Sakura Eyes

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Book - Sakura Eyes

Author - naeomiiii

Reviewer - Praahi

About the story:

Sakura eyes is a story of an eighteen year girl Sakura who lived all her childhood with her mother and little sister in a house which is far away from all the evil. But situations force her to step up and fight the battle with those who are not less than demons and she is not alone. There are three boys Justin, Tristan and Yuri who stay with her like her shadow and help her overcome every obstacle. 

* Ongoing story with 30 published parts.


- The cover can be made more attractive by adding that spookiness or something to indicate the hardships the girl is facing while her travel to reach the king to create that interest to the reader  because that is the first thing a reader considers before picking up the story. (If interested you can request one in one of our books "Gloss Creations" which can be found in the profile of the_gloss_club)

- Title is apt but is not intriguing and cannot be understood until the reader reads half of the story. Something which relates more to the red and purple eyes or the demons might be more catchy (just a suggestion).

- I don't want to comment anything on Grammatical errors because I tried a lot to find mistakes but the tense and the words used were just perfect all throughout the story right from the beginning. I must appreciate your efforts in proof-reading and editing because there were hardly any typos or spelling mistakes. Just now and then, there was a punctuation error and that was hardly noticeable.

- Coming to the plot, I must say this is one of the best stories I have read in Wattpad and all those awards your story won clearly states that the story-line and the narration are way too good. The unfolding of events was very smooth and there is no chance for any confusion. Every scene is explained so clearly that the reader can feel that everything is happening infront of his/her eyes.

- Characters are the strength of this story. Sakura, Justin, Tristan, Yuri, Catherine like this every character is strong and has their own important role in the story and none are neglected.

* I liked the variation you showed in the attitude of each character. Yuri being the happy go playful boy while Tristan, being the most understanding and caring one and Justin, the arrogant angry young man yet being the most handsome boy.

My favorite moments in the story starts with the abduction of Sakura's mother as that is the starting point for all the suspense which unveils bit by bit in each and every chapter to the red headed boy who jumps off from the cliff.

Take care of: 

- Cover and Title.

- Length of the chapter: In my two years of experience in Wattpad, I understood that readers tend to lose interest after reading the update for more than ten minutes. So, a word limit which would last for ten minutes would be preferred. (Just my opinion - not necessary to be followed)

Best Things:

- The story-line is simply superb.

- Good usage of vocabulary.

- Characters are the biggest strength.

I know there isn't much you can take out of this review but that's not my fault because your story is just perfect. Keep writing and spreading happiness.

Thank you,



      A Permanent Follow



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