10. Watch and Learn

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     Hweeeee, hwoooo! Hweeeee, hwoooo

     Cameron sat whistling to the others behind a bush while I was kneeled beside him. From the other side of the bush sat a vehicle, the doors slamming shut. They pulled out two flashlights shining them at the each other, revealing police suits.

     "Crap. This isn't good," Cameron hissed.

     I glanced over seeing three retreating blurs running in the opposite direction, "They're on the move. We should move too."

     "Not yet. One move and we are caught," He looked at me then crouched lower avoiding the two officers gaze as they made their way over. Following, I knelt lower placing my hands on the dried leaves that leaves that litter the ground. A light shined on the bushes and I went still, Cameron tensed up beside me. The light made its way past the bushes onto the others before circling its way back.

     My toes demand freedom from my weight but I held strong. An officer asked, "Anything on your side?"

     "None. You?" Feet hit concert before stopping, a light hit the tree that stood in between me and Cameron.

     "Same. Nothing exciting ever happens on this side of town."

     The steps neared the bushes and I held my breath, looking over I see two pairs of black shoes walk by. "Ah at least it'll be a quick shift." Almost there. They disappear behind the wall and I let out a sigh.

     "We gotta move," He said getting up and sneaked along the wall, me right behind him. Rounding the wall we crept behind the bushes until the coast was clear then sprinted for it.

     Looking around I saw no sign of the others, "Do you know where they could be?"

     I wasn't sure if he had shook his head or said no but I did hear him say something like pop or up. It didn't matter anymore because there in front of us stood a man in a shine metal badge. "Hello boys."

     Oh a cop.


     "I have two of the missing teens over on South Lake-" Cameron and I took off running the opposite direction. The policeman yelled on the other line and started to chase after us. Small business building were either closed or had very few customers but they payed no attention to two kids being chased down. It made it extremely hard to see and hide in the empty streets and the alleyways were a no go.

     "Ah hey guys what's-" Alexis said coming out from the a corner.

     "No time to talk we gotta move. Police-" As if on cue a police siren rang out from our right.

     The group watched as it came speeding towards us. "Keep heading straight!" I yelled to them, looking ahead at the street.

     They looked as if I was crazy because of the other police car that was coming this way. I ran across the street and they had no choice to follow. The police car speed faster its siren blaring and headlights flashing. "The car's not going to hit us right?" Someone yelled over the noise.

     "Mason!" Glancing behind me the other car already turned the corner and was speeding down the road. I had a idea.

     "Go. Get to safety. I'll be right behind you," I told them and they all looked confused.

     Alexis looked at me cautiously, "What are you doing?"

     I glanced at the cars and looked at them. If I wanted it to work they need to leave now. "If I tell you you aren't going to like it."

     Jasper let out a gasped, "You can't! You can't jump in front of the car! You'll die!" She tried to reach forward but Cameron and the new guy stopped her. 

     At that moment I dashed forward running straight in the police cars way. Screeching filled the night air and I was a deer caught by headlights, bracing for impact. The sirens stretched out and my friends screams felt like they where a mile away. Crunching metal curved around my body and glass shattered flying all around me. 

     The red, white and blue lights blinded my eyes as I ducked my head. The car soared over me, the driver's face frozen with fear. Collapsing onto the road, I watched as the police car flipped and a loud crunching noise were heard as the cars collided. The two cars flipped before skimming across the road. Both cars caught on fire and I turned to the others, confused.

     "She did it!" The new guy pointed at Alexis. I watched as Alexis throw a burnt match into the bushes.

     She didn't seem to notice I was glaring at her before she shrugged her shoulders. "Why should you get all the fun? Besides we can't leave any evidence."

     There's was nothing but silence from the others. I stood up slowly my body aching and feeling like mush and I glanced around me. Lights from buildings started to flicker on one by one wondering what all the commotion was about. Cameron noticed this too, "We better get moving."

     "Right. I might know-"

     "Just take us," Jasper said without looking at me. Her face hidden behind jacket hoodie and was turned away.

     Silently nodding we ran off into the night. No cops. No crowds. Nothing stopped us from getting to our destination. Soon we stopped and stood looking at in old storm drainage area from behind a fence. "Welcome to base camp guys."

     "Nothing like an old sewage pipe to call home," The new guy grimaced, "I don't think the smell will be good for my skin."

     "It's a storm drain you idiot," Alexis looked at him then at me. "How are we supposed to get inside?"

     "Watch and learn."

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