oh yay! a Pokemon!

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After a few minutes, you and the girl were back in Iki town and you still had tons of questions in your head like WHO IS THE GIRL!!? you already asked her but she just ignored but you couldn't blame her if she's really shy

You two saw professor Kukui there, standing on the other side
"Hey! Y/n! Looks like you missed the Kahuna, yeah? But you found my assistant, oh yeah!" Professor yelled from the other side

"Wait, professor's assistant!?" You thought as you turned your head to the girl as you two walked over to the shirt-less professor
"Looks like you already met, but just in case, this is my assistant!" Professor explained

The girl turned to you
"Oh..um..yes! You can call me Lillie" lillie said, finally you knew who she is
"And lillie, this here is Y/n, she just moved here to alola! Take good care of her" professor said

"It's great to meet you, lillie" you said as you smiled at her
"Oh..yes it's great to meet you two, you're also one of professor's acquaintances?" Lillie asked as you nodded

"Well, we've met in person today and he already barges into my house" you jokely said, laughing a little
Lillie made a small smile, you knew this was the best smile you can get right now since she's shy and you just met her

Then you saw a bunch of people!--nah jk it was only three people anyway they gathering around the gate of Iki town
"Wonder what's going on down there" you said

"The Kahuna is back!"

"Kahuna Hala has returned!"

"Our guardian's chosen one is back!"

"Only one of the strongest Pokemon users in all Alola, yeah!"

You saw an old fellow who looked like a sumo wrestler well, he wasn't dressing like one, he was wearing a long yellow jacket and a blue t-shirt with white shorts
"He's the Kahuna?" You asked

"Have I missed something?" He asked as he made it past the gate
"Naw, but where'd you go off to, Kahuna? I thought we were meeting here" professor said
"I am Kahuna of this island, after all, whenever there is a problem on the island, it is my duty to resolve it" hala explained

"Sorry lillie, what were you saying before? For some 're I thought I saw Tapu koko flying about..." Hala asked as lillie nodded
"Oh um..yes Kahuna Hala, nebby was being attacked by spearows on the plank bridge when this Girl helped it get away" Lillie explained as she gestured to you

You waved
"I am the Girl" you said
"But the bridge collapsed and I thought both of them might fall to the bottom of the ravine..and that was when the island's guardian deity swooped in to save them!" Lillie explained

"I was terrified but I am grateful towards Tapu koko, if they didn't save me and nebby, I would have hit rock bottom" you said as Hala looked at you
"Woo! That's something you don't hear everyday!" Kukui said
"Ho! Although it is said to protect us, our Tapu koko is a rather fickle creature yet our guardian was moved to save you" Hala said

"Kukui, my boy, I think we have cause to celebrate!" Hala stated
"It seems I should entrust this brave and kind young girl with a Pokemon of her own" hala said

Hala walked forward
"I'm glad to meet you, child, I am Hala, the Kahuna of Melemele island, welcome to alola! Young kukui had told me of your coming" hala introduced himself

Then he turned to the wooden platform as he flung out three pokeballs and out of those Pokeballs, came three adorable Pokemon, The Alolan Pokemon starters
You had stars in your eyes
"O-m-g! They're so cute!" You fangirled

The first one was a grass owl
"First is the grass-type Pokemon, Rowlet!"

The second one was a fire kitten
"Next is the Fire-type Pokemon, Litten!"

And the last one was a blue seal
"And last is the Water-type Pokemon, Popplio!"

"Alright y/n, which Pokemon will you chose as your partner?" Hala asked as you walked and stood in front of them

You thought hard, they all looked so cute but you don't know what their evolutions are, this was one of the biggest decision of your life and your step to becoming a real Pokemon trainer
"Oh um..."
After 5 minutes of awkward silence and hard thinking coming form you, you finally decided

(Okay if you don't like the starter Pokemon, you can change it but please don't go on at me)
You turned your head right and stared at Popplio
You smiled before walking in front of Popplio
"I've made my decision, I chose Popplio!" You say to them

"Only when you both chose each other, you can truly call each other partners" hala explained
"Oh okay" you say

Soon you and Popplio walked onto the platform well Popplio flopped up, across from each other as everyone fell silent
"Let us see if Popplio there also decides to chose you!" Hala declared as it was so quiet

You crouched down and looked at Popplio with a sweet smile soon Popplio was staring at you quite sweetly..
It looked like Popplio was thinking for a bit

Then after 10 seconds, Popplio came flopping towards you and barked at you with a happy look on her face
"Popplio! Pop!"
You lifted Popplio up into the air and smiled at her

Soon everyone was on the platform
"So little Popplio has accepted you as well, y/n!" Hala said

"Having accepted one another, you'll surely be friends for life!" Kukui assured
"I hope so" you said
"Hello Popplio, I'm y/n! Great to meet you" you said as you smiled at Popplio
"Popplio!" Popplio also smiled at you

"Nice to meet you, Popplio" Lillie said with a smile
Next to lillie was nebby who escaped the bag
"Pew!" It cried happily
"Oh! When did you get out again? I know that Kahuna Hala and the Professor will keep you safe from any harm, but you should still stay in the bag and out of sight" Lillie said to nebby then turned to you

"I think you chose a wonderful Pokemon, please take very good care of it" Lillie said as you thanked her
"And here's a lovely gift from me to help make it special, cousin!" Professor Kukui said as he handed you a rotomdex but it wasn't active

"Wow thanks professor! A pokedex! I heard these are special in the Alola region" you said
"Well, yeah there are" professor said
"Well, I'm gonna tell my mum I'm off" you said as you waved and quickly ran past the gate but you were stopped by a boy...

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