We Are One

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                                                                            Book Name: We Are One

                                                                            Author: SAMADRITA_VK

                                                                                  Reviewer: Praahi

About the story:

We Are One is a fan-fiction of Indian Cricket Team mainly focusing on Virat and Anushka. When the live was at its peak for the captain of ICT both professionally and personally, there comes a storm in the form of Kabir who shatters all their lives. 13 years from this incident, Viyom Kohli along with his mother Anushka Sharma  and his sister awaits Virat's arrival? To know what happened to Virat, and whether he will return or not?, one must read this story.


- The cover is beautiful with all the couples and main people included in it. The font used for the title is just perfect and adds more beauty to the picture.

- The title is perfect for the plot but it's not unique. A more catchy one would attract more readers I suppose. (Just a suggestion)

- The plot is fantastic and I loved how the story is narrated. The twists and turns are perfect and the way each bond is explained made it more relatable and  engaging. I would say if I a writer is successful in making the reader cry and still hook him/her up all through the story. Though every update did not end with a cliffhanger, the flow was so good and interesting that one would want to continue reading the story.

- I liked the short and crisp description which is revealing only that information which is needed to catch reader's attention without giving out much.

- Though I appreciate the introduction of characters in the beginning itself, because of huge cast it did become little confusing at times but must appreciate the author for pulling up everyone together. For non-Ictians, it would take little time to get acquainted to the names and relations. For this story its not possible because you wanted to show the bonding between the kids of around 15 players but its always recommended to limit the important characters of the story so as to avoid confusion.

- One thing I want you to concentrate more on is grammar, tense and dialogue construction. It makes the life of reader easier if the dialogues are separated, for example

"Hardik! Are you even listening to me?", asked Virat.

"I don't think I can do this being fully consious", replied Hardik.

If the space is given between the dialogues, it would be more reader friendly. Also here and there I found few spell checks and punctuation mistakes. These can be avoided by a simple proof-reading and editing.

Best Things:

- Cover

- Plot

Need to Improve:

- Grammar 

- Dialogue Construction

Overall, I would say one full combination of love, friendship, happiness and pain, this story is a blend of all the emotions. And I would recommend it to everyone who love reading stories about ICT.

Hope my review helps dear and my aim is not to be harsh, I just wanted to be of some help in being better of what already you are. Keep writing. All the best for your future projects.

Thank you,



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