Ch. 10: The Purple Palisman

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"Hey, Kid, why the long face?" Eda asked.

"Two girls that I like are in love with each other."

"Which girls?"

"Boscha and Amity."

Eda almost hit her head on the table. How can this girl be so blind?

"These two girls? They're in love with each other?" Eda said to her.

"Yeah but they show it by being extremely anger at each other." Luz said to Eda.

"Then why would Blight kiss you?"

"I don't know! Maybe she's pushing her feelings for Boscha towards me." Luz suggested.

"OR possibly the Blight girl likes you?" Eda pointed out to her.

"But  then why would her and Boscha be so mad at each other? I know they  weren't the best of friends but this level of anger isn't normal." Luz  said to Eda.

"Kid, did it ever occur to you that they both might like you?" Eda asked.

"Both?  I mean, I get Amity liking me because she kissed me but I don't know  about Boscha. Only until recently, when we went to the Hand, has she  become nicer." Luz said to her.

"Kid, what color are the triclops' eyes?"

"An amazing grey that reminds me of an old movie."

Eda nodded to that answer before asking another question.

"What did you first think of her when you first say her, minus her personality?"

"That she was a tall goddess."

Eda smirked at this answer as she leaned to Luz.

"So  you have the attention of a purple haired smart girl and a triclops  sports goddess, interesting. Seems like you have two crushes and didn't  know it until now."

"Oh, my god Eda what am I going to do?!"

"My  opinion? Go for it. Not many witches can say they've got TWO cute girls  that like them. I say date them both if they're into it." Eda said as  she got up from the couch. "Today is a big day, it'll be a good chance  to talk to them for it."

"Today?" Luz asked.

"Don't you  remember? Bump had me cash in my favor to Bar Queen, you and a group of  students are getting Palismen!" Eda said with a smile.


"Yes, really. So get dressed or you won't get one, Ms. Monado." Eda said to her.

"I never told you about that!"

"Kid, you came in with a giant red blade over your shoulder, you aren't subtle."

"Urgh! I forgot I used fire mode to fly home." Luz groaned to herself, slapping her head.

"Yeah, now let's get going."

Rushing to get ready, Luz was dressed in her school uniform with her Monado in necklace form.

"Come on, Eda, let's go!"

Luz  hoped on Eda's staff and held on as she flew them to Hexside, she was  so excited of the thought of getting a palisman of her very own! When  she got there, to her surprise, the Palismen seemed... afraid of her.  All except one. A purple dragon.

"Oh?" Luz let out, looking at the dragon as it crawled to her.

"Oh, it seems this one like you. She very picky so it rare." Bat Queen said from atop the nest the palismen were carried in.

"Well does she have a name?" Luz asked as she moved her hand, petting the dragon softly.

"Her name is Amethyst, for the shiny purple scales she has."

Amethyst hummed into her touch before she jumped on Luz's arm and climbed onto her shoulder.

"Hmmmm." It growled as it rubbed her cheek.

"It seems you have found palisman, human." Bat Queen said with a smile.

"Way to go, Luz." Gus said, walking over with his blue chameleon palisman.

"She looked cool." Boscha said.

"Hey, Boscha, have you see Amity?"

"No, why?"

"Because I need to have a conversation with the both of you."

"Well,  sorry but she said she was gonna stay home today." Boscha said as she  showed Luz her staff, a crab like creature with its eyes on its claws.  "By the way, this is Maya, my palisman."

"Wow, she's so cool. Much cooler than the crabs on Earth." Luz said as Amethyst nodded to Maya.

"Probably  not as good seeing as she's made of wood." Boscha said, "I've been told  that crabs are a deliciously on earth. Here... they blow up when they  leave the water."

"Really?" Luz asked in surprise.

"Yes they  do. It takes a special spell to paralyze then so they don't explode."  Willow said as she came over with a Bee palisman on a staff.

".....I  didn't know that but the first thing about crabs in my world, they are  delicious." Luz said as they moved away, letting other students claim  palismen. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you and Amity about something but  I guess it can wait until tomorrow."

As Luz was talking with her friends, she failed to see a little red cardinal like palisman was getting inside of her bag.

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