Mother's Love

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Author - polymath_land
Book name - mother's love
Reviewer - Siya_the_writer


Title ,

The title chosen is perfect for the story . It signifies the mother's love as stated . I like the fact that you have kept the title simple and easy to understand .

The title itself gives a glimpse about what the story is going to be .
So , good job !

Blurb/prolouge ,

The blurb was interesting . It gave a idea of how the story is going to progress and what the story is all about .

The questions asked made me curious enough to click the 'read' button .
And also , the line at the end which stated 'there are no character names' was something that made me intrigued with the book .

Something better than usual .

Since there was no prolouge , I am not judging your book based on that .

But it is always good to have a prolouge as it gives a viewpoint for a story and peeks the interest of the readers .

I hope you will work on that .

Cover ,

The cover looks okay-ish . But definently not attractive enough to mesmerize a reader to peek in . I would suggest you to change the cover as it will appeal the readers even more .

It would be shame for a book that good to not be chosen by a reader just because of a dull cover . So , I seriously hope that you change the cover .

Story/plot ,

The storyline is not something rare , but quite rare when you compare with wattpad books .

A story about mother's unconditional love to her child . A mother's story is one of the stories which will surely make our hearts fly in the air because we can never imagine a world without our mothers .

And this is exactly how I felt reading your book .

The storyline is sweet , short , crisp and apt to the point . There was no lag or non-uniform pace with the story .

It delivered what it supposed to .

Good job on choosing a beautiful storyline depicting something that's quite rare and touching .

I , Also love the fact that there is actually a story inside , beside those lovely motherly moments in the story .

The story not only focuses on the motherly love but also on the recent incidents which is much more worse then the rape cases , injecting drugs into students and making them lose their life completely .

The story carried a strong message which was a type of awareness of what was actually happening in the cruel world .

It's almost baffling to think about how you completed the story in just four chapters and also , the chapters werent huge or lengthy...just sufficient enough to carry the storyline .

Hats off for that sweetheart !

The fast-paced with non-sluggish moment are the factors that saved the story .

Characterization ,

Inspite of having no names , these characters have managed to take a place in my heart .

Their characterization was just on point . Be it her or him , even the friend who plays the villain role . Everything is just on point .

The pride , dignity and moral faced by the indian girl is depicted well . Her emotions are structured properly in accordance with the story .

The plus point of the story is being a girl myself , I could connect with her emotion and I felt as if I underwent those .

The struggles and pain , the girls face today is just so heart wrenching . Especially , this type of drug problems is very disgusting .

Yet , you have managed to carry the storyline along with her emotions well . Kudos for that .

Him , he made me fall in love with him in just a single chapter . I love how you portrayed a good stalker while in rest of the story , you find the 'stalker' being the actual villain .

I love the way he stood up for her , helped her , carried her back home to her mother and married all along inspite of her image being damaged .

The way he cared about her emotions , her thoughts and morals made me fall in love him even more . He was like a stalker in shining armour .

Good Job on his portrayal too .

Also , I have never hated a person more than I've hated the other 'her' the villain . She got introduced as a friend who turned into enemy .

The world is suffering because of these type of personalities . These sadists are the main reason . I am glad you have decided to show it in your story .

It hurts to know these type of things happen in our lives , but we cant just ignore it .

Story flow and grammar ,

The story flow is smooth enough . There isnt much of a lag as I mentioned before itself .

The thing which I felt negative in the story is the way you have written the narration with any gap in between them .

I suggest you to leave some space between the narration part and please dont write In one shot because it might irk the readers for reading a long/lengthy one .

There are certain punctuation mistakes and typos along but it could be rectified through proof reading .

And coming to the sentence formation ,

You could have written "She is not sure about the reason behind her dizziness as she had enough food to sustain throughout the day ."

Having 'pretty much' and 'stomach full' in the same line doesnt make any  sense .

There are certain sentences like this in the story which I would request you to take a look and correct these accordingly .

Rest , the grammar grip is good no doubt about that ..

Good job on that .

Overall ,

The story is worth a read . A good story with no characters yet a great plot and narration .

All the best for your future works .


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