitty here by the day. I can't wait to hear her confess. You know, I can't wait till all of these are over." He explain, taking a stick of cigarette from it's pack and placing it into his slim, chappy lips.

He covers his other hand to the edge of the cigarette and lights it up with a lighter. Putting the lighter back to his pocket, it puffs out smoke alike a sick dragon.
"As we were saying, it's hell here. Ella is her parent's daughter but... I don't think she knows a thing. She might be as ignorant as the whole world is."
He held in the smoke before puffing it out.
"Does Gorge Brooke knows about this? He created the group and nothing seems to be going on. I mean, who does that?"

"If you think he isn't taking this serious than you You have no idea how much he's willing to risk on this Mirabella Mickaelson's case. That's why he sent us here. Octavius would hold an open interview with her. That's the reason we came. It's either we end up leaving her here or taking her along with us. The decision lies with her, if she's willing to say the truth or not!" James instructed.

"I hope something good would comes out of this anyways." Petê snorted at himself.


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