9. Alive

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"I'm going to ask you again. What's your name?" The man, Dr. Jefferson, asked. It's been about a few hours since the whole situation happened. I had continued to ignore his questions as I sat in the wooden chair. A long cord was hooked from the new bracelet to the computer and he sat in his chair waiting.

"You know I used teach college kids before they offered me job here," he said staring off into space, almost like he was thinking about his last job. "They also were scared to answer the simplest of questions. Almost as if they're trick questions but the answer is lying right there in their face." He tapped the keyboard and a picture of me and my brother came up. "I know who you are, Reese. There's nothing to be afraid of."

I sat frozen in my chair while I started at the Missing photo before glaring at Dr. Jefferson. What do you want?

"Ah. There she is!" He clasped his hands together while shutting the computer off. He walked over and unplug the cord from my bracelet. I tried to move away but the metal locks kept me in place. "That's was your brother out there, wasn't it?"

Why don't you go find out for yourself?

"Funny." He face turned serious, "Don't you see we are only trying to help all the defenseless people."

By treating us like animals?

"Oh but you are! And it's fascinating! Part of their gene gets placed into yours and you develop some of their characteristics. Physically and mentality," He exclaimed, I shuttered at his words.

But we are humans! We shouldn't be being treated like lab rats.

"Ah but don't you see this is a scientific break through. We are only here to help you. With us we can help you harness your ability and return you back home."

If that's so then why make us look like a threat? We never did anything wrong.

"Kid it's late and it's past midnight. I'll have a guard take you to your room."

No! Please!

"Sorry kid. I have others to tend to," he walked to the door and mention to someone outside. A man wearing a navy blue suit walked in before pressing the button on the side of the chair. The metal bars that were attached to my leg and arms released.

"Up!" The guard order. I refused looking at him in the eye. "We can make this easy or hard." Standing up I walked past him towards the door. The guard held my arm tightly and opened the metal door. The hallway blind my eyes but the guard continued to press me forward. After blinking several times I was able to focus around my surroundings and I looked up at the man.

He was extremely tall but that probably because of how short I am. A large syringe laid on a tray of medical supplies, swiping it I placed it out of his sight. We walked and a saw a few guards here and there but when we pasted into a hallway there was no one. I tried shaking his grip off but it was no use, holding the syringe tight I brought it up and quickly stabbed his arm. He loosened his gripped and I took off running.

The hard floor echoed my footsteps off the walls and with each squeak my tennis shoes made the more guards that seemed to chase after me. Opening a pair of doors a guard stared down at me and tried to grab me but I swerved around them. A static sound told me they radio out to the others about my great 'escape'. I opened a random door and hide inside listening to anyone move around on the other side.

The room was dark and chemicals filled the air. Differently a janitors closet. Footsteps echoed off the walls before fading away and I opened the door. The hall was quiet and I quietly walked in the opposite direction. It led me to a resting area that was filled with two couches and a coffee table. The table held two beers that seemed they were just opened, the owners must have retreated to come find me. That's when I heard it.

"Nothing at my end over." I dropped to the floor looking for the voice. A women stood at the end of the hallway walking this way. "Wait. I think I see something over." I got up and ran towards the nearest set of doors. The hallway was dark expect for the small lanterns that were placed here and there. Doors were arranged a few feet apart and names were listed on each set of doors along with a locked box. The carpet floors softened my footsteps as I quickly jogged and tried a few doors only to find them locked.

"There she is!" A male called out. He stood with a few extra people with something similar to guns. "Use any means necessary."

Well then, I thought. Quickly turning on my heels I ran down the hallway and turned the corner just as a pair of arms grabbed me.

No no no!

"Shush it's me!" They turned me to face them before quickly shutting the door close. I stared at her as she peeked out the small window. Guards rushed by without noticing as they continued their search. She let out a sigh and walked towards me. Her black hair was in braid this time and instead of the guard uniform she was in pjs. She stopped and stared at me before a slap hit my face.

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