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You followed professor Kukui up the path as you two head to Iki town and you couldn't contain your excitement since you were getting your first Pokemon

After 2 minutes, you both arrive at Iki town and it was kind of a small town but many folk lived here
"And we're here! This right here is Iki town!" Professor Kukui declared

You looked around until you saw a small cave up the top, it had two weird grey structures there, it didn't look far and it looked like it leaded someplace
"This town is where folks come to worship the Pokemon that watches over Melemele island" professor explained
"Tapu koko keeps us all safe and happy,"

You nodded
"Tapu koko?" You thought, must be some type of Pokemon or a guardian
Whatever it is, it sounds kind of cool

"Huh? What's goin' on here? We were supposed to meet everybody right here, yeah" professor said as he looked kind of confused
You were confused
"Maybe they forgot" you suggested
"I don't think so, maybe they're all back there on Mahalo Trail" professor said
"That's where the ruins of our Guardian deity, Tapu koko are, yeah.." Professor trailed off

So you were right, it was a Guardian, it sounded really cool
"Y/n! Do me a solid and go find the island kahuna!" Professor turned to you
"Uhhh alright...?" You said as you turned around and started walking everywhere

You walked up a couple of steps and saw there was a big hut there and there was also a small wooden platform in the middle, probably for Pokemon battles, you thought
You saw lots of people there some were playing with their Pokemon and some eating with their Pokemon

But what caught your eye, right at the entrance to the cave, was a girl wearing a white dress and a white sun hat, she also was wearing a duffle bag that appears to be..moving?, Whaa
"Really? You want to go up to the ruins? I don't know what you hope to find there" you heard her softly say to the bag then she walks into the cave

She looks kind of suspicious talking to the bag and wondering off like that soo you decided to follow her, you entered the cave and you were right, it wasn't far at all as you appeared into a trail that has log stairs there
It was probably Mahalo Trail

"Hm?" You looked around, it was definitely a trail so you walked up the trail and climbed the log stairs as you did that a couple of times, you were still wondering about that girl and why is she talking to a bag, could there be a rare Pokemon in it? Or is she crazy?
You're guess was that they're is a rare Pokemon in the bag but you wondered why they went to the trail

You were near the top, only one more flight of log trees to go, when you saw the girl walking up, the bag shook and the girl quickly tried to calm it down
There was DEFINITELY something in there
"You can't come out! We'll get in trouble if anyone sees you" the girl said to the thing that was in the bag

Why would she get in trouble? Why is she keeping this a secret? Questions filled your head as there were literal question marks above you head

Finally after two flights of log stairs, you finally reached the top and you saw a long wooden bridge there but it didn't look stable as you also saw the girl running up to the bridge, once you got a closer look, you saw she had long blonde hair

Suddenly the bag shook as something came flying out of it, it was a Pokemon!
It looked like a little galaxy creature and it had a little face in the middle, it was certainly cute

You had a surprised look on your face since you've never seen a Pokemon like that at all
Then the Pokemon started flying across the bridge, it looked happy?
It stopped midway before you spotted three spearows dive bombing out of the sky as it was heading towards the poor galaxy Pokemon

The Pokemon was cowering in fear and started shaking as the spearows were circling it and pecking it
"Oh no" you thought as you ran further up, you can hear the sand being kicked by your run

The girl must of heard you running since she quickly turned around to see you there, worried, it looked like the girl was easily scared
"Ah..." She let out
"What's wrong?" You quickly asked
" Nebby!" She let out as she sounded very scared and worried as she turned around and looked at the spearows pecking at the poor Pokemon
"Those spearows are attacking it! But...but I'm too afraid to go out there..." The girl explained

"Don't worry, I'll get it" you said to her
"T-thank you" she said

Then you quickly ran onto the bridge but the bridge wasn't even stable as you felt it rattle under your feet and it shook, nearly making you fall but you grabbed onto the edge as you ran again and the bridge kept shaking

Finally you made it to the horde as you quickly got on your knees and then you shielded the Pokemon with your body as the spearows kept pecking at your body but there was no way you were gonna let this Pokemon suffer

The spearows were about to peck at you once again when you saw a glowing blue appearing under you suddenly a explosion happened that destroyed the bridge as you started falling down to the water!!
You screamed as you gripped the Pokemon and you knew this is where it ended, at least you die saving a Pokemon
Ythe spearows flew away, not even caring that you were falling

you were SO close to Hitting a rock But suddenly a bright light shun in the sky as something came flying down, all you saw was yellow and something catching you as you were suddenly back onto the ground
You opened your eyes to see there was...a Pokemon there, it had a black body and there was two yellow shell-things on it's hands and it had some orange on it's body too, it was obviously a legendary Pokemon
There was a electric aura around it

You and the girl were amazed and shocked by the Pokemon, the Pokemon eyed you and the girl before yelling and flying back up to the sky as you two watched it fly
"Woah..." You let out

You stood up and you placed the Pokemon down as you turned to the girl
"Oh... Oh, thank goodness!" She said, relived
"You tried using your power again...didn't you? You know what happened last time you used it, you couldn't move for ages after that" the girl explained

"What happened last time?, If it's something personal you don't have to tell me" you asked as the girl looked at you
"Oh n-nothing happened" she said

But something caught your eye as you saw something literally sparkling on the ground as the Pokemon went to investigate it soon the girl saw it as well
"Huh? What's that?" The girl asked as the Pokemon picked it up? Scooped it up? It didn't really have arms but somehow they gave it to the girl

"A sparkling...stone? It feels warm somehow" the girl said
Then the girl turned back to you
"Please forgive me...I am so grateful to you for helping us out of that dangerous spot" the girl said

"It's no problem but who are you?" You asked
But the girl just ignored it
"I think this stone must belong to you" the girl handed you the stone and it was a grey stone with patterns on it
"Please..don't tell anyone about this...about seeing's a secret, ok?" The girl asked

So that's it's name? Nebby? Was kind innocent name for such a strong Pokemon but it was cute
"Don't worry, I don't even talk to people" you assured her

She turned to..Nebby
"Come on. Into the bag Nebby" she said
"Pew" Nebby let out as they went into the bag

The girl started walking but stopped and turned to you
"Um..I'm worried we might get attacked again by some wild Pokemon or..or something, I know it's too much to ask it you think you could see us back to town?" She asked

This was strange and devious or maybe she was just shy but to your opinion, you thought she was a bit strange
"Um...sure, this way" you said as you two started heading back to town but you still couldn't believe what has happened in a hour and on your first day in alola, you already saw a legendary Pokemon and met a cute one as well...

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