{ T W E N T Y - O N E }

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'He still ended up killing him!'
'Jide you ignorant - It was in self defense! Also, y'know, the fact that Logan killed his Mum probably didn't help much' Vik snapped back. The visions had faded moments ago, leaving most of the mixed group worried and confused while Vik still kept up his defensive attitude 'Did you even ask how he felt? The kid's probably traumatized!'
'No, Simon'

Watching from the very edge of the cluster, teal eyes wide, was a familiar boy. He was up in a tree, clinging to the thick branches with a bright crimson glow on his shoulder 'Vik's... Wow. I think this might be the first time he's ever stood up to the Sidemen like that' Kenny muttered to the small girl, the fairy nodding in response as she laced her fingers together.
'It appears that he's fueled by... Love? Protection? Your friend is standing up to his Father-figures because they've threatened his friends. I commend him for that attitude, but he needs to be careful'
'Vik being careful? I don't think that's possible for him'
Observing the tension as it seemed to grow worse, the blind began to feel a slight pull at his chest. It was slowly growing in force, to the point that he almost feel out of the tree - It was as if some invisible force was attempting to drag him from his hiding place. 'Uh, Boulder-fairy?'
'Not my name, Blondie'
'Could you tell me why I'm being pulled - Oh gods!' With a startled cry the blond was pulled forwards, causing him to faceplant into the hard ground. The force then proceeded to drag him along the stone, face-first, as both human and hybrid turned to look at him in complete confusion. A few bit back laughs, just watching him slide along the ground, and the fairy shook her head before returning her gaze to the scene.

Vik looked on the brink of tears, while Mitch as still glaring at anybody who tried to come near them. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw somebody with a dagger sneaking towards Jerome, causing him to create a grey ball of light and throw it at the guard. She froze in time, weapon raised, and the gathering crowd let out gasps of shock - Somebody from their own village, with hybrid abilities? It was unheard of.
'Mitch, what the Nether?!' Josh screeched, eyes widening in shock and... Fear? The Canadian had another ball prepared in his hand lest anybody attempt another attack 'Yes, Joshua?'
'You just - That was uncalled for!'
'Actually, nah. She was literally going to cave Jerome's brains in, as you can so obviously see'

'Mitch, be careful' Vik muttered shakily, running his fingers across his stab wound awkwardly and looking at the crowd around them. They were surrounded on all sides, with the hybrids a few feet away - Obviously a bad mix. Glancing across to his half-dragon friend, Vik saw him pressing a hand against his wing, yet still standing tall against the likely threat "His wing - It didn't have the chance to heal properly!" The Brit realized, tensing up as he felt Simon's cautious glare resting upon him. The tall, silver-haired man stepped forwards, and Vik stepped back "Why the fudge did I tell at him earlier?! Oh Notch, oh Notch oh-"
"Oi Vik, you need to calm the Nether down. I've got a plan, but it's risky"
"I've got a plan too, and you're not gonna like it" 'Alright guys, I give up. I'll go back with you'

And, with that statement, the mountain's surface shattered.
The Orespawns had finally caught wind of what was happening. Combining abilities, the strongest (and most hostile) mobs launched their attack. Both human and hybrid were swallowed up by the steadily crumbling earth, the sky darkening as the clouds began to turn red. Those that could fly took to the air, only to be shot down by razor-sharp leaves being flung from the trees.
It was as if the creatures had lost all control - They were even fighting against each other. A few stupidly brave souls stayed to fight, and they all suffered the same fate, but they did it to help those who got away. The hybrids paused, as if unsure of passing the secondary barrier, while the remaining humans dashed forwards. Only Vik, Kenny, Mitch and Landon stayed behind, choosing to run for the medical tent...

If only they'd made it. A barrage of dull red needles shot from out of nowhere, hitting them anywhere they could. Movements slowed, and darkness rising, all they could do was fall to the ground as the creatures began to circle them.
Of course, that was the last thing they would see for a long, long time... Along with a tiny, almost minuscule crimson light.


'Good to see you awake again, Vik. How do you feel?'
'What... What happened? Where are... Why can't I remember?'
'It's okay, you're going to be okay; Just sleep, alright? This will all be over soon'
'What are you...'
'Mitch, you need to calm down. Stressing yourself out could cause serious brain trauma, you could even lose your memory'
'I don't care, I need to know if my friends are alright!'
'...We don't know anything yet. During his last conscious moments, Landon was heard calling out for one of them. We brought him to the village, but most of the others were left behind'
'Who was it? Were - Was it a bacca hybrid?'
'Fortunately, no. I believe Landon said that his name was Preston'
'Kenny, you need to talk to us'
'You're not being fair, we've done nothing wrong and you're acting like a child'
'Can you even talk?'
'...What you've done is unforgivable'
'We did it for the greater-'
'Say "For the greater good" one more time and I'll set the Kraken on you myself'
'You were with them for too long, they've honestly just corrupted you'
'Say that to my face!'
'I just - Kenny, can you see me? See anything?'

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