Chapter 3 Go Away

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         *Author's note: Hope you can understand that Marinette's Flashbacks and Luka's occasional ones are necessary to the development of the plot. Thanks, and Happy Reading. No copy cats allowed. -Summer Cheng

             Marinette's POV:

           Marinette thinks just leave me alone. She wishes he would not speak to her. She does not dare look in his direction.  She refuses to admit his closeness disturbs her.

           She feels as if her head has something wrong with it.  She can tell it must mean she is about to have another flashback to her past. She has had lots of them more recently.

         "No, Go Away!" She screams as she places a palm on her forehead.

         Luka's  POV:

            Luka hears the girl cry out in pain. He feels bad for her when he sees her put a hand on her face. He can tell something bothers her, but what?

          He would ask but does not wish to anger her.

        Marinette's POV:

             Marinette feels her left arm tingle as the pain shots up it. She can not understand why the storm always makes it ache.  Then, again it was on a stormy day like this she first felt this way.

            "Go Away," She yells once more.

      "  Marinette's flashback..."

           Marinette is  fifteen years old and is outside. She hears the thunder roar and sees the lightning flash.  She feels the rain fall, but she does not care. She must run again. She has too.

        She runs, but as she does she falls over a rock, and feels  a sharp pain through her left arm. She looks at it and sees that it has small scrap on it.  She stands back up. She feels the lightning strike close to where she stands. She ignores it though as she focuses on the task. She goes across the beach, then to the woods. She makes it past the tall, spooky trees in no time.

    She feels the shadows they cast in the moonlight. She arrives the place where she stays secluded away from everyone. She found it a year ago.  She never told anyone about it. She has not spoken to her parents other than by texts a few times a month.  

      She finds it hard to speak to them much since she can not explain the situation to them. She is a girl on the run.

       Fast forward a few years, She is now seventeen years old. She speaks to her folks more often now and they start to ask questions. Questions she wishes not to answer. How can she?  She does not wish anyone harm.  She recalls she is almost done with highschool thanks to an online app she was able to download on her phone.  The same phone she purchased when she was fifteen.  

      She smiles despite everything.  It is the only normal thing in her life other than the constant running. The constant stares from others who do not understand her and the rumors.

      " End of Flashback..."

       Marinette  thinks great even my frequent flashbacks can not fix anything. She is no closer to the discovery of the truth about her past.  She wishes she could find out what happened to the man and if the police know about it. She bites her lip and as the area cracks she pays no attention to the blood.

       Luka's POV:

       Luka takes pity on her when he pulls out a handkerchief, rips it in half and places a piece of it on her lip. He feels sorry for her that she lets her past torment her so. He does not have to ask to know it must have something to do with it. Why else does she avoid everyone?

      "Marinette, I promise, I will not tell anyone about your flashbacks," Luka tells her.

     Marinette's POV:
       "Flashbacks, but how did you know?"  Marinette asks.  "No one else knows other than my doctor and he calls them episodes," She explains.    

         She looks at Luka in surprise.

        "Well, tell me, how did you figure it out?" She asks him in a stern voice.

        Luka's POV:

        "I know because I have them too," Luka confesses.

         Luka hears her gasp in shock at his confession. He knows he has her attention now so perhaps she will trust him.  He can only hope she will confide in him.

         "Mine begin a few years ago only then, I was fifteen years old," He tells her.

       Luka can see her eyes widen when she faces him and knows now her flashbacks must have started around the same time his did. The only thing he wonders now is why and how?

        He grins glad they share something in common even if it is the nigtmarish like flashbacks. The same ones that no one else believes him when he tries to explain it.  It seems the others think he just makes it up for attention.

         Marinette's POV:

          "My flashbacks begin when I was fourteen, but mine are something I wish to forget. The thing is no matter how I try to I can not seem to forget them.  They are something that haunts me night and day," Marinette tells him.

         She can see him nod his head in understanding. It is then she wonders why he should have memories of the past he wishes to forget as well. She thinks could it be his are the same as mine. She shurgs her shoulders as she looks away. She decides why should I care when I barely know him?

        "Go Away, boy, now,"  Marinette blurts out. She wishes he would leave.

       She has already chased away her parents, and her friends. Why should he be any different?

          Marinette thinks maybe the horrible memories will stop soon. She can only hope so. 

        *Author's note: Little does she know her nightmares will continue or that she and Luka will cross paths again.  Little does either of them know how connected their flashbacks to the past are in the first place.

        "Please go why you still can," Marinette  yells at him. She hopes to scare him so bad he will leave and never turn back.

        Find out more in Chapter 4

       bye, bye little owlets!

     -Summer out!        

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