11. Live and Learn

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     Her ears laid flat against her head, What was that for?! She gritted her teeth and held her cheek.

     "For your stupidity." I stared down at her, she just barely reached my shoulders.

     You don't scare me.

     "Hmpf. Well you should be." I walked off and laid down on my bed, placing my arm over my head. She awkwardly stood in room before looking out the door window. "I would step away from the window if I were you."

     Her ears laid flat again in annoyance before she walked off and sat in a chair, placing her head in her arms. Silence filled the room and I thought she had fallen asleep when a voice enter my head, Why'd you save me?

     "I knew you were scared and you'd do anything to get back to your hermano (brother). But now's not the time, Reese."

     Great. Does everyone know my name?

     "Word travels fast here," I smiled, sitting up. "You have to abide by the rules first before you can do anything crazy." She narrowed her eyes not liking the idea. "I'm serious, Reese. One wrong move and you could be shot down," I said.

     Then are you going to turn me in?

     "Maybe," Her eyes widened but glared at me when I smirked. "Relax. It happens here quite often actually. Once everyone calms down and you're safely in your room then things will run on schedule."

     Why do you act like this is normal? This isn't some college, uh whatever your name is.

      "Maya. I've been here quite longer then you think. Besides it not that bad here, they're only trying to help." She stayed silent not saying anything. A few moments passed and I didn't hear any movement outside, "Let me show you to your room."

     Outside the room I walked quite a ways before stopping at a empty room. Opening the door a dim light flickered on revealing a twin bed in the corner along with a small desk with clothes. Numbers were sewn on the back meaning Mr. Bosswood had been expecting her. Reese walked inside to check the place out more before stopping at the clothes that laid on the desk.

     What's up with the numbers? I'm not a prisoner am I?

     "Security measures. You wear them everyday until you are free to go."

     Right. That is IF I'm free to go.

     I ignored her remark, "Just do as your told and everything will run smoothly. The most I've known someone to stay here is a month."

     The outbreak only started a few days ago, she stared at me.

     "It has started long before that," I said before slamming the door shut and locking it before she could ask anymore questions.

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